This information was originally published by:
Papers and Records
Volume 5, Published in Toronto in 1904
Pages 76-90.
Return to my main index.
I. JOSIAH BULL, the ancestor, having been a member of the
Society of Friends, is, on that account, assumed to have been
descended from Henry Bull, sometime Governor of Rhode Island,
who also was a Friend (or Quaker). However plausible the
assumption of this relationship, it may not be amiss to mention
that neither in the family of Governor Bull nor that of Josiah
are there any positive data by which to establish the
accuracy of the inference. It is, however, considered probable
by members of both families that they belong to the same line;
and much effort is being expended in the search for historical
documents which will ultimately clear up the doubt.*
*NOTE. Nathaniel Niles Bull of Oneonta, N.Y., says: "Josiah
Bull, supposed to have been of English (or Welsh) ancestry,
born probably in Rhode Island; settled in Dutchess County,
N.Y., where he resided and where be died at an advanced age. He
had a brother Jeremy or Jeremiah, who, as early as the beginning
of the French War, lived at a settlement called 'Little
Rest,' about fifteen miles east of Poughkeepsie. Jeremy had
children-a son, Jeremy, and a daughter, Esther, who married one
Henry Tibbits and during my childhood I knew a good deal of the
descendants of both Jeremy and Esther. Henry Bull the ancestor,
born in South Wales in 1610; in Boston, 1635; settled in Rhode
Island at Newport; Joined Friends; and was 2nd Gov. of colony."
The wife of Josiah Bull was a woman of Dutch extraction, named
Tripp, who, in harmony with the marvels of colonial tradition,
was owner of no less than two hundred acres of land now occupied
as the site of New York city.
[If you are interested in the Bull family, you may wish to contact
Meda Peterson at who
is a descendant of Nathan Bull,
brother of Josiah Bull. From her information the wife of Josiah Bull was
named Ruth Tripp.]
Beverley Fox has additional information on the Bull family on her site at
Another Bull family researcher is Keith Bull of Delaware, Ontario. You can
reach Keith at
II. Children of Josiah Bull and ?? Tripp:
[see above note]
1. Josiah, born 3rd July, 1738-of whom later.
2. Mary, " 11th May, 1740.
3. Joseph, " 28th ?? , 1741.
4. Sarah, " 15th Dec., 1743 mar. a man named Bloodgood.
5. Benjamin," 17th Jan., 1746.
6. Robert, " 15th July, 1748.
7. George, " 13th Jan., 1751-of whom later
(see IV. 6, Gideon Spencer, page 80).
8. Henry, " 5th Oct., 1752.
9. Ruth, " 9th Sept., 1753.
This family resided in Dutchess County, N.Y., not far from the
present city of Poughkeepsie, and close to the Hudson river.
During the War of Independence two brothers were taken prisoners and sent
to the city of New York, unknown to the rest of the family. The
treatment of Quaker non-combatants in New England was not less
severe than that meted out to their co-religionists in
Pennsylvania, as one of the Bull brothers died from violence
and privation, while the other survived only long enough to be
rescued by his relations, and died soon after.
[page 78]
Of the above, Josiah's family settled in the Township of
Hallowell, County Prince Edward, and George (or his family)
settled near Colborne, Ont. The families of these two frequently
visited, and later generations intermarried.
II. 1. Josiah Bull, born 3rd July, 1738; mar. (1st) Mehetabel Thomas
Dutchess County, N.Y.
III. Children of Josiah and Mehetabel Bull:
1. Stephen, born 18th Sept., 1765.
2. Mary, 15th Nov., 1766.
3. Amos, 4th Dec., 1768.
4. Sarah, 28th Aug., 1770-died in infancy.
5. Matilda, 5th July, 1771.
6. Maturah, 21st April, 1773-died 2nd Nov., 1846,
of whom later.
7. Joseph, 13th Mar., 1775.
8. John, 21st Nov., 1777.
9. Ruth, 30th Oct., 1778.
10. Henry, 30th July, 1780-died in infancy.
11. Phebe, 18th Aug., 1781.
12. Josiah, 10th Oct., 1783.
13. Mehetabel, 27th Nov., 1785.
II.-1. Josiah Bull, mar. (2nd) Mary, dau. of Dennis and Cornelia Christy,
of Dutchess County, and widow of Robert Kidney (see later IV. 1, page 89),
and had:
III. Children of Josiah and Mary Bull:
1. Abigail, born 25th July, 1797 (see page 89).
2. Patience, 26th Sept. 1799 (see page 89).
3. Content Ann, born 10th Sept., 1802. (Content Ann and
her mother Mary are buried in the old Friends' burial
ground in east end of Bloomfield) (see page 89).
NOTE. II. Josiah Bull died in Dutchess County, N.Y. His dau. Maturah
came in 1792; Matilda in 1793; Ruth, 1802; while his widow Mary and
the three children by second marriage, came in 1817. They (the latter)
were brought by William and Ruth Christy, in a covered lumber waggon.
William had gone down to attend yearly meeting, no doubt prepared
to bring back with him his sister Mary and her children. It will be
seen that William and Mary Christy mar. father and daughter. On the
return journey they reached the house of Cory Spencer (Picton) where they
had a mid-day dinner, thence
[page 79]
proceeding to the bush farm of William Christy, about seven
miles west. In 1886 "Aunt Lizzie Wallace" (see Spencers) said
she was a school-girl when the Christys and Bulls came in 1817;
and that when she came home for dinnor from the school-house,
which stood on the hill overlooking the Bay, behind the
residence of Mr. H. S. Wilcocks (1901), she found the arrivals
at dinner at her father's. It is not known when the other
members of the Bull family came; whether they all came at the
same time or separately; but there is no doubt that they came
about 1802, as John was mar. in Adolphustown in 1803 (according
to the McDowell Reg.).
III.-1. Stephen, born 18th Sept., 1765; mar. (?) in Dutchess
County, N.Y., leaving issue, viz.:
IV. Henry, mar. (?), leaving issue, viz.:
V.-1. Nathaniel Niles (see note, page 77)
2. Joseph.
3. Stephen-visited Pr. Ed. Co. in 1882; returned
to Dutchess Co. and died about 1885.
4. Martha.
5. Elizabeth.
III.-2. Mary, born 15th Nov., 1766, mar. ?? Simmons, near Watertown, N.Y.
III.-3. Amos, born 4th Dec., 1768, mar. Martha, dau. of Daniel Cunningham
and his second wife, Abigail Richmond (see Richmond family, by J. B. R., 1897).
Daniel Cunningham had by his first wife, in Dutchess County, a son Charles,
who afterwards settled at Bloomfield and became the progenitor of
the family, which for distinction is known as that of the
Cunninghams of the Island (see page 87), and also a daughter
Patience, who married Solomon Vermilyea and moved to the Western States.
[Daniel and Abigail Cunningham had issue:
(1) William, mar. Fanny White and had a son William (see page 85);
(2) Mary, mar. George Baker (see IV. 1, 2, Caleb and Josiah Spencer,
page 85);
(3) Martha, mar. Amos Bull (ante.);
(4) Sarah, mar. Benjamin Leavens (see page 88).]
3. Martha, wife of Amos Bull, died 23rd Jan., 1842, aged 66
years. Amos and Martha Bull had issue:
IV.-1. Abigail, mar. Hugh Robinson.
2. Jemima mar. James Lowe (buried in Hicksite ground, Bloomfield).
3. Stephen, mar. Elizabeth (Betsy) Brewer-
lived at "Hallowell Crossing."
4. William, mar. Phebe Leavens, dau. of Peter, and moved to
5. Phebe, mar., and lived north of Kingston, Out.
6. Maturah, mar. George Aldrich, a one-armed school-teacher.
7. Sarah.
8. Mary.
9. Martha, mar. ?? Goodmurphy, brother of Richard.
[Page 80]
10. George.
11. Charles.
12. Amos, mar. ??, dau. of David Aldrich (?).
13. John.
III-5. Matilda, born 5th July, 1771, mar. 21st April, 1791, in
Dutchess County, N.Y., Cory Spencer, son of Thomas Spencer and
his wife Ruth, dau. of Jonathan Waite of Newport, R.I. On the
23rd May, 1793, the family of Cory Spencer landed at "Towerpoint,"
on the Spencer homestead on Picton Bay, then called "Grand Bay."
Children of Cory and Matilda (Spencer):
IV.-1. Caleb, mar. Martha Baker, dau. Geo. Baker and Mary
Cunningham (ante.). Martha, wife of Caleb Spencer,
born 1st Sept., 1807, and had issue:
V.-1. Amos.
2. Gideon.
3. Martha.
4. Alva.
IV.-2. Josiah, mar. Sarah Baker, born 2nd July, 1797 (sister of
Martha above), and had issue:
V.-1. Corey-died young.
2. Mary, mar. James Gilberts (Minneapolis, Minn.).
3. Joseph, mar. Sarah Rayner
(died, leaving,
VI., Fred and Minnie).
4. David H., mar. Phebe, dau. Cornelius Clapp,
of Hillier (res. Picton).
5. Susan, mar. John D. Blakeley (res. Picton).
IV.-3. Ruth, mar. Benjamin Bristol, and had issue:
V.-1. Almon, mar. Mary E. Hazzard.
2. Eliza Ann, mar. Thomas, son of Samuel Yarwood
(res. Picton).
3. Matilda-died.
4. Caroline, not mar.
IV.-4. Thomas, mar. Letty Compton, and had issue:
V.-1. John, mar. ?? Terrill, dau. James Terrill and
Dorothea Hutcheson.
[John Spencer married Elizabeth Terrill 16 Apr. 1844,
information supplied by Howard Spencer]
2. Cory, mar. ?? Spencer, dau. Augustus Spencer,
of Adolphustown.
[Cory Spencer married Margaret Ann Spencer (a Spencer
from another branch) on 11 Feb 1856,
information supplied by Howard Spencer]
3. Jane E., mar. James Rogers.
4. Willet, mar. Harriet Herrington.
IV.-5. Mehetabel, mar. Calvin Pier (no issue).
IV.-6. Gideon, mar. Betsy Bull, dau. of Josiah, son of George and his
wife Elizabeth Powell (see page 77), and had issue:
V.-1. Andrew.
2. George.
3. Emily, mar. Thomas Todd, of Belleville, Ont.
4. Charles, mar. Jane Smiley.
[Page 81]
IV.-7. Elizabeth W., mar., 1856, Luke Wallace (no issue).
Elizabeth died 24th Dec., 1893, aged 86 years, 4 mos., 3 days.
She was generally known as "Aunt Lizzie," and was the source
of much historical data concerning the early times and people
of Picton and vicinity.
IV.-8. Matilda, born 21st April, 1810; not mar.; died 16th Feb., 1901,
aged 90 yrs. She and her widowed sister, Elizabeth, long lived
together on the hill overlooking "Tower-point," close to the
spot where the first Spencer log-house was built-doubtless
where they received the Christys and Bulls on their advent in
IV.-9. Corey, born 28th May, 1812; died 6th Jan., 1897;
mar. 7th April, 1842, Eliza Ketchum.
IV.10. Joseph, born 2nd Aug., 1815; mar. Sarah B. Hill, dau. of
David Hill and Abigail, dau. of Geo. Baker and Mary Cunningham
(page 79).
V.1. Emily, born 17th April, 1843; mar., 16th Feb., 1865,
Charles Wilson, of Whitchurch, Ont.
2. Priscilla, born 15th Sept., 1847; mar. J. A. Heively, of
Williamsport, Pa.
3. David A., born 14th Feb., 1852;
mar. Jane, dau. L. B. Stinson, Hallowell.
III.-6. Maturah, born 21st April, 1773; died 2nd Nov., 1846;
mar. (1st) Thomas Bowerman, who brought her to Canada in 1792,
and leaving the farm on west lake shore, known as the Tubbs'
farm, they settled on Lot 1, First Con., Military Tract,
Township Hallowell. Their first house was of logs, and stood
near the low ground where they grew their flax for spinning.
Before many years, however, they built a large, square
two-storey frame house, which was painted white, and was for
those days both commodious and palatial. Thomas died in 1810 at
Kingston, en route from Quebec, with "ship fever," and was
brought home for burial. Maturah married (2nd) John Stinson
(see page 84).
IV. Children of Maturah and Thomas (Bowerman):
1. Sarah (called "Aunt Sally"), mar. Townsend Garrett (son of
Caleb, a brother of Isaac), of Hillier.
2. Phebe-died, aged 10.
3. Stephen (known as "Big Stephen"), mar. Phebe Garrett, dau.
Isaac (above) and Sarah, and had issue:
V.1. Emerson.
2. Charles.
3. Sarah Ann.
4. Zuleima.
5. Byron.
6. Milton.
7. Thomas Henry.
NOTE. -The family of Stephen moved to Battle Creek, Mich. They were mar.
at the "Big White House," on the same day (Friday, 18th Sept., 1818)
[page 82]
on which were mar. William Garrett (brother of Phebe) and
Patience Bull, and Townsend Garrett and Sally Bowerman. That was
an occasion not to he overlooked; it was an early
"triple-alliance," and demanded ratification by the assembled
neighborhood, in the collective capacity of an old-timed
charivari. That even was authentically stated by "the oldest
inhabitant" never to have been surpassed for the extravagant
invention of furious fun and frolic. The vestibuled Pullmans in
which the newly contracted parties began their wedding tours
consisted of heavy farm waggons without springs, and furnished
with large waggon chairs. When these had been taken apart and
replaced in proper shape upon the ground-for the charivaring
party had placed them astride the barn roof-they were free to
pursue their journey over the corduroy roads leading to their
various residences near Wellington, then the Township of Ameliasburg.
Phebe died at Battle Creek, aged 87 yrs.-removed from Canada in 1863.
IV.-4. Joseph, mar. (1st) Phebe Cronkhite, dau. Jacob and Philadelphia
V-1. Jacob.
2. Patience.
3. Willet.
4. Lydia.
5. Susannah.
6. Philadelphia -twins.
7. Maturah -twins.
8. Sarah.
9. Rachel.
Mar. (2nd) Phebe Upton, of Poughkeepsie, where he died.
IV.-5. Thomas (called "Big Tommy"), who lived for the greater
part of his life on the town line between Hallowell and Hillier,
near a country church which still bears the family name of
"Bowerman's Church." In keeping with the family proclivity for
magnificent visions, Thomas offered to "give the land, grade
the road, and furnish the ties" for a section of railroad, as an
inducement for the Grand Trunk Railway to be built through
Prince Edward. Though a great undertaking, it would have been a
profitable investment, and showed greater speculative foresight
than many of his followers. He mar. (1st) Jemima Platt, who died
without issue, then (2nd) Mary Platt, sister of Jemima and widow
of ?? Young:
[She was widow of George Young, who was the son of Lieut. Henry Young U.E. of
East Lake, Pr. Ed. Co. Mary & George had 1 child - - Rev. George Young
[1821-1910], who was brought up in the Bowerman home, having step & half
siblings. This information is provided by Libby Henson,
Rev. George Young was her g.g.grandfather & the author of "Manitoba
Memories" - Leaves from my life in the Prairie Province 1868-1884,
published by Wm. Briggs in Toronto in 1897. Dr. Young was the founder of
Methodist Missions in the Red River Settlement, & ministered to Thomas
Scott, on the occasion of his execution, during the Riel uprising.
His son, Capt. George Young, participated in Riel's capture & was
handcuffed to him for a # of days. The two men learned to respect each
other but agreed to disagree.]
V.-1. James, mar. (1st) C. McCartney, of Hillier-
VI. Mary Eliza;
mar. (2nd) M. C. Fraser, of Napanee-
VI. Lucy, Richard Fraser;
mar. (3rd) Lydia Caton.
V.-2. Amos, mar. Rhoda A. Babbitt, and had issue:
VI.-1. Mary.
2. Emma.
3. Henry.
4. John.
5. Benjamin.
[Page 83]
V.-3. Lois.
4. Hester.
5. Maturah, mar. Samuel Titus (Napinka Man., 1897).
6. Allen, mar. Carrie Stephens, dau. George, of Cobourg.
IV.-6. Josiah, mar. Sarah, dau. Henry and Ruth Brewer, of Dutchess
County, N.Y.
V.-1. Diana, mar. Dr. Geo. B. Christy, son of Henry and Maria
(Dunlop, Iowa).
2. Henry, live in Chicago-the latter an editor.
3. Nelson, " " " "
4. Freeman.
5. Anise.
6. Patience.
7. Harvey.
8. Byron.
9. Lydia.
[Sarah Brewer was born in Utica, N.Y., 11th June, 1811, and in
1829 came to Canada, where she mar., 25th April, 1830, Josiah
Bowerman. In 1857 this family moved to the United States,
finally settling at Dunlop, Iowa, where Josiah died in
1876-Sarah on 14th March, 1896.]
IV.-7. Amos, mar. (1st) Sarah Haight, and had issue:
V.-1. Mary, mar. William Gilroy, of "Pine Orchard," or Newmarket
2. Henry, mar. Mary Ann, dau. Townsend Garrett, son of Caleb.
3. Lydia, mar. Smith Philips. (She is buried on
"Bowerman's Hill.")
4. Eliza-not mar.
5. Melissa, mar. Walter Young.
6. George-died young.
7. James.
Mar. (2nd) Mary, dau. of Eleazer Lewis, of Yonge Street, County
York, and had issue:
V.-1. Amos.
2. Ruth, mar. ?? Lundy, of Whitchurch.
3. Maturah-died early.
4. Lewis.
5. Phebe-died early.
6. Annie-mar. ?? Willets, of Whitchurch, County York.
IV.-8. Lydia (died 24th July, 1883), mar. Thomas Stinson, son of
John, son of Capt. John (below), and had issue:
V.-1. Phebe, mar. 23rd March, 1853, Cornelius Noxon, son Samuel
and Rhoda White.
2. Maturah, mar. Samuel Noxon, brother of Cornelius and late
Pres't of the firm of Noxon Bros., of Ingersoll, and had
VI. 1. Herbert;
2. Olive.
[Page 84]
3. Freeman, mar. Eliza Spencer, and had:
VI., 1, Della-died 18th Dec., 1900.
4. Mary Amanda, mar. Nathaniel Branscombe, and had
VI., 1, John.
IV.-9. Patience, mar. Alexander Sheriff, of Picton, and had issue:
V.-1. John-not mar., artist-died at San Diego, Cal.
2. Phebe, mar. Thomas Higgins, and had issue:
VI.1. Cornelia.
2. Albert.
3. Herbert R.
3. Anna M., mar. Wm. G. Ford, and had issue:
VI.-1. Georgiana.
2. William.
3. Edward.
4. Frank.
4. Thomas.
III.-6. Maturah (Bull), mar. (2nd) John Stinson, son of Capt
John Stinson (ante.), and had issue:
IV. 1. Henry B. (died 14th Sept., 1894), mar. Mary Van Horne,
and had issue:
V.1. Henry (res. Butte city, Montana).
2. Ada, mar. Albt. G. McDonald, son of Greer, of Hallowell
IV.-2. James (died 8th April, 1843), mar. Mary, dau. Ransaeler
Burlingham and Phebe, of Hallowell (see page 88), and died
without issue-James at the age of 27, and Mary at 21.
III.-7. Joseph, born 13th March, 1775, mar. (?) (resided in Dutchess Co.,
N.Y.), and had issue:
IV.-1. Stephen, mar. (?), and had issue:
V.Joseph, mar. (?), and had issue:
VI., Fred.
III.-8. John (vide portrait front), born 21st Nov., 1777, died
23rd Jan., 1859 ; mar. June 27th, 1803 (McDowall Reg.),
Mary Palen (born 14th Sept., 1783, died 2nd Jan., 1843).
IV.-Children of John and Mary Bull:
1. Phebe, born 12th Nov., 1804, mar. John Cronkhite and resided
near Wellington Co., Prince Edward.
2. Corey, born 15th Jan., 1808, died 18th Feb., 1882 ;
mar. (1st) Clara Clarke, and had issue
V-1. Gilbert, born 21st Aug., 1833; mar. ?? Lawson,
and had issue:
VI., Edward M.
2. Harriet Anne, born 26th Jan., 1835; mar. Ichabod Bowerman,
of Exeter, Ont.
3. John, born 18th Feb., 1837; mar. Ella Young, dau.
George M., of Ameliasburg, Ont., and had issue:
VI.-1. George Corey.
2. Florence.
Mar. (2nd) Fanny Clarke, sister of Clara, and had issue:
[Page 85]
V.-1. Selick. born 30th March, 1838; mar. Elizabeth Branscombe,
and had issue:
VI.-1. Jennie.
2. Ida.
3. Estella.
2. Albert, born 18th March, 1840; mar., 3rd March, 1866,
Orilla, dau. Louis Winters, and had issue:
VI.-1. Louis A., born 20th April, 1870.
2. Dora, born 21st Sept., 1879.
3. Cory, born 6th Sept., 1841, died 23rd July, 1864.
4. Mary E., born 26th Aug., 1843; mar., 8th March, 1865,
Jacob, son of Wm. Fraleigh.
5. Frances L., born 29th Oct., 1846; mar. Fred. Bigg.
6. Phebe, born 19th Dec., 1848; mar. (?.) (res. Brandon,
7. Alice M., born 16th April, 1854; not mar. (res. Chicago).
IV.3. John, born 31st Dec., 1815; mar., 7th March, 1843, Pamelia Davis,
born 30th Oct., 1821, and had issue:
V.-1. Herbert S., born 16th March, 1846; mar., 29th Aug., 1870,
Annie, dau. David Burlingham (page 88), and had issue:
VI, Norma, died March, 1896.
2. Ida Augusta, born 24th Sept., 1851; mar., 3rd May, 1868,
Thos. H. Noxon (Noxon Bros.), and had issue:
VI. Herbert.
III.-9. Ruth, born 30th Oct., 1778; died, at the house of John Stinson, jr.,
28th Sept, 1850; mar., in Dutchess Co., N.Y., William, son of Dennis Christy
and his wife, Cornelia Stewart. (William Christy was born 5th July, 1772,
died 9th Aug. 1828.)
IV.-Children of William and Ruth (Christy):
1. Stewart, born 23rd Oct., 1796, died 28th May, 1865; mar. in
Dutchess Co., Elizabeth Vincent, dau. Reuben and Deborah
(Bowerman), and had issue:
V.-1. Reuben, mar. Mary Gilmore (page 87).
2. Jane, mar. David Burlingham (see page 88).
3. William, mar. Sophia Hendry.
4. Gideon, mar. Mary Cunningham (see Wm., III., page 79).
5. John, mar. Hannah Creeper, from Cornwall, Eng.
2. Matilda, born 30th Oct., 1797; died 10th Jan., 1881; married
Joseph Brown, of Whitby, originally of Monkton, Vermont
(a school-teacher), and had issue:
V.-1. William, not mar.
2. Stewart, mar. (1st) Catherine Corner,
(2nd) Lydia Noxon.
3. Ruth, not mar., died 1855.
4. Elizabeth, mar. Isaac Toole, of Markham.
5. Thomas, not mar., died 1896.
6. Lydia, mar. Alfred White (no issue).
[Page 86]
3. Henry, born 15th April, 1799, died 20th Aug., 1881; married
Maria Brewer, and is buried on "Bowerman's Hill." They had
V.-1. George B., mar. Diana Bowerman (see page 83).
2. Lydia, mar. Wm. Low, and moved to Iowa.
3. Patience, mar. ?? Jacobs, " "
4. ?? , " Mathew Smith, " "
5. Henry A. mar Sarah Eck, of Peterboro, Ont.
VI. Bella, mar. Dr. Sanger Brown (son of V.2,
Stewart and Catherine, ante.), of Chicago.
VII. Christy (see page 85).
4. Elizabeth, born 9th Oct., 1804 died 24th June, 1875; mar.
John Stinson, Jr., son of John, son of Capt. John. (No
surviving issue.)
5. Martha, born 9th Oct., 1806 died 9th Feb., 1861; mar. James
Striker, who died 28th Aug., 1855. Had issue:
V. Ruth, mar. Abram B. Saylor, son of Charles. Issue:
VI.-1. Charles Henry, mar. (1st) Sarah Kelly,
(2nd) Mary Williamson, (3rd) Mary Yarwood.
2. Mary Elizabeth, mar. Alonzo Weeks.
6. Mehetabel, born 9th October, 1809; died 17th October, 1842;
mar. Daniel Gerow, and had issue:
V.-1. Peter (?)
2. Mary. mar. Benj. Brewer (res. Oswego, N.Y.)
3. Thomas, mar. Elmira Leavens, dau. Jos. Leavens and
his wife Sarah, dau. of Seth Armitage, of Yonge Street.
7. Phebe, born 6th May, 1811, died 31st July, 1876;
mar. Walter H. Stickney, son of Dr. John Stickney and his
wife Rebecca Barker, and had issue:
V.-1. John, mar. (1st) Rebecca, dau. Stephen and Catherine
White, (2nd) Josephine Hoxie, of Buffalo, N.Y.
2. Ruth, mar. Rev. Isaac Wilson, son of Joseph,
of Whitchurch.
3. Lydia, mar. Nicholas Lazier, of Belleville.
4. Samuel, mar. Mary Webster, of Yonge Street.
5. William, " ?? (res. in Ohio).
6. Lewis, " Mary Hoxie, of Buffalo (died in Uxbridge).
7. James, mar. Miss Wellington, of Brighton, Ont.
8. Edward W., mar. Alida Canfield (Olean, N.Y.).
9. Jacob C., not mar. (Kansas City, U.S.).
10. Willet, mar. Olive (?) " " "
8. William, born 30th Aug., 1815, died 26th Jan., 1883; mar.
Lavina, dau. of Charles Saylor, and had issue:
V.-1. Mary, mar. Willet Lane (no issue).
[Page 87]
2. Thos. S., mar. Martha Winters, dau. Louis.
3. Charles S., mar. Sarah Elizabeth, dau. Reuben Christy
and Mary Gilmore (see page 85, V.1).
9. Ruth, born 8th May, 1817, died 26th April, 1879; mar. Adam Amans,
from Cape Vincent, N.Y., and had issue:
V.-1. John S., died 1881, unmar.
2. Rachel, not mar.
3. Thos. H., mar. ?? Werden.
4. Freeman, mar. ??.
10. Patience, born 25th July, 1818, died ??; mar. George M. Young,
son of Job, of Ameliasburg (no issue).
11. Jonithan, born 5th Oct., 1820, died 9th Jan., 1891; mar.
Charlotte Corner (Eng.), and had:
V.-1. Elmira, mar. Wm. H. Richardson.
2. Henry W., mar. ?? Frost, of Belleville.
3. James A., mar. (1st) Elmira Mills,
(2nd) Lydia Shoebridge.
4. Sophia, mar. ?? Walker, Co. Simcoe.
5. John, mar. ??.
12. Mary, born 2nd Oct., 1822, died 12th Dec., 1897; mar., 25th
June) 1845, Gideon Hughes Bowerman, son of Stephen Bowerman
and Amy Hughes, and had issue:
V.-1. Stephen J., mar. Elizabeth Lucas, and had issue:
VI-1. Byron G., mar. Margaret Hicks.
2. Rachel M.-died young.
3. Alma A.- " "
4. Ethel M.
5. Stephen Earl.
2. Albert C., mar. Lilian, dau. James P. Thorne and
Helen A. Harrington, of Picton, 19th Aug., 1845.
III.-11. Phebe, born 18th Aug., 1781, died ?? ; mar. William Hubbs, son
of Robert Hubbs and his wife Jane Haviland, and had:
IV. Maturah, mar. Stephen Haight, of Norwich, Ont.
[While looking at your site for the Genealogical History of the Bull
Family I noticed that it says that Phebe Bull, daughter of Josiah Bull
married William Hubbs the son of Robert Hubbs and Jane Haviland. The
information I have states that William is the son of Robert Hubbs and
Mary Fowler (1758 - 1780). That Jane Haviland (1766-1851) is the 2nd.
wife of Robert Hubbs and that she bore him ten additional children. (2)
Benjamin, (3) Robert, (4) Mary (Polly), (5) Jemima, (6) Haviland, (7)
Adam, (8) Amos, (9) Hannah, (10) Annie, (11) Sarah. It shows no date of
death for Phebe. My information shows Phebe born Aug. 18, 1781 near
Poughkeepsie, N.Y., U.S.A. and died Nov. 16, 1817 at Hubbsville, near
Wellington, Ontario. Although Hubbsville is no longer there Hubbs Creek
Road is. William F. Hubbs]
III.-12. Josiah, born 10th Oct., 1783, died ?? mar. Sarah Cunningham,
dau. of Charles (son of Daniel) and "Sally." They lived near the
village of Bloomfield, and are the progenitors of that branch of
the Cunningham family known as the "Island Cunninghams"(page 79).
They had issue:
IV.-1. Hiram, mar. Melvina Wrightman.
2. Mary, " William Wilson, of Hillier-large family.
3. Abigail, " Richard Goodmurphy- ,,
4. Phebe, " Jonathan Burlingham, son of Reuben and his wife
Phebe Leavens (dau. Benj. Leavens and Sarah Cunningham,
vide page 79). Issue:
V.-1. David.
2. Hiram.
[Page 88]
5. Hannah, mar. David Burlingham, twin brother of Jonathan.
(David's second wife was Jane Christy see page 85.) Issue:
V.-1. Annie, mar. Herbert S. Bull (see page 85.)
2. Augusta, mar. Finlay Morgan, son of Richard Morgan,
and had:
VI. Clarence.
6. Sarah, mar. John Vincent, of Bloomfield.
III-13. Mehetabel, born 27th Nov., 1785, died 11th April, 1854; mar.,
31st July, 1803 (McDowell Reg.), John Cooper, son of Obadiah,
of Dutchess Co., N.Y. Obadiah was English. When a lad of 11
years he was "pressed" into the British navy, where he learned
the trade of a tailor, which he followed after his escape.
He settled in Dutchess County; was twice married, John being
a son by first wife; his second wife was a widow named Vanvlack,
who had a son, Henry. He had two sons. One, named Elias,
settled at Waupoose; the other, named Stephen, at Milford,
Prince Edward Co. By his second wife he had James, who came
to Canada in his fifth year. He afterwards mar. Nancy White
(dau. Cornelius). John and Mehetabel lived near the village
of Bloomfield, and were among the early arrivals. They had a
large family.
IV.-Children of John and Mehetabel (Cooper):
1. Thomas, mar. Elizabeth, dau. Wm. Cunningham (son Daniel and
Abigail) and Fanny White.
2. Henry, mar. Elizabeth B. Leavens (dau. Peter). She was born
8th March, 1810, died ??; Henry, born 8th May, 1808, died
7th Jan., 1855, and had issue:
V.-1. Lydia, mar. Wm. Cunningham, son of Wm. (above).
2. Mary A., not mar., died ??.
3. Maria, mar. James A. Gibson, son of Jas.,
VI. Henry.
4. William B., mar. Maturah J. Striker, dau. Vincent
(see page 89, IV., 2, Sophia).
5. Freeman, mar. Annette Young, dau. Henry, of East Lake.
3. Josiah, mar. Jane VanCleaf, dau. John. Josiah died 15th
Dec., 1889. They had issue:
V.-1. John, mar. Kate, dau. John Trumpour, and had issue:
VI.-1. Herbert mar. ?? Williamson.
2. Bertha, mar. ?? Ross.
2. Amos, mar. Lydia M., dau. Elisha W. Talcott, and had:
VI.-1. William.
2. Ernest.
3. Mary J., mar. Wm. A. Johnson, son of Searing, and
had issue:
VI. Ida.
4. Hannah M., mar. D. B. Bowerman, son of Charles G.
4. Obadiah, mar. Rebecca Burlingham, dau. of Ransaeler and Phebe
(dau. Ichabod Bowerman and Rebecca Mastin-page 84). Obadiah
was born 26th June, 1810; Rebecca
[page 89]
born 30th Sept., 1809. They were married according to the
Order of the "Old Friends," 24th Feb., 1831, and had issue:
V.-1. Reuben, mar. Kate Stinson, dau. David, son John,
son Capt. John.
2. John, mar. M. Cunningham, dau. Youngs Cunningham,
of the Island.
3. Luke, not mar. (res. San Francisco, Cal.).
4. Ransaeler, mar. Eliza, dau. Lawrence Goodmurphy.
5. Delilah, mar. John, son of " "
5. Ruth, mar. Robt. Hubbs, son of Benj., and lived at "Black Creek,"
Prince Edward Co.
6. Matilda, mar. Asa Thomas.
7. Mary, " Amos Hubbs.
8. Sarah, " John Terwilliger.
9. Maturah, " Adam H. Saylor, J.P., of Bloomfield.
10. Sophia, " Vincent Strike" (see ante., page 88).
11. Phebe, born 4th May, 1829; mar. John Locklin, of Brighton, Ont.
NOTE.-The seven sisters, from 5 to 11 inclusive, left issue, and in some
cases large families resulted.
III.-1. Abigail Bull (p. 78), born 25th July, 1797, died ??; mar. Amos Hubbs,
East Lake, Co. Pr. Ed., and had issue:
IV.-1. Benjamin, mar. Nancy Stapleton (res. Picton).
2. Mary A., " ?? Warren.
3. Hannah, " ??.
4. Stephen, " Lydia, dau. Vincent Bowerman (son of Thomas
Bowerman and his first wife Sarah Vincent, of Dutchess Co.,N.Y.)
5. Patience, mar. Caleb Gibson.
III-2. Patience Bull, born 26th Sept., 1799, died 21st May, 1882; mar., 1812,
William Garrett, son of Isaac and Sarah (Carman) Garrett, and resided
near the village of Wellington. William died 22nd Feb., 1886,
aged 87 years. They had issue:
IV.-1. Andrew, mar. Rachel Kidney, dau. of Robert, son of
Robt. Kidney and Mary Christy (see p. 78).
2. Stephen, mar. Eliza Taylor.
3. Priscilla, born 24th April, 1824, died 24th June, 1896;
not married.
4. Sarah.
5. John, mar. Martha, dau. Dr. Willet Dorland, M.P.P.
6. Amos, " Sarah Sawyer; of Picton.
7. Phebe, " Lewis Leavens, and had issue:
V. Walter R., mar. ?? Sills.
8. William H., mar. Matilda Foues.
9. Ralph, mar. a Peruvian woman and lived at Iquique, Peru,
where be died, leaving several children. He was visited by the
missionary, Dr. Taylor, who mentions the family during his
journey to South America.
[page 90]
III.-3. Content Ann Bull, b. 10th Sept., 1802, died ??; mar. Stephen, son of
Cornelius Blount and Lydia Bowerman. The first Friends' meeting in
Pr. Ed County was held at the house of Stephen's parents, about 1800.
They had issue:
IV.-1. Lydia, mar. George A. Sargent, from Cape Vincent.
2. Mary, " Wm. Thorne, of N.B. (res. in Pr. Ed. Co.).
3. Jane, not mar.
4. Patience, mar. James Perkins, of Mich., U.S.
5. Abigail, not mar.
6. Phebe, mar. Thos. Blount, of Illinois (cousins).
7. Cornelius, mar. in United States.
8. Josiah, " " "
9. Content Ann-died early.
10. Matilda, not mar.
NOTE. -The Roman numerals, I., II., III., IV., V., VI. refer to
generations, Josiah Bull, the ancestor named on page 77, being
I.; the Arabic numerals designate the number in the various
families-thus the last entry, Matilda Blount, is the tenth
child in the family of Stephen and Content Ann Blount, and she
is the great-granddaughter of Josiah Bull I. The descent is shown
I. Josiah Bull, mar. ?? Tripp (page 77).
II -1. Josiah Bull, mar. Mary Christy (page 78).
III.-3. Content Ann Bull, mar. Stephen Blount (page 90).
IV.-10. Matilda Blount.
Bill Martin, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
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