CHATHAM 1848-1869
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Microfilm of original records in Kent County, Ontario.
Includes baptisms, 1880-1909; marriages, 1848-1896; communion roll 1889-1908;
history of the church; minutes, 1867-1925 and subscribers list 1850-1851.
Church records - FHL US/CAN Film - 159939
Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1957.
GRAY, James, of Harwich, born in Scotland, and Nancy JOHNSON, of Harwich, 5 July 1848.
COLTART, William, 24, born in Scotland and Margaret FERGUSON, 28, born in Scotland, both of Harwich, 7 Oct 1848.
HADLEY, Sylvester, 23, and Margaret FRAZER, 21, both of Chatham, 7 Nov 1848.
ANDREW, Arthur, 21, of Dover, and Eliza DOLSEN, 17, of Raleigh, 20 Dec 1848.
FLEMING, John, 35, born in Scotland, and Mary MEIKLEJOHN, 27, born in Scotland, both of Chatham, 18 Jan 1849.
SMITH, David, 26, of Tilbury East, born in Scotland, and Elizabeth McNEILL, 23, of Raleigh, 24 Jan 1849.
COWAN, Hampton, 33, of Tilbury East, born in Ireland, and Elizabeth CURRY, 18, of Chatham Township,
born in Ireland, 25 Jan 1849.
ROBERTSON, James, 23, of Howard, and Catherine McMILLAN, 25, of Harwich, 25 Jan 1849.
BUIST, John, 26, of Chatham Township, born in Scotland, and Marion H. NEILSON, 23, of Harwich, born in Scotland, 8 Feb 1849.
HOUSTON, John Maxwell, 49, born in Scotland, and Mary HUGHSON, 19, both of Harwich, 20 Feb 1849.
SUTHERLAND, Rev. William Ross, 27, born in Scotland, and Elizabeth McBEAN, 23, born in Scotland,
both of Ekfrid, Middlesex County on 12 July 1849.
POWELL, George, 25, and Anne DAVIDSON, 18, both of Tilbury East, 2 Oct 1849.
DUNLOP, George, 28, of Tilbury East, and Sarah SOMERVILLE, 17, of Raleigh, 24 Oct 1849.
COUTTS, Allan, 27, of Chatham, born in Scotland, and Isabella McDOUGALD, aged 19, 2 Nov 1849.
CAMPBELL, James and Mary Anne MARTIN, both of Tilbury East, 22 Nov 1849.
JONES, George and Harriet GOLDSMITH, both of Chatham Township, 3 Dec 1849.
CHARTERIS, Charles G., born in Scotland, and E. BAXTER, both of Chatham, 25 Dec 1849.
KING, Jacob, 39, born in Louisiana, U. S., and Eliza PHARES, born in Louisiana, both of Raleigh, 21 Jan. 1850.
McDONALD, William P., 28, born in Scotland, and Isabella ORR, 17, both of Chatham, 28 Jan. 1850.
SOMERVILLE, Thomas, 22, of Chatham, and Jane KENNEDY, 20, of Chatham Township, 8 May 1850.
MacKAY, Hartley Brodie and Mary McNeil McDonald GORDON, born in Scotland, both of Chatham, 19 June 1850.
McGREGOR, John, 47, of Harwich, born in Scotland, and Barbara McVICAR, 47, of Chatham, born in Scotland, 21 May 1850.
VALUCCI, Thomas, 19, and Margaret McFARLANE, 19, both of Dover East, 22 Aug. 1850.
LOWRIE, John, 38, and Mary CAMERON, 17, 11 September 1850.
DOLSEN, John Laird, 29, and Anne PRATT, 26, both of Chatham, 21 Oct. 1850.
McNAUGHTON, Daniel, 36, born in Scotland, and Isabella GRANT, 26, born in Scotland, both of Chatham, 22 Oct. 1850.
WITHERSPOON, George, 40, born in Scotland, and Mary B. BAXTER, 28, both of Chatham, 23 Oct 1850.
MORROW, John, born in Ireland, and Elizabeth NICOL, both of Harwich, 11 Dec 1850.
STUART, Charles, born in Scotland, and Harriet DOUGLASS, born in Scotland, both of Harwich, 17 Dec 1850.
MURRAY, Walter, 46, born in Scotland, and Margaret BRAIDNOCK, 43, born in Scotland, both of Harwich, 24 Dec 1850.
McINTYRE, Archibald, 29, born in Scotland, and Elizabeth VISANEAU, 24, both of Raleigh, 29 Apr 1851.
McEACHERN, Neil, 35, born in Scotland, and Mary SMART, 21, both of Harwich, 12 May 1851.
McMULLEN, Peter, 23, and Euphemia REID, 16, both of Harwich, 12 June 1851.
McCOIG, Daniel, 35, born in Scotland, and Margaret McCOIG, 23, born in Scotland, both of Harwich, 12 June 1851.
CHARTERTIS, Alexander, 35, born in Scotland, and Helen WITHERSPOON, 39, born in Scotland, both of Chatham, 16 June 1851.
LENTHALL, Richard, 35, of Chatham, and Susan OUTRAM, 20, of Howard, 1 Jan 1852.
MONRO, Robert, 35, and Faith ROBERTS, 19, both of Aldborough, Elgin County, 21 Jan 1852.
McKINLAY, James E., 27, of Aldborough, Elgin County, and Isabella McKINLAY, 28, of Howard, 9 March 1852.
McDONALD, Daniel, 33, and Elizabeth McKERRACHER, 19, both of Howard, 16 March 1852.
ROBERTSON, John, 24, of Tilbury East, and Jane McNEILL, 23, of Raleigh, 5 Apr 1852.
WEST, James, 23, of Chatham, and Mary Anne THOMSON, 17, of Howard, 7 Apr 1852.
McLACHLAND, Alexander, 29, and Elizabeth ROE, 15, both of Raleigh, 1 June 1852.
McKERRALL, John, 26, of Chatham, born in Scotland, and Mary McLEAN, 20, of Chatham Township, 10 May 1853.
CATTANACH, Finlay, 29, and Mary CHALMERS, 23, both of Dover, 24 May 1853.
McQUARRIE, David G. and Nancy CUNNINGHAM, both of Harwich, 15 June 1853.
OLIVER, John, 28, and Mary McKAY, 30, both of Chatham Township, 4 Aug 1853.
BROWN, Jonathan, 32, of Detroit, U. S., born in Scotland, and Mary FERGUSON, 30, of Harwich, 9 Aug 1853.
COUTTS, John, 35, of Tilbury East, born in Scotland, and Rachel YOUNG, 20, of Harwich, 5 Oct 1853.
OWEN, Edwin, 25, and Jane DUNLOP, 19, both of Dover, 9 Nov 1853.
McKERRACHER, Daniel, 24, and Euphemia CAMPBELL, 18, both of Harwich, 29 Nov 1853.
BROWN, Richard, 26, and Elizabeth O’HEIRE, 21, both of Chatham, 12 Dec 1853.
HASKINS, Samuel, 27, and Catherine FORBES, 33, both of Chatham, 20 March 1854.
ROBERTSON, William, 24, and Ellen REID, 22, both of Tilbury East, 2 June 1854.
CHALMERS, Peter and Harriet COLLOP, both of Dover East, 4 August 1854.
MILLER, James, 30, of Harwich, and Isabella McLAREN, of Chatham, 8 Sept 1854.
STEPHENSON, Rufus and Georgina Emma ANDREW, both of Chatham, 11 Oct 1854.
SMITH, James, of Harwich, and Margaret McKINLEY, of Howard, 13 Oct 1854.
MATHIESON, Alexander, 22, and Janet GRAHAM, 22, both of Aldborough, Elgin County, 23 Oct 1854.
McQUARRIE, David G., 23, of Harwich, son of Neil McQUARRIE, and Harriet Jane STUART, 19, of Harwich, 31 Oct 1854.
DUNLOP, John, 28, and Louisa OWEN, 28, both of Dover East, 1 Jan 1855.
SKAKEL, James, 25, of Howard, and Christina McLAREN, 21, of Harwich, 2 Jan 1855.
ADDERSLEY, Laycock, 28, and Mary JONES, 26, both of Chatham Township, 1 Feb 1855.
JANES, Charles, 25, and Isabella HOPE, 25, both of Tilbury East, 5 Feb 1855.
JOHNSON, Duncan, 29, of Harwich, and Mary McINTIRE, 19, of Mosa, Middlesex County, 19 March 1855.
PLASTED, William M., 44, and Jane YOUNG, 44, both of Wardsville, Middlesex County, 6 April 1855.
ROSS, James, 26, of Kinloss, Bruce County, and Margaret McDONALD, 30, of Dover East, 13 June 1855.
KEITCH, Samuel, 24, and Rebecca DISMOND, 22, both of Dawn, Lambton County, 19 June 1855.
ADAMS, William, 25, of Raleigh, and Charlotte VOISEY, 22, of Chatham, 11 July 1855.
KING, Jacob, from Louisiana, U. S., and Alice LAWSON, both of Buxton in Raleigh, 19 Aug 1855.
McKINLAY, Finlay, 25, and Mary McMULLEN, 25, both of Howard, 12 Dec 1855.
McKERRAL, John, 45, and Mary McNAUGHTON, 32, both of Chatham, 18 Dec. 1855.
HOLLAND, Hugh, 23, and Maria HAYBARN, 23, both of Tilbury West, Essex County, 1 Jan. 1856.
WINTER, William, 24, of Howard, and Elizabeth ROBERTSON, 26, of Harwich, daughter of George ROBERTSON, 1 Jan. 1856.
GRANT, William, 29, of Dover East, son of James Grant, and Mary McINTOSH, 24, of Chatham, 10 Apr 1856.
KERR, John, 26, of Tilbury East, born in Scotland, and Margaret MARTIN, 23, of Tilbury East,
daughter of Matthew MARTIN, 3 June 1856.
ALEXANDER, Richard Smith, 31, of Harwich, and Jane SMITH, 27, of Harwich, daughter of John SMITH, 6 July 1856.
HALLIDAY, William, 22, of Trafalgar, Halton County, and Jannett MARSHALL, of Tilbury East, 2 July 1856.
NEWHAM, Spencer, 26, of Tilbury East, and Sarah Jane BALDWIN, 19, of Romney, 7 July 1856.
WILLIAMS, Charles, 21, and Elizabeth Ann TRAXLER, 18, both of Camden, 4 Sept 1856.
Witnessed by Samuel KELLY, Elizabeth BLACKBURN.
RORISON, David, 32, born in Scotland, and Jane McILHAN, 22, born in Scotland, both of Harwich, 18 Nov 1856.
Witnessed by Jane GRAY, George MOBY.
STEINHOFF, Alonzo, 26, and Mary Anne HOPPER, 22, both of Camden, 4 Dec 1856.
Witnessed by Thomas LOGAN, Mary Ann KELLY.
ROBERTSON, John, 26, and Elizabeth McCOLLUM, 26, both of Howard, 23 Dec. 1856.
DEVTTT, John Holmes and Jane TAYLOR, both of Raleigh, 22 Jan. 1857.
SICKLESTEEL, David, 54, of Chatham Township, and Margaret LANG, 36, of Chatham, born in Scotland, 12 Feb 1857.
CURRIE, Archibald, of Aldborough, Elgin County, and Clementina DRUMMOND, 22, of Euphemia, Lambton County,
born in Scotland, 5 Mar 1857.
STONE, Thomas and Adelaide SPENCER, both of Chatham, 23 June 1857.
STONE, John, 24, and Mary CLAPP, 18, both of Harwich, 5 Sept 1857.
ROE, William, 27, and Rebecca COLLOP, 24, both of Dover East, 16 September 1857.
McPHERSON, Colin, 34, of Aldborough, Elgin County, and Catherine McGUGAN, 33, of Mosa, Middlesex County, 6 Oct 1857.
SMEATON, John, 35, of Michigan, U. S., and Agnes McLAREN, 19, of Chatham, 7 Apr 1857.
CURTIS, John B., 23, and Catherine PICARD, 18, 11 Nov 1857.
LEE, John, 23, of Owen Sound, son of George LEE and Margaret PARIS, to Louisa C. CLIFFORD, 19, of Chatham Township,
daughter of William H. CLIFFORD and Anne JENKINS, 14 Jan 1858.
Witnessed by John PEARSON of Owen Sound, and Annie R. CLIFFORD of Chatham Township
BOMBARD, David of Dover East, 24, born in Point Olices, C. E., son of Joseph BOMBARD and Mary Anne EASTON,
to Jane McTAGGART, of Dover East, 20, born in Chatham, C.W.,
daughter of Malcolm McTAGGART and Catherine CAMERON, 18 Feb 1858.
Witnessed by Alexander McTAGGART of Dover East, and Mary O'CONNOR of Chatham Township
COLLINS, John, of Otonabee, 21, born there, son of Timothy COLLINS and Rose Ann CLARKE, to Mary Jane WHITTINGDON
of Harwich, 25, born in Darguna, Tyrone County, Ireland,
daughter of John WHITTINGDON and Sarah HAYS, 27 Feb 1858.
Witnessed by Alexander McDOUGALL and George WHITTINGDON, both of Harwich.
GRAY, Duncan, of Harwich, 30, born in Perthshire, Scotland, son of Peter GRAY and Mary FERGUSON, to Margaret McDONALD,
of Harwich, 21, born in Inverness, Scotland, daughter of Donald McDONALD and Janet McDONALD, 27 Apr 1858.
Witnessed by Andrew NEILL and Mary GRAY, both of Harwich.
McKENZIE, Robert of Gore of Chatham, 45, born in Montreal, son of Robert McKENZIE and Annie AIRD, to Jessie BRYDIN
of Euphemia, Lambton County, 24, born in Scotland, daughter of John BRYDIN and Janet LOCKEDY, 7 May 1858.
Witnessed by William McKENZIE of Gore of Chatham, and William STEWART of Dresden.
McKINLAY, John, of Howard, 28, born in Perthshire, Scotland, son of Daniel McKINLAY and Mary McINTOSH,
to Mary ROBERTSON, of Harwich, 22, born there daughter of John ROBERTSON and Mary McQUEEN, 24 May 1858.
Witnessed by Peter ROBERTSON of Harwich, and Peter McKINLAY of Howard.
MOBAY, George, of Harwich, 35, born in Kingston, C. W., son of Richard MOBAY and Elizabeth RACINE,
to Susan HUGHSON of Raleigh, 22, born there,
daughter of Smith Wade HUGHSON and Rebecca HAMLET, 26 May 1858.
Witnessed by John M. Houston of Harwich, Dougel McNAUGHTON of Chatham.
McTAVISH, Neil, of Raleigh, 29, born in Argyleshire, Scotland, son of Duncan McTAVISH and Isabella BRECKINRIDGE,
to Margaret CRON of Dover East, 23, born in Dumfries, Scotland,
daughter of William CRON and Mary JOHNSTONE, 27 May 1858.
Witnessed by Matthew CHRON of Dover East, and Hugh McKAY of Raleigh.
McCOLL, Dugald, of Harwich, 31, born in Lismore, Scotland, son of Donald McCOLL and Catherine KEITH, to Effie McMILLAN,
of Harwich, 21, born in Isle of Mull, daughter of John McMILLAN and ---- McCOLL , 19 Jan 1859.
Witnessed by Duncan McCOLL, Angus McMILLAN and Hector McMILLAN, all of Harwich.
BRODIE, Thomas, of Chatham, 28, born in Perthshire, Scotland, son of Thomas BRODIE and Jane COUTTS, to Janet McKERRAL
of Chatham, 24, born in Argyleshire, daughter of Dugald McKERRAL and Jane BRECKINRIDGE, 18 Feb 1859.
Witnessed by Theophilus McKERRAL, Jane McKERRAL both of Chatham Township, and John McKERRAL of Chatham.
JAHNKE, Albert, of Chatham, 30, born in Prussia, son of Albert JAHNKE and Wilhelmina MATTHIES, to Sarah GRIFFITH
of Dover East, 22, daughter of John GRIFFITH and Frances CONNOR, 28 Apr 1859.
ROSE, Colin Henderson, of Chatham, 24, born in Williamsburgh, son of I. W. ROSE and Delilah SHAVER,
to Elizabeth BALL of Chatham, 19, born in Warwickshire, England,
daughter of William BALL and Anne FRENCH, 28 Apr 1859.
Witnessed by William BALL and Helen ROSE, both of Chatham.
RORISON, David, of Harwich, 25, born in Dumfrieshire, son of Robert RORISON and Janet WILLIAMSON, to Ellen McQUEEN,
of Harwich, 27, born in Kirkcudbright, daughter of James FERGUSON, 11 Oct 1859.
Witnessed by William NEILSON, and John FERGUSON, both of Harwich.
LIVINGSTONE, Charles, of Caledonia, Mich., 27, born in Argyleshire, son of John LIVINGSTONE and Margaret CAMERON,
to Catherine CARMICHAEL, of Harwich, 25, born in Lismore, Argyleshire,
daughter of Dugald, and of Sarah KEITH, 22 Nov 1859.
Witnessed by Hugh CARMICHAEL, and John CARMICHAEL, both of Harwich.
CLIPPERTON, William Henry, of Chatham, 23, born in York, England, son of John CLIPPERTON and Amelia Dennis BAYNE,
to Sarah BENNETT, of Chatham, 28, born in Yarmouth, N. S.,
daughter of Milford TEDFORD and Hannah CORNING, 24 Nov 1859.
Witnessed by Robert COOPER and Catherine KENNALY, both of Chatham.
BONIFACE, Thomas John, of Chatham Township, 21, born in Sussex, England, son of John BONIFACE and Anne WATERS,
to Anne Rebecca CLIFFORD, of Chatham Township, 21, born in Montreal,
daughter of Wm. Henry CLIFFORD and Anne JENKINS,
28 Nov 1859. Witnessed by Wm. H. CLIFFORD, and Anne J. CLIFFORD, both of Chatham.
CLAUS, James M., of Harwich, 24, born in near Niagara, son of Philip CLAUS and Elizabeth HAGERMAN, to Louisa STORY
of Harwich, 23, daughter of Ralph STORY and Mary McGOWAN, 23 Dec 1859.
Witnessed by Philip SCHEILER of Harwich, Donald McKELLAR of Chatham.
ROLLS, James, of Raleigh, 42, born in Virginia, son of Joshua ROLLS and Fanny CROSS, to Adeline ROLLS, of Raleigh, 33,
born in Virginia, daughter of Allan COOPER and Mary COWAN, 23 Feb 1860.
Witnessed by Aaron JOHNSON and Susan BURNES, both of Buxton.
PAXTON, Richard, of Dover East, 53, born in Scotland, son of Robert PAXTON and Jane BINN,
to Ellen ROBERTSON of Chatham, 33, born in Scotland,
daughter of Alexander GRANT and Elizabeth McCOKE, 29 Feb 1860.
Witnessed by Donald McNABB and Elizabeth McPHERSON both of Chatham.
ROE, Cornelius, of Raleigh, 28, born in England, son of John ROE and Jane BROADBENT, to Nancy BUMP, of Raleigh, 25,
born in Chatham, daughter of William BUMP and Abigail SICKLESTEEL, 27 Feb 1860.
Witnessed by Solomon MERRILL of Chatham, and Fredrick BUMP of Raleigh.
McKAY, John, of Harwich, 21, born in Prince Edward, son of [blank] and Mary McKAY, to Maria McCANN of Harwich, 16,
born there, daughter of James McCANN and Christina STEWART, 17 May 1860.
Witnessed by James McCANN and Sarah Ann McGLOGHLAN, both of Harwich.
JACK, William, of Dover East, 35, born in Morayshire, son of William JACK and Eliza LAWSON, to Elizabeth Anne,
of Dover East, 21, born in Lancashire, England, daughter of James RICHMOND and Mary BECKETT, 27 June 1860.
Witnessed by John JACK and Mary Ann RICHMOND, both of Dover East.
CLARK, John, of Howard, 22, son of John CLARK and Elizabeth GLEN, to Elizabeth TAYLOR, of Harwich, 17,
born in Yorkshire, EngLand, daughter of Robert TAYLOR and Elizabeth GRANDRILL[?] 11 Oct 1860.
Witnessed by John McKAY, and Mary CLARK, both of Harwich.
HENDERSON, Alexander I. O., of London, C. W., 30, born in Scotland, son of Donald HENDERSON and Jane HENDERSON,
to Sarah G. W. GORDON of Chatham, 34, born in Sutherlandshire,
daughter of Gilbert GORDON and Margaret SUTHERLAND, 16 Oct 1860.
Witnessed by Donald McNABB of Chatham, Mary GORDON,
Alex. GORDON of Chatham, and Angelique A. MATTHEW [?] of Kingston.
SHIELER, Philip, of Blenheim, 27, born in Niagara District, son of Alexander SHIELER and Margaret HAGERMAN,
to Mary LOWES, of Harwich, 20, born in Romney, daughter of Thomas LOWES and Fanny CONTEMUTH, 24 Oct 1860.
Witnessed by John SHIELOR of Blenheim, and Elizabeth SMILY of Blenheim.
HARDIE, Alexander, of Dover East, 25, born in Morayshire, Scotland, son of Alexander HARDIE and Elizabeth WOODS,
to Lucinda STEEN, of Dover East, 23, born in Monaghan, Ireland,
daughter of John STEEN and Elizabeth KELLY, 31 Oct 1860.
Witnessed by Luke OWEN and Mary WINTER, both of Dover East.
McNABB, Donald, of Chatham, 26, born in Argyleshire, Scotland, son of Duncan McNABB and Grace MORRISON,
to Agnes TAYLOR, of Bothwell, aged 20 something, daughter of John TAYLOR and Isabella McLEOD, 20 Nov 1860.
Witnessed by Dougald CAMPBELL and Mary Jean McKELLAR, both of Chatham.
McNEILL, Alexander, of Raleigh, 26, born in Prince Edwards, son of John McNEILL and Christiana JOHNSON,
to Martha E. GUTTRIDGE, of Raleigh, 20, born in Chatham,
daughter of David GUTTRIDGE and Margaret WINTER, 26 Nov 1860.
Witnessed by Christopher O. LYNCH of Wallaceburgh, and Melissa GUTTRIDGE of Raleigh.
McGUGAN, Donald, of Euphemia, Lambton County, 30, born in Argyleshire, son of Angus McGUGAN and Sarah BLUE,
to Ann LONG, of Chatham, 24, born in Manchester, daughter of George LONG and Mary DINNEY, 28 Nov 1860.
Witnessed by Archibald MoGUGAN of Euphemia, and Maria LONG of Chatham.
RANKIN, John, of Dover East, 27, born in Derry County, Ireland, son of John RANKIN and Nancy McPAKE,
to Hannah JACKSON, of Dover East, 18, born in Cavan County, Ireland,
daughter of William JACKSON and Agnes SPINKS, 25 Dec 1860.
Witnessed by Robert John RANKIN and Jane COLLOTS, both of Dover East.
FLATER, Daniel, of Raleigh, 24, born there, son of George FLATER and Elizabeth WILCOX, to Isabella REID, of Raleigh, 20,
born there, daughter of John REID and Elizabeth VAUGHAN, 29 Jan 1861.
Witnessed by Isaac LAMBERT, and Amanda REINES, both of Raleigh.
McNEILL, Charles, of Raleigh, 29, born in Prince Edward Island, son of Charles McNEILL and Christiana JOHNSTONE,
to Hannah HUGHSON, of Raleigh, 25, born there, daughter of Nathaniel HUGHSON and Mary WILCOX, 25 May 1861.
Witnessed by A. E. WILLMOTT of Toronto.
LIVINGSTON, Thomas Chisholm, of Chatham, 25, born in Esquesing, Halton County,
son of John LIVINGSTON and Elisa CHISHOLM, to Alice E. WILLMOTT, of Toronto, 20, born there,
daughter of Henry E. WILTMOTT and Mary ROSS, 2 July 1861.
Witnessed by John WILLMOTT of Guelph, Martha ROSS of Toronto, and Marg’t CHRISTIE of Toronto.
JUBANVILLE, Peter, of Dover East, 22, born there, son of Peter JUBANVILLE and Catherine MONGER, to Mary McLEOD,
of Tilbury East, 26,, daughter of Alex’r McLEOD and Anna FLETCHER, 16 July 1861.
Witnessed by John McLEOD and Jno. FLETCHER, both of Tilbury.
McMECHAN, John, of Berlin, 32, born in Ireland, son of Robert McMECHAN and Mary NEILSON,
to Mary Jane McKELLAR, of Chatham, 20, born in Raleigh,
daughter of Archibald McKELLAR and Lucy McNABB, 18 Sept 1861.
Witnessed by Peter McKELLAR, Dugald CAMPBELL and Flora McKELLAR, all of Chatham.
McCOIG, John S., of Harwich, 30, born in Scotland, son of John McCOIG and Catherine McNAUGHTON, to Jane McKERRAL,
of Chatham Township, 25, born in Scotland, daughter of Dugald McKERRAL and Jane BRECKINRIDGE, 22 Nov 1861.
Witnessed by Archibald McCOIG of Harwich, and Jane Ann PAXTON of Dover East.
HOPE, William, of Tilbury East, 28, born in Lower Canada, son of William HOPE and Isabella AINSLIE, to Martha HANCOK
of Raleigh, 19, born in Ohio, U. S., daughter of Zechariah HANCOK and Elizabeth FRANKLIN, 9 Dec 1861.
Witnessed by Thomas HOPE of Tilbury East, and Susan WOOD of Raleigh.
PAXTON, Robert, of Dover East, 28, born in New York State, son of Richard PAXTON and Annabella McKENZIE,
to Elizabeth McPHERSON, of Chatham, 23, born in State of New York,
daughter of John McPHERSON and Grace GRANT, 25 Dec 1861.
Witnessed by John PAXTON, Richard PAXTON, both of Dover East, and Donald McPHERSON of Raleigh.
McKERRALL, John, of Chatham, 34, born in Scotland, son of Dougald McKERRALL and [blank] BRECKINRIDGE,
to Jane Ann PAXTON, of Dover East, 22, daughter of Richard PAXTON and Annabella McKENZIE, 16 Jan 1862.
Witnessed by John PAXTON and Mary PAXTON, both of Dover East.
McCALLUM, Alexander, of Chatham, 48, born in Scotland son of Donald McCALLUM and Nancy ARMOUR, to [blank] PATTERSON
of Chatham, 42, born in Scotland, daughter of Archibald SINCLAIR and Sarah LEATCH, 6 Feb 1862.
Witnessed by Wm. McKenzie ROSS and Robert MATHIESON both of Chatham.
HARRISON, William, of Howard, 32, born there, son of Lowell HARRISON and Margaret RUDDLE, to Jane FLOCK, of Raleigh, 24,
born in Canada, daughter of John FLOCK and Jane HAMMILL, 24 Feb 1862.
Witnessed by Thomas HARRISON of Howard, and David FLOCK of Raleigh.
FORD, George, of Chatham, 27, born in Berwickshire, son of George FORD and Eliza UMPHREYSON, to Isabella McDONALD
of Chatham, 29, daughter of [blank] ORR and [blank] STEWART, 27 March 1862.
Witnessed by Maggie McLEAN of Harwich and James FALLON, of Chatham.
COLLOP, Edward, of Dover, 21, born in Raleigh son of Thomas COLLOP and Rebecca BECKET,
to Mary Anne RANKIN of Dover, 18, born in New York State,
daughter of John RANKIN and Nancy McPAKE, 1 April 1862.
Witnessed by Robert John RANKIN and Sarah RANKIN, both of Dover East.
COLLOP, Thomas Jacob, of Dover, 22, born in Raleigh, son of Thomas COLLOP and Rebecca BECKET,
to Margaret HENDERSON of Dover, 18, born in Caithness Shire,
daughter of Donald HENDERSON and Eliza McKAY, 14 April 1862.
Witnessed by Thomas Henry COLLOP of Dover East, James ARCHIBALD, and Elizabeth SIMPSON both of Chatham.
RANKIN, Robert John, of Dover, 21, born there son of James RANKIN and Mary SWEETERHAM, to Eliza Jane JACKSON
of Dover, 17, born there, daughter of William JACKSON and Agnes SPINKS, 22 April 1862.
Witnessed by William FOY and Ann RANKIN, both of Dover East.
PATTERSON, James, of Dover, 36, born in Roxburghshire, son of Andrew PATTERSON and Christy CHISHOLM,
to Margaret GRAY, of Dover, 31, born in Roxburghshire,
daughter of Robert GRAY and Janet YOUNG, 25 April 1862.
Witnessed by William GRAY of Chatham, Robert GRAY and Christy GRAY both of Dover East.
WHALAN, William, of Tilbury East, 26, born in Williamsburgh, C. E., son of Thomas WHALAN and Jane STEWART,
to Eliza STEVENSON of Tilbury East, 20, born there,
daughter of Alexander STEVENSON and Janet CAMPBELL, 1 May 1862,
Witnessed by Alex’r STEVENSON Jr. of Tilbury East, John QUIN of Chatham.
McLEOD, Donald, of Tilbury East, born in Invernessshire, son of Peter McLEOD and Mary McARTHUR, to Mary Ann JUBENVILLE
of Dover West, 30, born there, daughter of Peter JUBENVILLE and Catherine MONGER, 4 Nov 1862.
Witnessed by John McLEOD of Tilbury East, and Catherine JUBENVILLE of Dover West,
CHALMERS, James, of Dover East, 40, born in Perthshire, Scotland, son of George CHALMERS and Catherine STEWART,
to Mary BUMP, of Raleigh, 33, born in Chatham, daughter of William BUMP and Abigail SICKLESTEEL, 18 Nov 1862.
Witnessed by Peter CHALMERS and Flnly COTTENACH, both of Dover East.
BOMBER, John, of Sombra, 30, born in Vermont, son of Joseph BOMBER and Mary Ann NEWBRITE, to Mary Ann McTAGGART
of Dover East, 20, born there, daughter of Malcolm McTAGGART and Catherine [illegible], 2 Dec 1862.
Witnessed by Maria BOYLE and Edwin SILLEL, both of Dover East.
BILSOM, Robert, of Dover East, 38, born in Kent, England, son of John BILSOM and Margaret WRIGHT, to Ann GRANT
of Dover East, 35, born in Morayshire, daughter of Peter GRANT and Catherine CORETTS, 21 Dec 1862.
Witnessed by John KERR of Chatham and Nancy I. BRYDON of Chatham Township.
WOODALL, Jonathan, of Dalhousie, 23, born there, son of Jonathan WOODALL and Helen BROWN, to Margaret GRANT
of Chatham Township, 23, born in Berwickshire, daughter of James GRANT and Elizabeth BROWN, 6 Jan 1862.
Witnessed by David HUTTON, Hanna WOODALL both of Dalhousie,
Thomas GRANT of Chatham Township, and Sarah Helen FRANK of Chatham.
LEWIS, John William, of Chatham, 24, born in Brockville, son of Esau Roderick LEWIS and Elizabeth BURNHAM,
to Elizabeth GILMOUR, of Harwich, 20, born there daughter of John GILMOUR and Christina McFEE, 14 Jan 1863,
Witnessed by J. C. GRAHAM of Toronto, and Cameron [blank] of Harwich,
MARSHALL, John, of Tilbury East, 32, born in Scotland, son of James MARSHALL and Janet MARSHALL, to Elizabeth HOPE
of Tilbury East, 23, born in Beech Ridge, L. C., daughter of Wm. HOPE and Isabella AINSLIE, 10 Feb 1863.
Witnessed by William MARSHALL and Isabella LAING, both of Tilbury East.
RAYMOND, Andrew, of Dover East, 32, born there son of John RAYMOND and Jane LAWZURE, to Nancy HILLIMAN
of Dover East, 17, born in Raleigh, daughter of John HILLIMAN and Mary McAULAY, 28 March 1863.
Witnessed by George NIGHTENGALE and Harriet NIGHTENGALE both of Dover East.
McDONALD, Alexander, of Dawn, Lambton County, 32, born in Invernessshire, Scotland,
son of Donald McDONALD and Flora McDONALD, to Mary JOHNSON of Dawn, 19, born in Invernessshire, Scotland,
daughter of Roderick JOHNSON and Margaret MORRISON, 10 June 1863.
Witnessed by Coll McDONALD of Dawn and Jane McINNES.
McISAAC, John, of Chatham, 37, born in Argyleshire, son of John McISAAC and Christina McKERRAL, to Mary NOBLE
of Chatham, 22, born in Ayrshire, daughter of Logan NOBLE and Annie KERRIGAN, 25 June 1863.
Witnessed by Robert HENRY, William McISAAC and Lillian FORSYTH all of Chatham Township.
NEELY, William, of the Gore of Camden, 27, born in Hinchinbrook, C.E., son of John NEELY and Isabella KARR,
to Phebe JOHNSTONE of Camden, 18, born in Hinchinbrook, C. E.,
daughter of William JOHNSTONE and Elizabeth TODD, 7 July 1863.
Witnessed by Elizabeth JOHNSTONE and Andrew NEELY.
TONG, William, of Chatham Township, 60, born in Yorkshire, England, son of David TONG and Sarah SUDABY, to Emma MARDEN
of Chatham Township, 22, born in Kent, England, daughter of John MARDEN and Harriet CROUCHES, 6 August 1863.
Witnessed by Peter MOE and Elizabeth LONG both of Chatham Township.
HOPE, Thomas M., of Tilbury East, 22, born in Williamstown, C. E., son of William HOPE and Isabella AINSLIE,
to Louisa WILLIAMS, of Jackson, Michigan, 17, born in Mersea, Essex County,
daughter of John WILLIAMS and Eliza JANES, 17 August 1863.
Witnessed by Isaac AINSLIE and Isabella LAING, both of Tilbury East.
ORR, Jacob, of Ingersoll, 19, born in St. John, New Brunswick, son of William ORR and Eliza HADDOCK, to Isabella AUDETTE
of Chatham, 16, born in Odeltown, C. E., daughter of Joshua AUDETTE and Margaret HILL, 28 Aug 1863.
Witnessed by James PHILIPS of Chatham and Martha PATON of Ingersoll.
MARTIN, Joseph, of Dover East, born in Montreal, son of Alexander MARTIN and Julia HEMMERY,
to Eliza DOLSEN of Dover East, 19, born there daughter of John DOISEN and POLLY REMEAU, 1 Sept 1863.
Witnessed by Peter E. McKERRAL of Chatham and M. GLANCY Jr. of Wallaceburg.
McCOIG, Daniel, of Saginaw, Michigan, U. S. A, 25, son of John McCOIG and Catherine McNAUGHTON, to Christina MARTIN,
of Tilbury East, 22, daughter of Matthew MARTIN and Christina McNABB, 10 Sept 1863.
Witnessed by Archibald McCOIG of Harwich and Agnes MARTIN of Tilbury East.
NEILL, Andrew, of Harwich, 27, born in Chatham, son of William NEILL and Grace McFARLANE, to Mary GRAY of Harwlch, 29,
born in Perthshire, daughter of Peter GRAY and Mary FERGUSON, 26 Nov 1863.
Witnessed by James GRAY and Marion NEILL, both of Harwich.
BEATON, Hugh, of Howard, 30, born in Aldborough, Elgin County, son of John BEATON and Flora CAMPBELL,
to Catherine J. CAMPBELL, of Howard, 20, born there daughter of John CAMPBELL and Nancy BROWN, 23 Dec. 1863.
Witnessed by Angus Beaton and Ann Campbell, both of Howard.
SMITH, Daniel, of Harwich, 27, son of John SMITH and Catherine McPHAIL, to Isabella SAMPSON, of Harwich, 20,
born there, daughter of William SAMPSON and Marion GEBBIE, 16 March 1864.
Witnessed by Nell SMITH of Howard and Martha HEWITT.
ROSS, William Andrew, of Dover East, 25, born in London, C. W., son of Charles ROSS and Julia KELLY, to Mary Jane ALLISON,
of Dover East, 22, born in Down, Ireland, daughter of James ALLISON and Mary McCALLA, 4 Apr 1864.
Witnessed by Mr. and Mrs. Andrew RAYMOND of Chatham.
BIRT, Joshua, of Chatham, 23, son of Darius BIRT and Sarah Ann YORK, to Cormelia HEATH of Chatham, 16,
daughter of Richard HEATH and Louisa McCOLLUM, 4 May 1864.
Witnessed by Richard P. BIRT and Sarah E. BIRT, both of Howard.
McARTHUR, Alexander, of Detroit, Michigan, 24, born there, son of Alexander McARTHUR and Teresa RUTT,
to Catherine CAMERON, of Chatham, 18, born in Lanark, Scotland,
daughter of Alexander CAMERON and Marion CUMMING, 6 July 1864.
Witnessed by Jenny McNAUGHTON and Robert CAMERON, both of Chatham Township.
BATES, John, of Chatham, 23, born in Michigan, son of John BATES and Elvira NYE, to Susan WILLISTON, of Chatham, 23,
born in Kent County, daughter of Leonard WILLISTON and Barbara ARNOLD, 7 July 1864.
Witnessed by N. WILLISTON and Anne Jane WILLISTON, both of Chatham Township.
WILSON, John Laforge, of Windsor, 22, born in New Jersey, U. S. A., son of James WILSON and Ellen L. BONNELL,
to Lizzy SWEENY, of Windsor, 18, born in Detroit, U. S. A.,
daughter of William SWEENY and Mary McPHEE, 15 Aug 1864.
Witnessed by James DOUGLASS, M. D., of Chatham.
OTT, John, of Chatham, 27, born in Baden, Germany, son of Michael Joseph OTT and Machtalein BEIBARIGHT,
to Jane EARLY, of Chatham, 22, born in Raleigh, daughter of Patrick EARLY and Bridget McLARTEN, 15 Aug 1864.
Witnessed by Christopher KRAMER of Chatham and Bridget EARLY of Raleigh.
McDONALD, Call, of Dawn, Lambton County, 33, son of Neil McDONALD and Flora McDONALD, to Mary Anne GRAHAM,
of Dawn, 24, daughter of Wm. John GRAHAM and Mary PATTERSON, 18 Oct 1864.
Witnessed by William H. RISK and Margaret GRAHAM both of Dawn.
ADAMS, George, of Dresden, 32, born in Gloucester, England, son of Thomas ADAMS and Elizabeth BRINDLE,
to Sarah Catherine NOTT, 36, of Brampton, born in Devonshire, England,
daughter of Richard PILE and Sarah LYTHELY, 17 Nov 1864.
Witnessed by Albert JAHNKE and Sarah GRIFFITH both of Chatham Township.
ROSS, Andrew, of Chatham Township, 20, born in Rossshire, Scotland, son of Duncan ROSS and Christy McPHERSON,
to Agnes CLAPPERTON, of Dover, 21, born in Berwickshlre,
daughter of David CLAPPERTON and Agnes LITTLE, 23 Nov 1864.
Witnessed by Robert GRAY of Dover, and Catherine ROSS of Chatham Township
PELTIER, Leon, of Raleigh, 24, born in Big Point, Dover, son of Leon PELTIER and Angelique HAUKE, to Matilda LABUTE,
of Raleigh, 21, born in Detroit, daughter of William LABUTE and Susanne TRUDELL, 1 Dec 1864.
Witnessed by Mrs. McCOLL and John McCOLL of Chatham.
WILLSON, Albert James, of Chatham, 22, son of Wm. F. WILLSON and Miriam EASTMAN, to Anne Robertson CAMERON
of Chatham, 22, daughter of Alexander CAMERON and Meriam CUMMING, 16 Dec 1864.
Witnessed by Robert CAMERON, Janet McNAUGHTON, and John SMITH, all of Chatham.
LOWRY, William, of Harwich, 25, born in Chatham, son of Wm. LOWRY and Catherine HOOKS, to May Jane JORDAN,
of Raleigh, 23, born there, daughter of Richard JORDON and Sarah GOURLEY, 24 May 1865.
Witnessed by May WILLMOTT of Toronto, and John R. McCOLL of Chatham.
SOUTAR, John, of Raleigh, 28, born in County Monaghan, Ireland, son of Samuel SOUTAR and Elizabeth DAWSON,
to Elizabeth Ann GRAHAM, of Raleigh, 26, born in Maughn (?), Ireland,
daughter of W. GRAHAM and Elizabeth DAWSON, 4 Jan 1865.
Witnessed by William SOUTAR and Mary Ann GEE both of Raleigh.
HANCOCK, Zechariah, of Raleigh, 28, born in Lincolnshire, England, son of Zechariah HANCOCK and Elizabeth FRANKLIN,
to Jannitt MARSHALL, of Tilbury East, 29, born in Trafalgar, C. W.,
daughter of James MARSHALL and Janet MARSHALL, 4 Jan 1865.
Witnessed by Wm. MARSHALL and Frances A. MARSHALL, both of Tilbury East.
RUSSELL, Daniel D., of Chatham, 30, born in Hamilton, son of Dexter RUSSELL and Eunice DANFORTH, to Sabine SNYDER,
of Chatham, 25, born in Lehigh County, Pa., daughter of David SNYDER and Sabine GARMAN, 17 Jan 1865.
Witnessed by Lewis SCOTT and John Ross McCOLL.
FERGUSON, John, of Howard, 30, born in Perthshire, Scotland, son of Hugh FERGUSON and Mary ROBERTSON,
to Mary CAMPBELL, of Howard, 20, born in Euphemia, Lambton County,
daughter of Archibald CAMPBELL and Mary CAMPBELL, 25 Jan 1865.
Witnessed by Archibald CAMPBELL of Orford and Janet McGREGOR of Howard.
HAMMOND, Charles, of Raleigh, 39, born in Kentucky, son of Joseph HAMMOND and Dilsey HAMMOND, to Sarah CATHOLIC,
of Chatham, 24, born in Virginia, daughter of Chas. MENSER and Rhoda CATHOLIC, 2 March 1865.
Witnessed by Hugh McMECHAN of Raleigh and Rosanna COTILTICE of Harwich.
CLAUS, Walter, of Raleigh, 23, born in Niagara District, son of Philip CLAUS and Elizabeth HAGERMAN, to Meriam SHIPPEY,
of Harwlch, 19, daughter of John SHIPPEY and Sophronia SHIPPEY, 8 March 1865.
Witnessed by John CLAUS of Dunville, and Ignace [illegible] of Chatham.
BLACKBURN, James D., of Chatham Township, 21, born there, son of Anthony BLACKBURN and Sarah DAY, to Ruth RUBERT,
of Chatham Township, 22 born in New Brunswick, daughter of Peter RUBERT and Ellen TAYLOR, 30 March 1865.
Witnessed by Eli HAZLETT of Camden, and Margaret McKAY of Chatham Township.
HART, William, of Zone Township, 44, born in East Kilbride, Scotland, son of James HART and Jane SMITH, to Elizabeth MILLER,
of Zone, 42, born in Lansdowne, C. W., daughter of Joshua GILBERT and Mary HOPKINS, 29 Sept 1865.
Witnessed by John R. McCOLL and Richard A. McCOLL, both of Chatham.
McINTYRE, Malcolm, of Lobo Township, Middlesex County, 33, born there, son of Peter McINTYRE and Mary McARTHUR,
to Mary Angeline CAMPBELL, of Orford, 28, born there,
daughter of Archibald CAMPBELL and Anne McCALLUM, 10 Oct 1865.
Witnessed by Alexander CAMPBELL and Jane CAMPBELL, both of Orford.
SMITH, James, of Dover East, 24, born in Dumfries, Scotland, son of James SMITH and Sarah RICHMOND, to Jane STEWART,
of Dover East, 24, born in Rothiemurches, Scotland, daughter of Donald STEWART and Eliza BLAIR, 9 Nov 1865.
Witnessed by John McPHERSON and Helen CUMMINS, both of Dover East.
GAMBLE, Thomas, of Chatham Township, 27, born in Glasgow, son of John GAMBLE and Nancy STEVENSON,
to Sarah NICHOLAS, of Chatham Township, 15, born in Whitby,
daughter of Erl NICHOLAS and Elizabeth IRELAND, 13 Dec 1865.
Witnessed by Andrew QUINN, of Chatham Township, and Mary McPHEE, of Kincardine.
SMITH, Samuel, of Dover East, 22, born in Clarke, C. W., son of Nicholas SMITH and Mary Anne GILMOUR,
to Sarah FREDERICK, of Chatham, 24, born in Sydney, C. W.,
daughter of Peter FREDERICK and Sarah SMITH, 19 Dec 1865.
Witnessed by John Ross McCOLL and Angus John McCOLL, both of Chatham.
ADAM, Robert, of Dover East, 31, born in Godmanchester, C. E., son of Robert ADAM and Marian McFARLANE,
to Maria RONALD, of Chatham, 27, born in Paisley, Scotland,
daughter of James RONALD and Helen DOWNIE, 21 Dec 1865.
Witnessed by John B. RONALD and John ADAM, both of Chatham.
McKERRALL, Theophilus, of Harwich, 31, born in Chippewa, C. W., son of Hugh McKERRALL and Amelia DAWSON,
to Eliza YOUNG, of Harwich, 27, born in Glasgow, daughter of George YOUNG and Janet ROBERTSON, 28 Dec 1865.
Witnessed by Edward McKERRALL of Chatham Township, and Marg’t McCOIG of Harwich.
McDONALD, Hugh, of Howard, 27, born in Aldborough, Elgin County, son of William McDONALD and Margaret FALCONER,
to Mary McDONALD, of Harwich, 23, born in Rothiemurchus,
daughter of Donald McDONALD and Janet McDONALD, 2 Jan 1866.
Witnessed by Alex’r McDONALD of Howard and Anne McLEAN of Harwich.
PAXTON, John, of Dover East, 29, born there, son of Richard PAXTON and Annabella McKENZIE, to Ellen McPHERSON,
of Dover East, 30, born in Inverness, Scotland, daughter of James McPHERSON and Janet McPHERSON, 11 Jan 1866.
Witnessed by John McPHERSON and John CUMMING, both of Dover East.
MILLER, Walter, of Sarnia, 20, born in Lanark, son of John MILLER and Janet LYON, to Elizabeth GRAHAM,
of Chatham Township, 19, daughter of John GRAHAM and Helen McVICAR, 2 May 1866.
Witnessed by John GRAHAM and Lilias FORSYTH, both of Chatham Township
WINDSOR, Elijah, of Chatham, 31, born in England, son of Timothy WINDSOR and Elizabeth LINGARD, to Harriet GRIFFITH,
of Dover, 21, born in Belleville, daughter of John GRIFFITH and Fanny CONNOR, 16 May 1866.
Witnessed by Robert GRIFFITH, of Dover East, and Catharine ARNOLD, of Dover.
BRYANT, George, of Chatham, 31, born in Hartfordshire, England, son of Wm. BRYANT and Elizabeth RAEHIL, to Ellen BEALE,
of Chatham, 25, born in Maryboro, Ireland, daughter of George BEALE and Elizabeth THOMPSON, 24 May 1866.
Witnessed by Thomas STANTON, of London, C. W., and Mary Ann CAIRN, of Chatham.
MILES, James Wm., of Chatham, 35, born in England, son of Henry Wm. MILES and Elizabeth THOMPSON, to Harriet COLEMAN,
of Chatham, 33, daughter of George COLEMAN and Isabella CLARK, 24 May 1866.
Witnessed by L. BLACK and John McPHAIL, both of Chatham.
RANKIN, Thomas James, of Dover East, 27, born there, son of James RANKIN and Mary SWEETNAM, to Sinclair ANGUS,
of Dover East, 21, born in Earnesttown, daughter of Robert ANGUS and Jane HENDERSON, 5 Sept 1866.
Witnessed by John HENDERSON and Margaret ANGUS, both of Dover East.
McCOLL, Angus B., of Stratford, 32, born in Argyleshire, Scotland, son of John McCOLL and Mary BUCHANAN, to Mary LEONARD,
of Chatham Township, 25, born there, daughter of John W. LEONARD and Mary CRONK, 27 Sept 1866.
Witnessed by John McCOLL, of Stratford, and Almira A. LEONARD, of Chatham Township
HULIN, Otis B., of Chatham, 26, born in Troy, N. Y., son of Peter HULIN and Elizabeth SMITH, to Rachel STEIN,
of Dover East, 20, born in Cartwright Township, Durham County,
daughter of John STEIN and Elizabeth KELLY, 16 Oct 1866.
Witnessed by Valentine CAUFIELD, of Chatham, and Mary Jean DEAN, of Raleigh.
McNEIL, Malcolm, of Raleigh, 29, born in Prince Edward Island, son of Charles McNEILL and Christiana JOHNSTON,
to Margaret MARSHALL, of Tilbury East, 20, born in Trafalgar,
daughter of James MARSHALL and Jane MARSHALL, 23 Oct 1866.
Witnessed by George MARSHALL and Euphemia MARSHALL, both of Tilbury East.
LAMONT, Archibald, of Chatham, 32, born in Glengarry, C. W., son of Dougald LAMONT and Euphemia BLACK, to Mary WEIR,
of Chatham, born in Raleigh daughter of Malcolm WEIR and Elizabeth McINTOSH, 31 Oct 1866.
Witnessed by H. LAMONT, of Chatham, and Emily McINTOSH, of Wallaceburgh.
NESBIT, David, of Moore, Lambton County, 29, born there, son of David NESBIT and Mary LOUDEN, to Margaret FORSYTH,
of Chatham Township, 19, born in Stlrllngshlre, daughter of John FORSYTH and Euphemia TROUP, 31 Oct 1866.
Witnessed by Lilias FORSYTH and (Jos. or Jas.] FORSYTH, both of Chatham Township
CORNHILL, James, of Dover East, 22, born in Toronto, son of Edward CORNHILL and Sarah FOX,
to Jane CASSIDY, of Harwich, 20, born in Brockville,
daughter of Andrew CASSIDY and Eliza TARLON, 5 Nov 1866.
Witnessed by William KEATING and K. ROBERTSON, both of Chatham.
HAMMILL, John, of Harwioh, 40, born in Monaghan, Ireland, son of Joseph HAMMILL and Jane CROZIER, to Mary McCOIG,
of Harwlch, 31, born in Argyleshire, daughter of John McCOIG and Catherine McNAUGHTON, 14 Nov 1866.
Witnessed by Wm. MUCKLE and Mysie McCOIG, both of Harwich.
HUFF, Agnestis S., of Camden, 22, born in Bay of Quinte, son of Abraham HUFF and Charlotte VanDUSEN, to Hester CRAIG,
of Camden, 21, born in Trafalgar, daughter of Aaron CRAIG and Rhoda ELDERKIN, 19 Nov 1866.
Witnessed by James McAGY and Christina CRAIG, both of Camden.
MURRAY, Robert, of Howard, 21, born there son of James MURRAY and Jane PARKER, to Virona Lois HUBBELL, of Howard, 19,
born there daughter of Wheeler HUBBELL and Anne DOHERTY, 21 Nov 1866.
Witnessed by James FULLERTON and Margaret FULLERTON, both of Chatham.
CONELLY, Peter, of Chatham, 45, born in Edinburgh, son of Peter CONELLY and Mary ROSS, to Mary ALLINOR, of Chatham, 34,
born in New York State, daughter of John ALLINOR and Mary SUSSUMS, 18 Dec 1866.
Witnessed by Margaret MURRAY of Harwich and A. J. McCOLL of Chatham.
DONAVAN, Jeremiah, of Harwlch, 24, born in Ireland, son of John DONOVAN and Anne COLLINS, to Elizabeth Letitia TOZER,
of Harwich, 30, born in Darlington, C. W., daughter of Enoch STEPHENS and Clarissa HALL, 21 Dec 1866.
Witnessed by John Ross McCOLL and Angus John McCOLL, both of Chatham.
QUINN, Andrew, of Chatham Township, 28, born in Down, Ireland, son of John QUINN and Rosa Anne DUFF, to Lillias FORSYTH,
of Chatham, 22, born in Sterlingshire, daughter of John FORSYTH and Euphemia TROUP, 26 Dec 1866.
Witnessed by AIex’r FORSYTH and Margaret Jane McVICAR, both of Chatham.
SETER, Peter, of Dover East, 26, born in Paris, France, son of Jacob SETER and Catherine CALINE, to Jane Ballantyne BELL,
of Chatham, 33, born in Prescott, C. W., daughter of Joseph BELL and Elizabeth L. BELL, 18 Mar 1867.
Witnessed by Thomas TUER of Dover East and Elizabeth GILL of Dundas, C. W.
NICHOL, Thomas Henry, of Harwich, 27, born in Nova Scotia, son of Jno. Gaines NICHOL and Elizabeth SPITTAL,
to Sarah Ellen BURT, of Barwich, 21, born there daughter of Darius BURT and Sarah Ann YORKE, 20 May 1867.
Witnessed by Caroline BURT and Joshua G. BURT, both of Harwich.
MERIAM, Cyrus, of Chatham, 20, born there son of George MERIAM and Catherine GLASSFORD, to Isabella DAVIDSON,
of Chatham, 20, born in Camberland, England, daughter of William DAVIDSON and Isabella MAROW, 1 June 1867.
Witnessed by Thomas BAXTER and Mary Hannah BAXTER, both of Chatham.
McKERRALL, Edward, of Harwlch, 26, born in Argyleshire, Scotland, son of Dougal McKERRALL and Jane BRECKINRIDGE,
to Elizabeth McKEAN of Chatham Township, 24, born in Argyleshlre, Scotland,
daughter of Thomas McKEAN and Agnes McALLISTER, 3 July 1867.
Witnessed by Peter McKERRALL and Maggie McKEAN, both of Chatham Township
LAYCOCK, William, of Chatham, 30, born in Yorkshire, England, son of Thomas LAYCOCK and Hannah HOLLADAY,
to Barbara McKAY, of Chatham Township, 27, born in Prince Edwards Island,
daughter of James McKAY and Isabella McKAY, 4 July 1867.
Witnessed by Alexander McKAY and Margaret CAMPBELL, both of Chatham Township
WRIGHT, Peter, of Euphemia, 56, born in Vermont, U. S. A., son of Boardman WRIGHT and Elizabeth SIMPSON,
to Catherine McDOWELL, of Tilbury West, 40, born in Combes, Ireland,
daughter of William and Jane McDOWELL, 10 July 1867.
Witnessed by Charles MORRIS of Tilbury West, and John Ross McCOLL of Chatham.
TWIGG, Thomas, of Camden, 29, born in Derbyshire, England, son of William TWIGG and Sophia CLARKE, to Elizabeth MILES,
of Camden, 20, born in Buffalo Mouth, Africa, daughter of Stephen MILES and Anne DESMOND, 27 Aug 1867.
Witnessed by Wm. H. CORNWALL and Mary Anne SANDFORD, both of Camden.
COMFORT, Alfred, of Spring Lake, Michigan, 25, born in Beamsville, son of Francis COMFORT and Jemima WILCOX,
to Sarah REID, of Harwich, 20, born there daughter of Robert REID and Jane NEILSON, 26 Sept 1867.
Witnessed by Hugh NEILSON of London, Ont., and Able McINTYRE of Harwich.
CAMPBELL, Kenneth, of Chatham, 28, born in Chatham Township, son of Thomas CAMPBELL and Mary URQUHART,
to Maggie McKAY, of Chatham Township, 20, born in Sutherlandshire, North Britain,
daughter of Angus McKAY and Barbara McINTOSH, 8 Oct 1867.
Witnessed by Margaret CAMPBELL and Robert CAMPBELL, of Chatham Township
KITCHEN, Samuel, of Sarnia, 25, born in Orford, son of John KITCHEN and Nancy KING, to Jane McCOLL, of Chatham, 24,
born there daughter of Duncan McCOLL and Mary McRAE, 15 Oct 1867.
Witnessed by John McCOLL and Mary McCOLL, both of Chatham.
GAMBLE, Richard Wm., of Chatham, 20, born in Newark, Nottinghamshire, England, son of Richard GAMBLE and Anne DUFFY,
to Susannah LARKE, of Chatham, 16, born there daughter of Robert LARKE and Susannah CLARK, 17 Oct 1867.
Witnessed by John THACKER of Chatham, and Mary WILLMOTT of Toronto.
McKAY, John, of Chatham Township, 24, born in Prince Edward Island, son of Donald McKAY and Janet MORRISON,
to Matilda SMITH, of Harwich, 17, born there daughter of John SMITH and Janet SMALL, 23 Oct 1867.
Witnessed by Alexander McKAY of Chatham Township, and Rachel SMITH of Harwich.
FREEMAN, Bryant, of Raleigh, 50, born in North Carolina, son of Isaac FREEMAN and Effie Jane CHAVIS, to Elizabeth GARLE,
of Raleigh, 27, born in St. Thomas, daughter of William GARLE and Louisa MOORE, 29 Oct 1867.
Witnessed by Joseph Parker WHITE and Anne RUSSELL, both of Raleigh.
HOFFER, Edward, of Chatham, 23, born in Buffalo, N. Y., son of Edward HOFFER and Margaret HOFFER, to Lizzie BAXTER,
of Chatham, 19, born there daughter of Richard BAXTER and Sarah DUFFIELD, 9 Dec 1867.
Witnessed by Amelia MERIAM and Franklin W. INGERSON, both of Chatham.
McKAY, Lachlin, of Camden, 22, born there son of John McKAY and Sarah PHILIPS, to Eliza McDONALD, of Camden, 23,
born in Aberdeenshire daughter of Allan McDONALD and Anne LAING, 12 Dec 1867.
Witnessed by John McKAY and Annie McDONALD, both of Camden.
RUTHERFORD, James Page, of Harwich, 23, born in Vaughan, son of John RUTHERFORD and Anne ROBINSON,
to Jeannie DUNLOP, of Harwich, 20, born in Maitland,
daughter of James DUNLOP and Margaret PATTERSON, 24 Dec 1867.
Witnessed by John STUART of Harwich, and Elizabeth SIMINGTON of Howard.
STEEL, James, of Dawn, 24, born in Euphemia, son of John STEEL and Agnes WHITSON, to Isabella Jane MASON, of Raleigh, 22,
born in Hamilton, C. W., daughter of William MASON and Margaret CHISHOLM, 30 Dec 1867.
Witnessed by William MASON and Cecilia MASON, both of Raleigh.
McKAY, Alister, of Oshawa, 27, born in Scotland, son of Angus McKAY and Mary SUTHERLAND, to Anne McKAY, of Chatham, 26,
born in Prince Edwards, daughter of James McKAY and Isabella McKAY, 9 Jan 1868.
Witnessed by Alexander McKAY of Chatham, and Annet McINTOSH.
GRAY, David Stewart, of Chatham Township, 25, born in County Down, Ireland, son of William GRAY and Helen CRAWFORD,
to Susanna PHAIR, of Chatham Township, 24, born in Pittsburgh, Canada,
daughter of Robert A. PHAIR and Mary Jane PHAIR, 29 Jan 1868.
Witnessed by Robert GRAY and Mary Jane PHAIR, both of Chatham.
SANBORN, George Henry, of Chatham, 32, born in New York State, son of William SANBORN and Pamelia BLACK,
to Sarah Ann McKELLAR, of Raleigh, born there daughter of Archibald McKELLAR and Lucy McNABB, 19 Feb 1868.
Witnessed by John F. GEMMILL and Jessie McKELLAR, both of Chatham.
LAMONT, Lachlan Chas., of Chatham, 23, born in Canada East, son of Duncan LAMONT and Euphemia BLACK,
to Mary HALDANE, of Raleigh, 25, born there, daughter of George HARVEY and Mary WHITE, 25 Feb 1868.
Witnessed by George CLARK and Heather HARVEY, both of Raleigh.
BASSATT, Francis, of Chatham, 28, born in Windsor, C. W., son of Julius BASSATT and Elizabeth BUGETTE, to Mary TURCOTTE,
of Chatham, 21, born in Big Point, daughter of John TURCOTTE and Marie [overwritten] TOULOUSE, 2 March 1868.
Witnessed by Anthony BASSATT, and John TURCOTTE, both of Chatham.
ROE, Thomas, of Raleigh, 27, born there son of John ROE and Jane BROADBENT, to Ann BENNETT of Raleigh, 21,
born there daughter of George BENNETT and Sarah HANCOCK, 18 March 1868.
Witnessed by Thomas BENNETT and Louisa WOOD, both of Raleigh.
KEACH, Barton, of Camden, 21, born in Camden East, son of Henry KEACH and Harriet THURSTON, to Nancy TRAXLER,
of Dawn Mills, 22, born in Camden, daughter of Peter TRAXLER and Mary BLACKBURN, 4 May 1868.
Witnessed by Archibald LIVINGSTON and Ellen TRAXLER, both of Dawn Mills.
WILLISTON, Nathaniel Leonard, of Chatham Township, 30, born there, son of Silas WILLISTON and Susannah ARNOLD,
to S. E. ALLEN, of Chatham Township, 24, born in Howard,
daughter of Ira ALLEN and Esther BLACKBURN, 6 May 1868.
Witnessed by Alva STRUTHERS of Chatham Township, and Susannah BEDFORD of Harwich.
SUTHERLAND, Thomas, of Detroit, 24, born in Woodstock, son of John SUTHERLAND and Mary THOMPSON, to Alice MORRISH,
of Chatham, 27, born in Orillia, Simcoe, daughter of Henry MORRISH and Elizabeth HARRIS, 7 May 1868.
Witnessed by Angus BEATON of Detroit, U. S., and Mary SUTHERLAND of Woodstook.
DAVIS, Charles G., of Illinois, 29, born in New York, son of Norman Davis and Pamela LOCKWOOD, to Louisa A. MERRIFIELD,
of Harwich, born in Hamilton, daughter of John MERRIFIELD and Elizabeth KAY, -- July 1868.
Witnessed by Miss SMITH of Raleigh, and [blank] Parsons of Chatham.
HAWLEY, Hugh, of Stratford, 28, born in Montreal, son of John HAWLEY and Mary ANDERSON, to Eliza ROE, of Raleigh, 21,
born there daughter of Colman ROE and Susan ASKIN, 8 July 1868.
Witnessed by Louis WANGANHEIM and Thos. L. REYNOLDS, both of Chatham.
MITCHELL, Augustus, of Chatham, 24, born in Chatham, son of John MITCHELL and Rose PARR,
to Sarah NEWCOMB, of Chatham, 20, born in Southwold, Elgin County,
daughter of Joseph NEWCOMB and Mary Abla GORDON, 15 Sept 1868.
Witnessed by Ellen BLAIRE of Chesly, John ROBAS, and Frances BON [rest is illegible].
McKAY, John, of Camden, 24, born in Canada, son of John McKAY and Sarah PHILIPS, to Jessie McDONALD, of Camden, 22,
born in Inverness, Scotland, daughter of Allan McDONALD and Anne LAING, 8 Oct 1868.
Witnessed by Jessie McDONALD and Allan McDONALD, both of Camden.
INGRAM, Robert, of Camden, 70, born in Cumberland County, Pa., son of Samuel INGRAM and Nancy EARLES,
to Jane McINTOSH, of Chatham, 55, born in Dumfriesshlre, Scotland,
daughter of Robert LOCKERBIE and Jane CARRUTHERS, 24 Dec 1868.
Witnessed by John McINTOSH and Almeda INGRAM, both of Chatham.
CARSCALLEN, Norris Brisco, of Chatham, 27, born in Fredericksburgh, Ont., son of Isaac CARSCALLEN and Sarah FARMER,
to Christy McPHERSON, of Dover, 27, born in Caledonia, N. Y.,
daughter of James McPHERSON and Janet McPHERSON, 29 Dec 1868.
Witnessed by Geo. H. SMITH of Chatham, and Grace McPHERSON of Dover.
GRIFFITH, Robert, of Dover, born in Belleville, son of John GRIFFITH and Frances CONNOR, to May GRAY of Harwlch,
daughter of William GRAY and [blank] SWAN, 31 Dec 1868.
Witnessed by Albert JOHNKE of Chatham and John McCORMACK of Harwich.
HUFFMAN, George Henry, of Harwich, 23, born there son of John HUFFMAN and Ruth FIELDS, to Hannah FAIRLIE, of Harwlch, 18,
born in Amherstburgh, daughter of Robert FAIRLIE and Mary CAMPBELL, 13 Jan 1869.
Witnessed by Donald JOHNSON and Sarah M. HUFFMAN, both of Harwich.
CAMPBELL, Donald C., of Harwich, 29, born in Scotland, son of Archibald CAMPBELL and Catherine JOHNSON,
to Jane H. GIFFEN, of Harwich, 22, born in Raleigh,
daughter of James GIFFEN and Elizabeth WILCOX, 24 Feb 1869.
Witnessed by John CAMPBELL and A. D. GIFFEN, both of Harwich.
COOPER, John, of Tilbury East, 24, born in Amherst Island, son of John COOPER and Sarah Jane FORSYTH,
to Lucinda Party STRAIN, of Chatham, born in Amherst Island,
daughter of James STRAIN and Sarah McMATH, 24 March 1869.
Witnessed by Sarah STRAIN of Chatham Township, and William COOPER of Tilbury East.
WILSON, Robert, of Chatham, 23, born in Camden, son of James WILSON and Jane HERMISTON,
to Maria NELSON, of Chatham, 19, born in Howard, daughter of Robert NELSON and Frances DRAGGON, 26 Apr 1869.
Witnessed by Wm. COLTART and Mary Ann RYAN, both of Chatham.
McCLELLAND, Arthur, of Chatham Gore, 23, born in Toronto Township, Peel County,
son of Thomas McCLELLAND and Marianne CLIFTON, to Lieucelia SIMPSON, of Chatham Gore, 16, born in Sparta,
daughter of John SIMPSON and Lieucelia PENNY, 4 May 1869.
Witnessed by Thos. R. G. REILLY of Chatham and Benjamin SIMPSON, of Chatham Gore.
BENNETT, Arthur, of Raleigh, 23, born there, son of George BENNETT and Sarah HANCOCK, to Louisa WOOD, of Raleigh, 17,
born in Chatham, daughter of Charles WOOD and Abigail BRAN, 24 May 1869.
Witnessed by Charles WOOD and Elizabeth DEVITT, both of Raleigh.
GEMMILL, John R., of Chatham, 27, son of John Racey GEMMILL and Margaret ROGERS, to Jessie McKELLAR of Raleigh, 22,
born there daughter of Archibald McKELLAR and Lucy McNABB, 20 Feb 1869.
GILBOA, John, of Highland, Mn, USA, 43, wIdower, born in Essex, Ont. son of Joseph GILBOA and Elizabeth WIGLE,
to Nancy Maria ARTHUR, widow, 42, of Highton, Mn., born in Pennsylvania,
daughter of Jeremiah GREEN and Lucinda TOWNLEY, both parties Methodist, 5 July 1869,
Witnessed by R. C. BROWN of Chatham, Richard MONK, F.R. BISSELL.
HEARNS, Ebenezer, of Chatham, 45, widower, marble mason, of the Church of England, born in Lennox and Addington,
son of Thomas HEARNS and Hannah ANDERSON, to Mary Jane MERRIFIELD, of Chatham, 35, widow, Presb.,
born in Cornwall, daughter of John McNEILL and Nancy BROWN, 7 Sept 1869, at Chatham.
Witnessed by Dougald McDougald HEARNS of Toronto, and Margaret WILLSON of Goderich.
ALDIS, Alfred, of Chatham, 45, bachelor, farmer, Church of England, born in Norfolk, England,
son of Robert ALDIS and Mary Ann GOLDNITCH, to Martha Christina McCALL, of Chatham, 28, spinster,
teacher, Presbyterian, born in Chatham, daughter of Duncan McCOLL and Mary McCRAE, 28 Sept 1869.
Witnessed by James RICHARDSON of Chatham and George McCRAE of Raleigh.
BARRON, John, of Missouri, 34, bachelor, farmer, born in Morayshire, Scotland, son of Thomas BARRON and Ellen MORGAN,
to Marion NEIL, of Harwich, 30, spinster, born in Chatham,
daughter of William NEIL and Grace McFARLANE, 15 Nov 1869, in Harwich.
Witnessed by James GRAY and Anne McLEAN, both of Harwich.
MARSHALL, George Chalmers, of Tilbury East, 27, farmer, Wesleyan Methodist, born in Trafalgar, Halton County,
son of James MARSHALL and Janet MARSHALL, to Mary Elizabeth SALES, of Tilbury East, 20, spinster,
Church of England, born in Raleigh, daughter of George SALES and Harriet BUTLER, 27 Oct 1869 at Chatham.
Witnessed by Henry SALES and Helen MARSHALL, both of Tilbury East.
McLEAN, John, of Harwich, 25, farmer, born there son of John McLEAN and Grace NEILL, to Martha Anne SOMERVILLE,
of Harwich, 25, spinster, born in Raleigh, daughter of Wm. SOMERVILLE and Mary Ann LONGMANS, on 17 Nov 1869.
Witnessed by Michael HUSTON of Chatham, and Mary Janet SOMERVILLE of Harwich.
FOY, Charles, of Dover East, 22, bachelor, farmer, born there son of Joseph FOY and Hannah JACKSON, to Christina HIND,
of Dover East, 18, born in Walpole, daughter of Shem HIND and Anna E. HIND, both Church of England, 24 Nov 1869
at Chatham. Witnessed by Shem HIND and Anna E. HIND.
URQUHART, Kenneth, of Chatham Township, 27, bachelor, farmer, born there son of John URQUHART and Elizabeth ROSS,
to Christy GRAY, of Dover, 25, spinster, born in Roxburgh, daughter of Robert GRAY and Janet YOUNG, 22 Dec 1869
in Dover East. Witnessed by Robert GRAY of Dover East and Mary URQUHART of Chatham Township
HUNTER, Reuben, of Dover East, 21, farmer, born in Windham, Norfolk County, son of John HUNTER and E. A. GREEN,
to Mary HYATT, of Dover East, 20, spinster, born in Dover, daughter of Daniel HYATT and Eliza RANKIN,
25 Jan 1870 at Chatham. Witnessed by John JACKSON and Edward COLLOP, both of Dover.
Bill Martin, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
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