Deaths - Indexes 1869-1929

If you have a death in Ontario to find the record for, the death has to have occurred between 1869 and 1929 for the following information to be of any help at all. It this is the case proceed, else go check on the information on ordering from the Registrar Generals' Office for deaths after 1927. For deaths before 1869, church burial records will be your best bet, and this site can offer only a little help on them.

Finding a record for an 1869-1929 Ontario death is a 2 step process. First you must find the death recorded in the appropriate index below, and then you use the registration number you have located to choose the proper registration film.

The previous page explained the use of the information that is on the index films.

Once you have found the registration number and year of registration, you can use the following links to either the Archives of Ontario Death Registration microfilm lists,or the Latter Day Saints Library list of films for Ontario Death Registrations. Both listings contain an explanation of how the registration numbers are used. You should read it if you are not sure of how delayed registrations are handled. I have included a copy of the information from the Archives of Ontario Catalog in the section below.

Click here to get back to my main index page.

Registration # How to use it. 1,000 to 199,000 --- see the microfilm listing for "MS 935". Look under the year in which the death occurred, and within the year by the registration number. 201,000 to 399,000 --- see the microfilm listing for "MS 935". Remove the first digit (the 2 or the 3) from the registration number, and look under the year the death was REGISTERED, not the year it occurred. 500,000 to 999,999 --- These registrations have not yet been received at the Archives of Ontario. They are in the custody of the Office of the Registrar General of Ontario. ADDITIONAL RECORDS: MS 944 Ontario Statistics Overseas - Deaths, 1939 - 1947 (RG 80 -21). These books record the deaths of Ontario residents which occurred overseas during and immediately after the Second World War. The books are arranged by the year of death, and within the year by date of registration. See the following microfilm listing.