This information was originally published by:
Papers and Records
Volume 38, Published in Toronto in 1946
Pages 77-108.
Return to my main index.
Edited by H. R. MORGAN
This old register, since 1885 kept in the office of the Synod of
the Diocese of Ontario (at Kingston), constitutes (with the
exception of a few baptismal entries made by the Rev. Dr. John
Stuart in the course of an early visit to the Johnstown
District) the earliest known parochial records of the Church of
England in the territory now embraced in the Counties of Leeds
and Grenville.
They are to be found in a paper-covered book, of several
sections, parts of which bear evidence of having been copied
from the originals many years ago. The earliest section is,
however, inscribed "De Baptismis" in the handwriting of the
pioneer missionary, the Rev. John Bethune (see "The Bethunes",
Ontario Historical Society, Papers and Records, Volume XXVII,
1931), but, unfortunately, only the smallest fragment of these
baptismal records is included and thus the marriages solemnized
by Mr. Bethune are alone recorded. The record of baptisms seems
to have been deliberately torn from the book. An attached slip of
paper bears this wording: "Brockville Parish Registers received
from the Rev. W. H. Gunning and afterwards copied. The originals
were mutilated when I received them. E. Denroche." On the inside
front cover there are the further notations by Mr. Denroche, a
later rector of the church: "This registry was thus mutilated
when entrusted to my charge by Col. Carley. E.D." and "the
mutilated part seems to be, or have been, in Mr. Bethune's
handwriting & to be, or have been, a registry of baptisms,
E.D.". The "Col. Carley" mentioned was probably Colonel
Bartholomew Carley, U.E.L., who came up the St. Lawrence with
the first brigade of boats and survived to reach the age of 87
when he died in 1844. On the inside of the back cover Mr.
Denroche is again at pains to record that the registers were
"given into my hands by Rev. W. H. Gunning." Unfortunately,
there is no reference whatever to burials.
It was in July, 1814, that the Bishop of Quebec ordained John
Bethune and appointed him to "the cure of souls" in the
townships of Elizabethtown and Brockville. The young clergyman
made his headquarters in the village of Maitland, where he also
conducted the Johnstown District Grammar School, being latterly
assisted by his brother, Alexander N. Bethune, subsequently
Bishop of Toronto. Mr. Bethune did not, however, confine his
labours to the established settlements along the north shore of
the St. Lawrence. As his correspondence records and as his
register confirms, he made various tours of the interior before
he left Brockville (to which place he had moved his grammar
school) in 1818 to become rector of Christ Church, Montreal,
exchanging with the Rev. John Leeds, originally of Norfolk,
England. Mr. Bethune later became Dean of Montreal.
It must be borne in mind that throughout the ministry of Mr.
Bethune in Elizabethtown and Augusta and for some time
thereafter there was no church building of the Church of England
in that district with the exception of the Blue Church in
Augusta which does not seem to have been used very extensively.
Services in Brockville were conducted in the early Court House
and continued in that environment until the opening of St. Peter's
church in 1831. St. James' church, Maitland (still standing)
preceded it in 1830 and of even greater antiquity in the two
counties is St. Paul's, Delta, which was erected as a Baptist
church in 1811 and later shared by Baptists and Anglicans until
finally it passed exclusively into the latter's hands.
In 1821 the mission was divided, the eastern part of Augusta
and Edwardsburg being taken by Rev. Robert Blakey, newly arrived
from England, and the western part by Mr. Leeds. As early as
December, 1812, the Honourable Charles Jones, M.L.C., had given
the prospective church wardens a lot for church purposes on which
the first parsonage-house was erected. On April 27, 1825,
Mr. Jones further deeded land to the Honourable Livius Peters Sherwood,
the Honourable Jonas Jones and Duncan Carley for a church, and the
laying of its corner-stone took place in 1826, some months before
Mr. Leeds' transfer to Coteau du Lac. In ill health for some time,
be died in New York on March 12, 1847, while en route to England.
There is evidence in his register to prove that be, too,
travelled extensively throughout the surrounding district.
After a brief period during which the Honourable and Rev. C. J.
Stewart, son of the Seventh Earl of Galloway, acted as visiting
missionary in the course of his travels through the archdeaconries
of York and Kingston, the Rev. John Wenham, remembered for his
habit of wearing a cocked hat and a coat adorned with brass buttons,
assumed charge of the mission and it was during his incumbency
that steps were taken to build a church. Pending its completion,
he preached in the Court House and School House, and it was not
until April 17, 1831, after several subscription lists had been
opened and Mr. Wenham had left for England on a holiday, that
St. Peter's was actually opened for worship with the Rev.
William Hudson Gunning as locum tenens. Of stone roughcast with
a square tower typical of the period, its interior is richly
finished in black walnut and it contains more memorials of
various types than any other church in the district. Arthur
McClean, who is said to have had experience in church architecture
in his native Ireland, was the architect.
All the records reproduced here are, consequently, anterior to
the completion of St. Peter's church and they indicate that the
early missionaries in the district were particularly zealous in
spreading their ministrations throughout the surrounding
countryside, much of it then little more than a wilderness,
where they habitually conducted services in private houses or in
Schoolhouses. There are frequent references to Wiltsetown (a
settlement south of the existing village of Athens, where the
Rev. Rossington Elms later built a church only to have it
destroyed by fire before it could be used for worship), to
Lamb's Pond (now New Dublin) where another church was built and
opened, to Pucker Street, one of the rear concessions of the
township of Elizabethtown, to Fulford's, a settlement some
miles west of Brockville, and even to Lansdowne, a short
distance east of Gananoque, and the Rideau region, where
settlement was then in its infancy.
Elizabeth Town, 25th Sept., 1814, George MANHARD and Jenny RORISON, banns.
Augusta, 2nd Oct., 1814, Peter MACK and Sarah NETTLETON, banns.
Augusta, 25th Dec., 1814, James JACKSON and Mary WEBB, banns
Augusta, 8th Jan., 1815, Peter NANGLE and Ann BOWERS, banns.
Augusta, 9th Feb., 1815, Abel WRIGHT and Sally LANDON, banns.
Abel Wright, son of Captain Ashael Wright, U.E.L., of
Augusta, was born May 8, 1791, and died near Perth, aged 81.
Augusta, 9th Feb., 1815, Richard MARTIN and Belinda WOODCOCK, banns.
Augusta, 16th Feb., 1815, Daniel CUMMONS and Sarah RUDE, banns.
Elizabeth Town, 26th Feb., 1815, Michael CAVANNAGH and Sarah CLARKE, banns.
Elizabeth Town, 26th Feb., 1815, John WHITE and Sally WELDON, banns.
Augusta, 26th Feb., 1815, William BOTTOM and Marsha (Marcia) HURD, banns.
Augusta, 2nd March, 1815, Terence SMITH and Eleanor WEATHERHEAD,
by special licence.
Terence Smith, also known as Smyth and Smythe, was a son
of Major Thomas Smyth, U.E.L., original grantee of land at
Smiths Falls and later builder of the first mill at
Burritt's Rapids, on the Rideau. He was the father of
Colonel T. W. W. Smythe, M.D., 100th Regiment, Royal Canadians,
and of W. H. B. Smythe, Brockville, and died in that town
September 13, 1869, aged 79. Eleanor Weatherhead, daughter
of Samuel Weatherhead, Augusta, and his wife, Magdalene Haskins,
was born October 24, 1793, and died April 9, 1838.
Augusta, 2nd April, 1815, William EVERTS and Irene SMITH, banns.
Brockville, 9th April, 1815, Wellesley RICHEY and Julia DRAKE, banns.
Augusta, 30th April, 1815, Samuel BROWN and Ruth LAIKINS, banns.
Williamstown, 23rd May, 1815, Henry McKENZIE and Ann BETHUNE, licence.
Mr. Bethune evidently went to Williamstown, in Glengarry, to
marry his sister, Ann, and Mr. McKenzie.
Augusta, 21st May, 1815, Timothy STREET and Betty SCOTT, banns.
Augusta, 28th May, 1815, Frederick RUDE and Jenny CUMMONS, banns.
Brockville, 10th Sept., 1815, John BERWOOD and Sarah GIDDONS, banns.
Augusta, 22nd Oct., 1815, Joseph ROBERTSON and Sarah NETTLETON, banns.
Brockville, 22nd Oct., 1815, John COLLIER and Jane GLEANE, banns.
Brockville, 29th Oct., 1815, Peter STREET and Elizabeth BRUNDRRIDGE, banns.
Johnstown, 11th Nov., 1815, Hiram NICHOLS, of Montreal, to Ann GATES,
by special licence.
Hiram Nichols died July 21, 1823, aged 33, and his wife, Ann,
died May 10, 1829, aged 35. Both are buried in the neglected
"Commons" cemetery in the township of Edwardsburg, off No. 2
highway. The latter was evidently a relative - (probably a sister)
of Walter F. Gates, M.P.P. and forwarder, who is buried
alongside them.
Augusta, ?? Dec., 1815, Joseph SCOTT to Visa (?) SHERWOOD, banns.
Johnstown, 15th Jan., 1816, Walter SUTHERLAND to Elizabeth WHITNEY, licence.
Johnstown, 2Oth Jan., 1816, William FISH and Frances PETTERS.
Augusta, 12th Feb., 1816, Archd. JACKSON and Sarah BLUDGET, banns.
Elizabeth Town, 8th Oct., 1816, Jonathan COLE, son of Adam and Thankful COLE,
to Helena, daughter of Robert and Rebecca MCLEAN, banns.
Elizabethtown, 7th Nov., 1816, Revd. William SMART to Philena JONES, licence.
The Reverend William Smart, pioneer Presbyterian minister in
Leeds and Grenville counties, was born in Edinburgh, September
14, 1788, and died at Gananoque, September 9, 1876. He was
ordained in London in 1811 and arrived at Elizabeth town
(Brockville) on October 7, 1811, the first settled minister of
any denomination in the then Johnstown District. His first wife,
Philena, daughter of Obed Foot and widow of Israel Jones, of
Augusta, died at Belleville, October 30, 1855. Issue of this
marriage was one son, William Smart, sometime judge of the
Victoria District court, Belleville.
Augusta, 9 Nov., 1816, Lyman STONE to Harriet BURRITT, licence.
Augusta, 2 Feb., 1817, Aaron C. WILLARD to Sally WING, licence.
Johnstown, 20 March, 1817, Trueman CHIPMAN, son of Ami CHIPMAN,
to Sarah CROWDER, daughter of Samuel CROWDER, licence.
Trueman Chipman belonged to the township of Bastard, where his
father, Ami, was an early settler.
Augusta, 29 June, 1817, Christian KNAUFF and May BONKER, banns.
Yonge, 18th June, 1817, William GILES and Sarah RICHARDS, both of
Elizabeth Town, by special licence.
William Giles and Sarah Richards were both originally of county
Wexford, Ireland, where the former was born at Clone House in
1789. He migrated to America in 1811 and after the War of 1812
bought a farm near the present village of Athens, Ont., where
in 1818 he built a frame house still standing and also known
as "Clone House," which is still owned and occupied by his
descendants. His wife died on February 28, 1867, and he on July
13, 1867. They had a family of six sons and two daughters-Abel,
William Henry, Richard, James, Dr. John Godkin, M.P.P., George,
Mary and Sarah.
Brockville, 2nd Nov., 1817, William BUEL to ?? STORY, Licence.
William Buell (1792-1862), son of William Buell, U.E.L., the
founder of Brockville, fought at Crysler's Farm and at
Ogdensburg as a soldier in the ranks and later commanded a
battalion of militia. He was editor and proprietor of the
Brockville Recorder, 1821-49, sat for Leeds in the Upper Canada
Assembly and was president of the Board of Police and later
Mayor of Brockville. His first wife, Mary Ann Angelica Story,
was born March 4, 1799, and died May 22, 1823.
Issue of this marriage was William Oscar Buell, later a
barrister at Perth; Colonel Elisha Buell, of Brockville and
Morristown, N.Y.; and Martha Mary, married to Stephen Miles
Washburn, sometime proprietor of the Belleville Chronicle.
Elizabeth Town, 17th Dec., 1817, James TOOMEY and Hannah FINCH,
both of Elizabeth Town, banns.
Augusta, 4th Jan., 1818, L. H. PROCTOR to Mary LIDDLE, both of
Elizabethtown, banns.
Augusta, 16th Jan., 1818, James F. KEAYS, of Lower Canada, to
Eliza Amelia GIFF, of Prescott, licence.
Augusta, 3rd March, 1818, David EVERTS to Sarah SMITH, both of
Augusta, licence.
Augusta, 17 March, 1818, William PERRYN to Rosannah BASS, both
of Augusta, banns.
Augusta, 27 March, 1818, Asael WRIGHT to Eleanor CARPENTER, both
of Augusta, banns.
Captain Ashael Wright, of Augusta, son of Ashael Wright, U.E.L.,
was born May 27, 1794, and died June 18, 1873. His first wife,
Eleanor Carpenter, died on May 2, 1840, aged 38. She was thus
16 years old at the time of her marriage. Both are buried in
Carpenter's cemetery near Algonquin, Ont.
Augusta, 29 March, 1818, John BOYD to Mary STEELE, both of Augusta, banns.
Augusta, 29th Apr., 1818, John Henry BOULTON, Esqr., of York, to
Eliza JONES, of Brockville, licence.
The Honourable Henry John Boulton was the second son of the
Honourable D'Arcy Boulton, Solicitor-General and Attorney-General
of Upper Canada and later judge of the Court of King's Bench,
by his wife, Elizabeth Forster, and was born in 1790 in Little
Holland House, Kensington, London. After service as Solicitor-
General and Attorney-General of Upper Canada, he accepted
appointment in 1833 as Chief Justice of Newfoundland and, after
his return to Canada in 1838, was again elected to parliament.
His wife, Eliza Jones, was born July 27, 1797, a daughter of
Ephraim Jones, U.E.L., Augusta, and died May 21, 1868.
Augusta, 21 June, 1818, Joseph KNAPP to Catherine RUDE, both
of Augusta, banns.
Augusta, 29th July, 1818, Matthias LINK to Emma JAMES, both of
Augusta, licence.
Augusta, 15th Sept., 1818, Stephen Todd BEACH to Rachael BENEDIC,
both of Elizabeth Town, banns.
Augusta, 11th Oct., 1818, Richard JONES, gunner in the Royal Artillery,
to Mary Sarah MEREDITH, of Augusta, banns.
Augusta, 21st Oct., 1818, John MARTIN to Anna NETTLETON, banns.
Augusta, 25th Oct., 1818, James WEATHERHEAD to Amarilla STONE, banns.
James Weatherhead was a son of Samuel Weatherhead, early
merchant near Maitland. He was born September 8, 1797, and
has descendants in Minnesota.
Brockville, Jany. 14, 1819, John RUDE and Hannah SWINNING,
both of Augusta, banns. Witnesses ?? BAWDEN, Frederick RUDE.
Brockville, Jany. 21, 1819, David BROWNE, widower, and Catherine FELL,
spinster, both of Augusta, banns.
Augusta, Feby. 3, 1819, Orin SHERWOOD, bachelor, and Margaret SCOTT,
spinster, both of Augusta, banns.
Augusta, Aug. 19, 1819, Henry MOSHER, bachelor, and Margaret YOUNG,
spinster, both of Augusta, banns.
Brockville, August 16, 1819, William BOULTON, bachelor, and Elizabeth LYNUP,
spinster, emigrants from Ireland, licence. Witness, William SHIRLEY.
Augusta, Sep. 9, 1819, Freeman WOODCOCK, bachelor, and Elizabeth BASS,
spinster, both of Augusta, banns.
Brockville, Dec. 1, 1819, Lawren FULFORD, bachelor, and Susanna PURDAY,
spinster, both of Elizabeth Town, banns.
Augusta, Dec. 14, 1819, William HALEY, bachelor, and Sarah EVERTS,
spinster, both of Augusta, banns.
Brockville, Dec. 28, 1819, Thomas COLLINS, bachelor, and Ann KING,
spinster, both of Johnstown, banns.
Augusta, Dec. 29, 1819, Joseph Norton BURTON, bachelor, and
Elizabeth NETTLETON, spinster, both of Augusta, banns.
Augusta, Dec. 29, 1819, Barnabas NETTLETON, bachelor, and Marintha THROOP,
spinster, both of Augusta, banns.
A Barnabas Nettleton (perhaps the same), who died November 6,
1867, aged 84, lies buried in the neglected cemetery near Clowes
Lock, east of Merrickville.
Augusta, Jan. 6, 1820, Henry CUMMINS, bachelor, and Marianna THROOP,
spinster, both of Augusta, banns.
Feb. 18, 1820, Samuel PARISH, of Yonge, bachelor, and Frances DACK,
of Elizabethtown spinster, banns.
Brockville, Feb. 27, 1820, Solomon LANDON, bachelor, and Catherine FIELDS,
spinster, both of Elizabethtown, banns.
Brockville, March 14, 1820, William FALCONER, bachelor, and
Rosinda GRIFFIN, spinster, both of Yonge, banns.
April 5, 1820, Thomas TAYLOR, bachelor, and Rosannah BOUKER,
spinster, both of Augusta, banns.
Brockville, April 12, 1820, Edward ALBRO, bachelor, and Fanny BAXTER,
spinster, both of Elizabethtown, licence.
Augusta, Aug. 28, 1820, Charles D. WICKWIRE, bachelor, and
Elizabeth WHITE, spinster, both of Augusta, banns.
Brockville, Sept. 7, 1820, Patrick MCNINCH, bachelor, and Ann LEWIS,
spinster, both of Augusta, licence.
Brockville, Sept 28, 1820, William BRYAN, of Perth, bachelor, and
Jane WESSTER, of Yonge, spinster, banns.
Brockville, Oct. 8, 1820, George CORNELL, bachelor, and Nancy PHILIPS,
spinster, both of Yonge, banns.
Brockville, Oct. 16, 1820, Kenneth MATHISON, of Perth, bachelor,
and Elizabeth GREEN, of Elizabethtown, spinster, licence.
Brockville, Nov. 18, 1820, John QUINEY, bachelor, and Eleanor QUINZY,
spinster, both of Yonge, banns.
Dec. 19, 1820, Truman WILTSEA, bachelor, and Eleanor SMYTH,
spinster, both of Yonge, license.
Feb. 4, 1821, Luther HOUGHTON, bachelor, and Sabra BILLINGS,
spinster, both of Elizabethtown, banns.
Luther Houghton, who became a minister of the Wesleyan
Methodist Conference and was also engaged in the foundry
business in Brockville, died there April 16, 1887, aged 87.
His widow Sabra Billings, died August 12, 1887, aged 90.
March 7, 1821, David JUDSON, bachelor, and Hannah STERNS,
spinster, both of Yonge, banns.
March 14, 1821, John LANE, bachelor, and Mary THROOP, spinster,
both of Augusta, banns.
April 11, 1821, Hiram Savery YOUNG, bachelor, and Catherine McLEAN,
spinster, both of Augusta, banns.
May 2, 1821, Duncan McLEAN, of Augusta, bachelor, and Sarah CLARKE,
of Elizabeth town, spinster, banns.
June 17, 1821, Charles BISONETTE, bachelor, and Ursula CHAMAYORE,
spinster, both of Elizabethtown, banns.
Aug. 24, 1821, William JACOB, bachelor, and Ann MOLTON,
spinster, both of Yonge, banns.
Sept. 24, 1821, Jonathan NORTON, bachelor, and Rachel CUMMINS,
spinster, both of Augusta, banns.
Sept 25, 1821, Foster STERN, of Elizabethtown, bachelor, and Jane BOYD,
of Yonge, spinster, banns.
Oct. 16, 1821, Anthony WOOD, widower, and Mary EARL, spinster,
both of Augusta, banns.
Nov. 15, 1821, Thomas BASS, bachelor, and Jane STEDMAN,
spinster, both of Yonge, banns.
Nov. 15, 1821, Abel MOTT, of Yonge, bachelor, and Lydia KILBURN,
of Kitley, spinster, banns.
Nov. 19, 1821, Henry AIRS, bachelor, and Mary BYRNES, spinster,
both of Elizabethtown, banns.
Dec. 6, 1821, George S. B. JARVIS, (Gentm) bachelor, and Julia SHERWOOD,
spinster, both of Brockville, licence. Witnesses, Henry JONES,
Sidney JONES.
George Stephen Benjamin Jarvis, second son of Stephen Jarvis, U.E.L.,
of Danbury, Conn., and later Registrar of the County of Ycrk and
Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod in the Upper Canada Assembly,
and his wife, Amelia Glover, was born at Fredericton, N.B.,
April 21, 1797, and served in the War of 1812 as a gentleman cadet
at the age of 15. He was later an ensign in the 8th Regiment
at Chippewa, Lundy's Lane and Fort Erie. He studied law at Brockville
with the Honourable Jonas Jones and was called to the Bar in
1823. He practised first at Brockville and then at Cornwall,
where he was M.P.P., 1836-40. Later he was judge of Prescott and
Russell, Leeds and Grenville and Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry.
His first wife, Julia, daughter of Adiel Sherwood, U.E.L., sometime
Sheriff of Leeds and Grenville, died March 2, 1842, after having
borne him 10 chiidren.
Dec. 25, 1821, Samuel CHAFFEY, of Crosby, bachelor, and
Marianne POOLE, of Augusta, spinster, banns.
Samuel Chaffey, an immigrant from Norton, Somersetshire, settled
on the Rideau, where he founded Chaffey's Mills (now Chaffey's Lock)
in 1822 and where he was joined by his brother, Benjamin.
He died there, July 26, 1827. His wife, a daughter of John Poole,
of Hinton St. George, Somersetshire, was married, secondly, to
John Scott, merchant, who was drowned near Newboro, Ont., in
1834. She was a sister-inlaw of Benjamin Tett, M.P.P., Newboro,
and died at Chaffey's Lock, October 17, 1888, aged 83, leaving
one son, Samuel Benjamin Chaffey.
Jan. 27, 1822, Harvey [?] COLEMAN, bachelor, and Margaret WILTSEA,
spinster, both of Yonge, banns.
Jan. 28, 1822, Benjamin TACKABERRY, bachelor, and Martha TACKABERRY,
spinster, both of Elizabethtown, banns.
Feb. 7, 1822, John SPENCER, of Elizabethtown, bachelor, and Sophia COATE,
of Yonge, spinster, licence.
Feb. 11, 1822, Thomas JAMES, of Drummond, bachelor, and Mary BYRNE,
of Yonge, spinster, licence.
Feb. 19, 1822, John McCARTHRON, bachelor, and Sarah ROW, spinster,
both of Elizabeth town, banns.
March 24, 1822, Richard WEBSTER, of Elizabethtown, bachelor, and
Martha TACKABERRY, of Yonge, spinster, banns.
March 25, 1822, Peter DAVIS, bachelor, and Martha WEBSTER, spinster,
both of Elizabethtown, banns.
April 21, 1822, John AUSTON, bachelor, and Dorothy ENNIS,
spinster, both of Elizabethtown, banns.
May 20, 1822, Enoch DOCKHAM and Christiania COTTON,
both of Elizabethtown, banns.
Aug. 12, 1822, William DEMING, bachelor, and Marilla GILE,
both of Elizabethtown, banns.
Dec. 3, 1822, James MCLARNAN, bachelor, and Susannah WARNE,
spinster, both of Elizabethtown, banns.
Jan. 20, 1823, William MCCONKEY, bachelor, and Margaret TACKABERRY,
spinster, both of Elizabethtown, banns.
Both came from county Wexford, Ireland, and William McConkey
settled on a farm one mile east of Lamb's Pond, Leeds county,
where he died, December 7, 1873, aged 86. His wife was a
daughter of Benjamin Tackaberry, of Greenbush, Leeds county.
She died March 10, 1902, aged 97.
Jan. 28, 1823, John BARNARD, bachelor, and Trulove THOMAS,
spinster, both of Augusta, banns.
Feb. 18, 1823, Rosslyn ROWLEY, bachelor, and Hannah DAVISON,
spinster, both of Elizabethtown, banns.
April 6, 1823, William DACK, bachelor, and Jane HARRIS, spinster,
both of Kitley, banns.
April 6, 1823, Joseph GODKIN, bachelor, and Eliza CRAFTS, spinster,
both of Elizabethtown, banns.
July 29, 1823, Henry MAUDE, bachelor, and Hannah COCKRELL,
spinster, both of Elizabethtown, banns.
Aug. 25, 1823, Nathaniel TACKABERRY, bachelor, and Sarah CONNERS,
spinster, both of Elizabethtown, banns.
Jan. 5, 1824, William GIFFIN, bachelor, and Thomasine AIRS,
spinster, both of Elizabethtown, banns.
Feb. 12, 1824, Ephraim DUNHAM, bachelor, and Jane Ann PARSONS,
spinster, both of Elizabethtown, banns.
Ephraim was born in 1794 and died at Brockville in 1870. His
wife survived him to die there in 1893.
Feb. 24, 1824, Daniel WING, of Elizabethtown, bachelor, and
Eleanor HOWE of Yonge, spinster, banns.
Feb. 26, 1824, Ebenezer SMITH, widower, and Lucy EARLE, widow, both
of Elizabethtown, banns.
May 8, 1824, Thomas WHITE of Drummond, bachelor, and Ann RHYNEHART,
of Elizabethtown, spinster, licence.
May 19, 1824, Daniel DERSYSHIRE, bachelor, and Mercy WILSEA, spinster,
both of Yonge, banns.
Mercy, wife of Daniel Derbyshire, died May 13, 1850, aged 44,
and is buried in an abandoned plot near Athens.
May 22, 1824, Rossington ELMS, bachelor, and Matilda Rachel HAYES,
spinster, both of Elizabethtown, licence.
Rossington Elms was born in Ireland in 1788 and, coming to
Canada, was first an usher in Mr. Collier's academy in Quebec
and in 1816 opened a school there. From Quebec he went to York
as a master in the old Blue School and in 1823 was appointed
headmaster of the Johnstown District Grammar School at Brockville.
In 1827 ha was ordained to the priesthood of the Church of England
at York, being then in charge of the united missions of Beverley
and Yonge, in Leeds county. During the thirties he removed to
Madison, Indiana, where he resumed teaching and where he died,
March 14, 1858, in his 7Oth year. His wife, Matilda Rachel Hayes,
was the second daughter of William Hayes, junior, of Brockville,
and a sister of Clarissa, Lady Jones, and the wife of David Jones,
M.P.P., Brockville. It is evident that Mr. Elms was more than
20 years older than his wife as she died, August 23, 1839,
aged 28. Anne and Henrietta, her two children, were drowned
August 20, 1837, aged 12 and 10 years respectively.
July 26, 1824, William HARPER, bachelor, and Ann WILSON, spinster,
both of Elizabethtown, banns.
Oct. 16, 1824, Edward JOHNSON, and Bridget WILSON, widow, both
of Kitley, banns.
Oct. 17, 1824, William BUELL, widower, and Deborah CLARK, widow,
both of Brockville, licence.
William Buell's second wife, Deborah, was a daughter of
Jacob Dockstader, Cleveland, O, and widow of Samuel Clark,
Brockville. She was born December 5, 1800, and died at
Brockville, February 18 1852, leaving issue by her second
marriage Lieutenant-Colonel Jacob D. Buell, M.P., Brockville ;
Catherine Thompson, married to Alexander Mills, Brockville,
Deborah Josephine married to John Chislett, Pittsburgh, Pa,
and Angelica Hanson married to Alexander Stewart, merchant
Oct. 18, 1824, John HODGSON, bachelor, and Margaret MCLAREN,
spinster, both of Elizabethtown, banns.
Nov. 8, 1824, Daniel JONES (Gent.), bachelor, and Margaret MORRIS,
spinster, both of Brockville, licence.
Daniel Jones, second and younger son of Daniel Jones,
U.E.L., and his wife, Margaret Hartley (Doak), was born at
Elizabethtown (Brockville) in 1794 and was called to the Bar
in 1815. He was appointed Registrar of Deeds for Leeds county
and in 1826 associate judge of the Eastern District. In 1832
he was the first President of the Board of Police of Brockville
and, going to England as agent for the Brockville Loan and
Trust Company, he was knighted by William IV at St James'
Palace in 1836. He died at Brockville, August 16, 1838.
His first wife, Margaret, only daughter of Alexander Morris,
merchant, of Paisley, Scotland, and Brockville, died in 1828.
She was born in Paisley, September 9, 1796. She was a sister
of Alexauder Morris, merchant, Brockville; Colonel the Honourable
William Morris, M.L.C., Perth; and Lieutenant-Colonel the
Honourable Morris, M.L.C., Brockville.
Nov. 15, 1824, Thomas HUNT and Frances HARPER, both of Leeds, banns.
Dec. 28, 1824, John ELEBECK, widower, and Julia WEEKS,
spinster, both of Elizabethtown, banns.
Jan. 11, 1825, Williain WEBSTER, bachelor, and Mary WARSEN,
spinster, both of Elizabethtown, banns.
Feb. 7, 1825, Thomas McGUIRE, widower, and Sarah GROGAN,
spinster, both of Elizabethtown, banns.
Feb. 28, 1825, Joseph HINTON, bachelor, and Anna MILLS, spinster,
both of Kitley, banns.
March 15, 1825, Joseph P. BUELL, bachelor, and Britannia FREEL,
spinster, both of Brockville, licence.
Joseph Peters Buell (1804-77), son of William Buell, U.E.L.,
the founder of Brockville, was a merchant and miller of
Brockville and Elizabethtown. His first wife, Britannia Freel,
daughter of Thomas Freel, Brockville, died there, October 12, 1836,
aged 32. Three of her children died in infancy and a fourth,
Joseph Bidwell, died in Victoria, B.C., about 1865.
September 27. Moses Webster MORSE, bachelor, and Hannah WHITTEMORE,
spinster, both of Elizabethtown, banns.
November 21. John CORBETT, yeoman, and Allice GILES, widow,
both of Yonge, licence.
December 12. Thomas ROBINSON, bachelor, and Mursey HOWLAND,
both of Wiltse, banns. Witnesses, David CONNOR, Samuel RILNEY.
January 1. John BEADLE, bachelor, and Catherine LOVERIN,
spinster, both of Elizabethtown, banns.
January 4. Allan BROWN, bachelor, and Elizabeth COLEMAN,
spinster, both of Yonge, banns.
Witnesses, Martin BATES, John BROWN, David COLEMAN.
January 7. Thomas DACK, bachelor, and ?? GUNNISS, spinster,
both of Kitley, banns.
January 11. William FOX, cabinetmaker, and Betsey Ann COLLINS,
spinster, both of Brockville.
Witnesses, F. L. LOTHROP, C. MOSLEY.
January 19. William BROWN, bachelor, and Rachel WILTZE, spinster,
both of Yonge, banns.
July 24. William WILTZE and Margaret STACK, banns. Witnesses,
Jonathan BROWN, John WHITE.
February 2. Edward CASADAY, yeoman, and Phoebe LARUE, spinster,
Both of Yonge, licence.
March 28. Thomas, son of Robert and Mary WEBSTER, born March 27, 1820.
April 3. Duncan Blanckley, son of Claudius and ?? SHAW,
born March 11, 1820. Sponsors, Richard Duncan FRASER,
May 7. Samuel, son of Livius S. and Charlotte SHERWOOD, born
August 31, 1819. Sponsors, Samuel SHERWOOD, John STEWART,
Margaret JONES. At Brockville.
August 3. John, son of John and Mary CARMYN, born January 26, 1817.
(Privately, in Augusta).
August 3. William, son of John and Mary CARMYN, born August 16, 1818.
(Privately, in Augusta).
August 3. Arthur, son of Samuel P. and Sarah THOMAS, born August 16, 1819.
(Privately, in Augusta).
August 3. Isabella, daughter of Ralph and Elizabeth STOREY, born
September 9, 1816. (Privately, at Brockville).
August 8. Eliza, daughter of Ralph and Elizabeth STOREY, born
October 1, 1819. (Privately, at Brockville).
August 20. John, son of Thomas and Ann EASEBY, born July 12, 1820.
Sponsors, John TAYLOR, Thomas EASEBY, Jane TAYLOR.
August 27. James, son of James and Eleanor COULTHORP. Sponsors,
September 3. Anna, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth MORRIS, born
June, 1820. Sponsors, Thomas JORDAN, Elizabeth MORRIS, Mary MORRIS.
September 3. James, son of William and Elizabeth MOULTON, born
March 17, 1820. Sponsors, John MOULTON, John DUNN, Ann MOULTON.
September 3. Coleman, son of James and Christiana WILTSEA, born
June 2, 1820. Sponsors, Joseph WILTSEA, Comfort M. WILTSEA,
September 3. Lodema, daughter of Comfort Martin and Esther WILTSEA,
born December 18, 1819. Sponsors, Benoni WILTSEA,
Rachel WILTSEA, Lucolla WILTSEA.
September 3. William, son of William and Sarah ROBINSON,
born January 9, 1819.
September 3. Jane, daughter of John and Margaret FRALICK,
born December 12, 1818.
September 3. James, son of James and Ellen MURPHY, born September 14, 1819.
Sponsors, James SMITH, William TENNANT, Eliza TENNANT.
September 3. Samuel, son of William and Ellen WHITMORE,
born December 15, 1819. Sponsors, Robert TACKARERRY, William BOULGER,
Hannah DIXON.
September 3, Sarah, daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth ELLETT, born
November 1, 1819. Sponsors, Richard OSBORN, Rebecca ROWSOM,
Elizabeth DIXON.
September 3. William, son of John and Elizabeth FOLEY, born July 24, 1819.
Sponsor, Robert WEBSTER, Samuel COPELAND, Martha TACKABERRY.
September 3. Uriah, son of Samuel and Hannah KELSEY, born March 26, 1819.
Sponsors, Joseph WILTSEA, Comfort M. WILTSEA, Christiana WILTSEA.
October 1. James, son of Charles and Marianne MORTON, born
November 19, 1819. Sponsors, William BROWN, Thomas RILEY,
October 1. Esther, daughter of Robert and Jane STODDART, born August 20, 1820.
October 19. Sarah, daughter of John and Mary BELL, born September ?, 1820.
Sponsors, Richard BELL, Jane MURPHY, Sarah DINGSDALE.
October 19. Margaret, daughter of Archibald and Ann Locx,
born September 23, 1820. Sponsors, Walter PATTESON, Mary PATTESON,
October 22. Thomas, son of Samuel and Frances REYNOLDS, born October 17, 1820.
Thomas Reynolds graduated in medicine from Edinburgh and McGill
Universities and previously served at the Battle of the Windmill
as a volunteer. He practised at Brockville, where he was chairman
of the Board of Education and also the first Grand Master of the
Grand Lodge of Canada West, I.0.0.F. A contributor to the journals
of the Canadian Institute and the Smithsonian Institution as well
as to the British-American Medical Journal, he died at Brockville,
September 14, 1859. He was married to Eleanor Sarah, daughter of
the Rev. Edmund John Senkler, Brockville, and was the father of
E. J. Reynolds, sometime judge of the county court of Leeds and
Grenville; Dr. T. W. Reynolds and Mrs. A. E. Malloch, Hamilton.
November 6. Margaret, daughter of Thomas and Sarah SOUTHERBY,
born November 1, 1820.
December 16. Eliza, daughter of William and Elizabeth KENNY,
born July 1, 1820. Sponsors, James KENNY, Thomasin HARRIS,
Cynthia MCNEISH.
January 23. Ann, daughter of Thomas and Ann CONNOR, born June 10, 1818.
Sponsors, John BAWDEN, Jane HENRY, Ann GILMORE.
January 28. Thomas Wallace, son of Richard Duncan and Mary FRASER,
born June 21, 1820. Sponsors, Alexander McLEAN, Edward KINGSBURY,
Cornelia FRASER.
Thomas Wallace Fraser, son of Colonel Richard Duncan Fraser, M.P.P.,
served in the Rebellion of 1837-38 and was later gazetted to
H.M.'s 56th Regiment, exchanging into the 2nd West India Regiment,
in which he became a captain. On retirement, he returned to
Brockville, where he died February 19, 1882, aged 61.
January 29. George, son of George and Ann McCLENAGHAN, born August 10, 1820.
Sponsors, Thomas D. CAMPBELL, Anthony MORTON, Ann JAMES.
January 29. Christopher William, son of William and Elizabeth KELLY,
born December 20, 1820. Sponsors, Matthew HAGUE,
Christopher FLINTOFT, Susannah CUTHBETH.
February 18. Eli Phillips, son of William and Sarah WILTSEA, born
September 15, 1820. Sponsors, Walsingham MOORE, James BARRINGTON,
Frances MOORE.
February 18. Solomon, son of John and Elizabeth CONOLLY,
born September 19, 1820. Sponsors, Walsingham MOORE,
February 18. Mark, son of Walsingham and Frances MOORE, born November 30, 1820.
Sponsors, Thomas JORDAN, Samuel MORRIS, Sarah MORRIS.
February 18. James, son of James and Mary GREENE, born May 1, 1820.
Sponsors, Samuel MORRIS, William JACOB, Nancy MOULTON.
February 18. Eliza, daughter of James and Mary GREENE, born
January 3, 1819. Sponsors, Samuel MORRIS, William JACOB, Nancy MOULTON.
February 27. Joseph, son of Thomas and Elizabeth CHEKE, born December 25, 1820.
April 10. John Charles, son of James and Margaret RICE, aged seven months.
Sponsors, John HILL, Edward CLARKE, Ann CLARKE.
June 7. Richard Edwin, son of Anthony and Elizabeth TACKABERRY,
born May 21, 1821. (Privately).
July 1. Sophia, daughter of David and Ann BIRMINGHAM, born
January 25, 1821. (Privately at Brockville).
July 3. Richard Conolly, son of John and Deborah MURDOCH, born
March 20, 1821. (Privately).
July 15. Ann, daughter of William and Jane TRAINHOLM, born March 5, 1821.
Sponsors, Thomas KING, Deborah MOORE, Mary HOLMES.
July 18. John, son of John and Ann ACHESON, horn June 24, 1821. (Privately).
July 29. Eliza, daughter of Joseph and Ann MOULTON, born April 26, 1821.
Sponsors, Joseph WILTSEA, Catherine DUNN, Elizabeth MOULTON.
(At Wiltsea Town).
July 29. Thomas, son of John and Ann ROWSON, born February 20, 1821.
Sponsors, Samuel MORRIS, Henry ROWSON, Sarah MORRIS. (At Wiltsea Town).
July 29. Henry, son of William and Margaret MOREHOUSE, aged two years.
Sponsors, Thomas FOLEY, Benjamin WARNE, Susan ROWSON. (At Wiltsea Town).
July 29. Eliza, daughter of William and Margaret MOREHOUSE, aged four months.
Sponsors Samuel WHALEY, Elizabeth WHALEY, Ann SHEFFIELD.
(At Wiltsea Town).
Aug. 5. Emily Augusta, daughter of Jonas and Mary JONES, born October 9, 1820.
Sponsors, Donald BETHUNE, Annstasia FORD, senior,
Annstasia FORD, junior. (Publicly at Brockville)
Probably Emily Jones, daughter of the Honourable Jonas Jones
and his wife, Mary Elizabeth Ford, who was married to the Rev.
Dr. John McCaul, president of University College, Toronto,
although the date of her birth is given elsewhere
(Chadwick) as April 9, 1821.
August 12. George, son of John and Frances EARL, born July 1, 1821.
Sponsors, John EARL, Thomas EARL, Margaret GOFF.
August 19. James, son of John and Rachel HINNOR, born August 15, 1821.
August 19. Eliza Jane, daughter of Samuel and Rachel CARR,
born August 1, 1821. (Privately).
August 19. Eliza, daughter of Richard and Ann MOORE, born January 9, 1821.
Sponsors, Daniel MOORE, Ann ROWSON, Jane BERRY.
August 19. Eliza, daughter of John and Ruth WILLIAMSON, born January 30, 1821.
Sponsors, John HORTON, Margaret HORTON, Ruth WILLIAMSON.
August 19. Benjamin, son of Benjamin and Ruth BIGFORD, born January 9, 1820.
Sponsors; Benjamin WARNE, Edward DAVIS, Alice LUMSDEN.
August 19. Nicholas, son of John and Margaret HORTON, born June 22, 1820.
Sponsors, John WILLIAMS, John HORTON, Ruth WILLIAMS.
Aug. 19. Frances, daughter of Frederic and Jane Mooaa, born November 1, 1820.
Sponsors, Henry ROWSON, Jane BEERY, Margaret TACKABERRY.
August 19. Margaret, daughter of Frederic and Jane MOORE, born August 4, 1819.
Sponsors, John BERRY, Ann MOORE, Hannah BOLTON.
September 10. Sarah, daughter of Samuel and Mary COPELAND, born
September 2, 1817. Sponsors, her parents and Margaret JOHNSON.
September 10. Ann, daughter of Samuel and Mary COPELAND, born
July 15, 1821. Sponsors, her parents and Margaret JOHNSON.
September 10. Joseph, son of Richard and Elizabeth JOHNSON,
born August 25, 1816. Sponsors, Richard JOHNSON,
Samuel COPELAND, and Mary JOHNSON.
September 10. Jane, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth JOHNSON,
born November 12, 1818. Sponsors, Richard JOHNSON, Mary JOHNSON,
September 10. Eliza, daughter of John and Margaret JOHNSTON,
born January 4, 1817. Sponsors, John JOHNSTON, Margaret JOHNSTON,
September 10. Sarah, daughter of John and Margaret JOHNSTON,
born July 21, 1818. Sponsors, John JOHNSTON, Margaret JOHNSTON,
September 10. Henry, son of John and Margaret JOHNSTON, born May 23, 1820.
Sponsors, his parents.
September 10. Eliza, daughter of George and Ellen JOHNSTON, born
March 18, 1818. Sponsors, George JOHNSTON, Elkn JOHNSTON,
Sept. 10. Sarah, daughter of George and Ellen JOHNSTON, born March 10, 1820.
Sponsors, George JOHNSTON, Ellen JOHNSTON, Mary JOHNSTON.
September 10. Peter, son of Peter and Mary JOHNSON, born January 17, 1817.
Sponsors, William WEBSTER, Richard JOHNSTON, Alice WEBSTER.
September 10. Margaret, daughter of Peter and Mary JOHNSON, born
February 26, 1820. Sponsors, Richard JOHNSON, Mary JOHNSON,
September 10. Edward, son of William and Alice WEBSTER, born February 4, 1816.
Sponsors, his parents and George JOHNSON.
Sept. 10. Robert, son of William and Alice WEBSTER, born September 20, 1818.
Sponsors, his parents and George JOHNSON.
September 10. John, son of William and Alice WEBSTER, born April 20, 1819.
Sponsors, his parents and George JOHNSON.
September 20. James, son of Andrew and Sarah RAY, born August 1, 1821.
September 24. Philander Lotrip, son of Abraham and Seeny CUMMINS,
born May 16, 1818. (Privately).
September 24. Solomon, son of Daniel and Sarah CUMMINS, born
June 15, 1821. (Privately).
September 24. Samuel, son of James and Charity CUMMINS, born
December 22, 1820. (Privately).
September 24. William Henry, son of Abraham and Elizabeth CUMMINS, born
December 19, 1820. (Privately).
September 24. Henry, son of Peter Groom and Sabina RAVEN, born
December 7, 1820. (Privately).
September 24. Polly Bethel, daughter of Peter Groom and Sabina RAVEN,
born July 29, 1818. (Privately).
September 30. James Noyce, son of John and Lucy WHITE, born March 14, 1816.
Sponsors, Joseph POOLE, Ann POOLE.
October 13. Arthur Wellesley, son of James and Anna COVELL, born
February 29, 1815. Sponsors, James HALL, David D. JONES,
Catherine VANORNAN.
Oct. 13. Horatio Nelson, son of James and Anna COVELL, born October 18, 1818.
Sponsors, James HALL, David D. JONES, Catherine VANORNAN.
October 20. Robert, son of Robert and Mary WEBSTER; born September 3, 1821.
Sponsors, John KRAY, Timothy CHAMBERS, Caroline MALLORY.
November 19. John, son of Isaac and Sevena SWART, aged three months.
December 16. William Joseph, son of William and Lucinda DAVIS,
born August 8, 1821. Sponsors, William KENNY,, Edward HARRISON,
December 23. Marianne, daughter of John and Sarah COWAN, born July 8, 1821.
Sponsors, her parents and Ann MCFARLANE.
December 26. John Robinson, son of John and Sarah ROUSEL, born
May 23, 1821. (Privately).
December 26. Ann, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth CHEKE,
born June 19, 1818. (Privately).
January 6. Sophia, daughter of James and Mary JACK, born
September 27, 1821. (Privately).
January 13. Marianne, daughter of Benjamin and Alice DOCKRELL,
born May 28, 1821 (Privately).
February 10. John Godkin, son of William and Maria EARLE, born
January 27, 1822
February 10. Harvey Coleman, son of Comfort Martin WILTSEA and
Esther, his wife born August 4, 1821.
February 11. Caroline, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth HILL,
born May 17, 1821. Sponsors, Thomas JAMES, Mary JAMES,
February 19. Richard, son of Samuel and Cornelia HORTON, aged
five months (Privately).
February 24. Jane, daughter of Thomas and Ann EASERY, born July 20, 1821
Sponsors, Richard McKENNY, Eunice MCKAY, Jane BERRY.
March 15. James, son of William and Elizabeth KENNY, born March 15, 1822
March 24. William, son of Benjamin and Ruth BIGFORD, born August 26, 1821.
April 5. James, son of James and Jane HENRY, born April 3, 1822.
Sponsors, James BAKER, Henry GILLIES, Jane STODDART.
May 12. Eliza Ann, daughter of Thomas and Mary PROWSE, born
March 7, 1822. (Privately).
June 14. John Beverly Robinson, son of Jonas and Mary JONES,
born April 12, 1822. Sponsors, Alpheus JONES, J. JONES,
proxy of John Beverley ROBINSON, Annstasia Ford.
This child of the Honourable Jonas Jones and his wife, Mary
Elizabeth Ford, died in infancy and was buried with two
brothers, William and Beverley, in St. Peter's cemetery,
Brockville (now Victoria Park) where a stone in their memory
stood in 1887.
June 16. Henry, son of John and Ann SIMMONS, born August 16, 1820.
Sponsors, John BURNS, Jacob SMITH, Margaret TACKABERRY.
June 16. Mary Elizabeth, daughter of John and Ann SIMMONS, aged four months.
Sponsors, John BURNS, Ellen POWERS, Margaret TACKABERRY.
June 30. Adelia, daughter of Thomas and Mary BEETHAM, born June 12, 1822.
August 11. Joseph, son of John and Elizabeth CORR, born June 9, 1822.
Sponsors, Joseph DAVIS, John CORR, Ellea POWERS.
September 29. Henry, son of Henry and Martha JOHNSON, born September 4, 1821.
Sponsors, Roderic TAYLOR, James TAYLOR, Mary TAYLOR.
September 29. John, son of Henry and Martha JOHNSON, born December 17, 1813.
Sponsors, Roderic TAYLOR, James TAYLOR, Mary TAYLOR.
September 29. Robert, son of William and Margaret EARL, born February 2, 1822.
Sponsors, Thomas TAYLOR, William DAVIS, Mary Ann TAYLOR.
September 29. Isabella, daughter of John and Mary BOWEN, born July 8, 1822.
Sponsors, John NEALE, Maria ARMSTRONG, Alice ARMSTRONG.
September 29. Dorothy, daughter of John and Ann WILLOUGHBY, born
February 9, 1818. Sponsors, Henry JOHNSON, Margaret EARL,
September 29. Ann, daughter of John and Ann WILLOUGHBY, born May 1, 1821.
Sponsors, Henry JOHNSON, Margaret EARL, Mary BOWEN.
October 6. Edward, son of Samuel and Frances REYNOLDS, born
September 13, 1822. (Privately)
This child died July 24, 1823.
October 13. Jonathan, son of Abel and Elizabeth FULFORD, aged 16 months.
October 22. Margaret, daughter of Angus Headerson COLQUHOUN and Christiana,
his wlfe, born September 19, 1822. (Privately).
November 3. John LITTLE (illegitimate), son of Andrew LITTLE and
Janette BOOTH, born August 10, 1822. (Privately)
November 3. Ann, daughter of Frederic and Jane MOORE, born September 4, 1822.
Sponsors, Jacob SMITH, Elizabeth BARRY, Rebecca BOLTON.
December 1. Margaret, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth SMITH, born
November 1, 1822. Sponsors, Samuel SMITH, Elizabeth SMITH, Mary SMITH.
Jan. 20. Thomas, son of John and Mary MURPHY, born May 5, 1818. (Privately).
Jan. 20. John, son of John and Mary MURPHY, born Sept. 17, 1822.(Privately).
January 26. Robert, son of Nicholas and Jane BROWN, born December 31, 1822.
Sponsors, Henry MAUD, John COCKBURN, Thomasin AIRS.
January 26. Ann, daughter of Peter and Martha DAVIS, born December 27, 1822.
Sponsors, Edward DAVIS, Elizabeth BARRY, Elizabeth FOXON.
February 9. George, son of Thomas and Eliza PERCIVAL, born August 24, 1822.
Sponsors, Richard ENNIS, Richard GIFFORD, Ann PERCIVAL.
March 2. Jane, daughter of David and Sarah GARBET, born Feb. 27, 1822.
March 9. Sarah, daughter of Edward and Ann ROWSON, born July 1, 1822.
Sponsors, Henry ROWSON, Jane ROWSON, Eleanor HORTON.
March 9. John, son of John and Ann ROWSON, born February 2, 1822.
Sponsors, Edward ROWSON, Frederic MOORE, Jane MOORE.
March 9. Elizabeth, daughter of John and Alice BURNS, born December 25, 1822.
Sponsors, John BURNS, Thomasine AIRS, Eliza BURNS.
May 4. Francis James, son of Benjamin and Martha TACKABERRY, born Feb. 25, 1823.
May 11. James, son of Charles and Anna KILBORN, born July 7, 1821. (Privately).
May 18. William, son of Henry and Ann JENKINSON, born May 15, 1822. (Privately).
May 18. Ann Jane, daughter of Jacob and Mary SMITH, born January 5, 1823.
Sponsors, Samuel SMITH, Elizabeth SMITH, the Mother.
May 18. Deborah, daughter of John and Elizabeth MCCONKEY, born January 9, 1823.
Sponsors, John GREGORY, Elizabeth MCLEAN, the Mother.
May 18. Jane, daughter of Edward and Elizabeth ELLIS, born October 13, 1822.
Sponsors, John LOVERN, Alice LOVERN, the Mother.
June 1. Thomas, son of Benjamin and Ruth BIGEFORD, born April 19, 1823.
Sponsors, James McLARNAN, John BURNS, Mary WARNE.
July 13, Elizabeth, daughter of William and Eleanor DAVIS, born
February 7, 1823. Sponsors, Joseph DAVIS, Jane POWERS, Eleanor QUINZY.
July 24. James Hyde, born February 16, 1810; Elizabeth, born April 15, 1815;
Joseph Jessup, born November 17, 1816; Marianne, born April 27, 1822;
children of John and Hannah MACKINTOSH.
Sponsors, Jonathan FULFORD, John TAYLOR, Jane TAYLOR, Nancy FULFORD.
July 24. Hannah, (illegitimate) daughter of Joseph JESSUP and Mary ELLETT,
born April 13, 1793. Sponsors, Jonathan FULFORD, Nancy FULFORD,
September 7. Edward, son of William and Lucinda DAVIS, born March 17, 1823.
Sponsors, John MCCORMICK, Richard GIFFIN, Martha GILMORE.
September 7. Eliza, daughter of George and Ann LOCK, born February 17, 1822.
Sponsors, William DAVIS, the Mother, Martha GILMORE.
September 17. Marianne, daughter of John and Ann STRATTON, born
September 10, 1823. Sponsors, James ENNIS, Mary STRATTON,
Elizabeth McKEN.
September 21. Mary, daughter of Thomas and Ann EASEBY, born November 14, 1822.
Sponsors, James WHEATLEY, Esther McVOE, Katharine BOTSFORD.
October 17. Mary, daughter of Newyear WATSON and Margaret, his wife,
born October 6, 1823. (Privately).
November 9. William, son of John and Sarah COWAN, born January 3, 1823.
Sponsors, John COWAN, William HILL, Sarah COWAN.
November 9. Thomas, son of William and Mary RILEY, born October 9, 1823.
Sponsors, Francis MITCHELL, William WOODS, Martha GILMORE.
November 30. Susaanah, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth LOVE,
born October 6, 1823. Sponsors, John BURNS, Thomasin AIRS,
Eleanor HORTON.
December 9. John, son of David and Sarah GARBET, born November 22, 1823.
December 10. Elizabeth, daughter of William and Mary WILSON, born
January 12, 1823. (Privately).
December 21. Ann Maria, daughter of Xstopher and Ann LEGGO, born
November 27, 1823. Sponsors, Parents and Mary REID.
Ann Maria Leggo was married, August 12, 1845, to George Chaffey,
manufacturer, lumberman and forwarder, Brockville. She died at
Mildura, Australia, in April, 1903. She was the mother of
George Chaffey and William Benjamin Chaffey, C.M.G., celebrated
irrigationists in California and Australia.
January 21. John, son of James and Elizabeth MORGAN, born February 12, 1824.
January 25. Elizabeth, daughter of Coraelius and Mary BRADY,
born February 7, 1821. (Privately).
January 25. Johnston, son of Cornelius and Mary BRADY, born April 10, 1823.
January 25. James, son of William and Susan MCLARNAN, born November 11, 1823.
Sponsors, John COLBOURN, William COCKERELL, Mary WARNE.
January 25. Sarah, daughter of Charles and Elizabeth BARBER,
Sponsors, Samuel ENNIS, Ann ENNIS, Sarah BARBER.
March 7. John, born July 5, 1819, Margaret, born July 17, 1814;
Ann, born October 17, 1816; Jane, born June 12, 1822; children of
John and Elizabeth HORTON. Sponsors, Adam HORTON, John COLBOURN,
Ann MAUD, Elizabeth HORTON.
March 11. George Joseph; son of William and Martha GRAHAM,
born January 18, 1824. Sponsors, George GRAHAM, William FINLEY,
Charlotte GRAHAM.
March 11. William, son of William and Jane FINLEY, born February 25, 1824.
Sponsors, Thomas COURTENAY, George GRAHAM, Matilda KINCAID.
April 18. William, son of George and Lucy STEVENS, born December 5, 1823.
Sponsors, Samuel JOHNSON, James CLARK, Frances JOHNSON.
April 22. Robert, son of Robert and Sarah KINGSBURY, born December 28, 1823.
April 25. Elizabeth, daughter of Joshua and Mary GILBERT, born March 23, 1823.
Sponsors, Thomas GILBERT, Ann LAMB, Ann WILLOUGHBY.
April 25. Israel James, son of John and Mary BOWEN, born November 30, 1823.
Sponsors, William ARMSTRONG, Robert TAYLOR. Alice ARMSTRONG.
April 25. Edward, son of Samuel and Camilla HORTON, born March 1, 1824.
Sponsors, Samuel HORTON, Joseph MOXLY, Mary Ann TAYLOR.
April 25. Richard, son of Joseph and Dorothy MOXLY, born January 8, 1823.
Sponsors,Robert TAYLOR, Joseph MOXLY, Eleanor TAYLOR.
April 25. Abigail Kyes, daughter of John and Margaret MCINTYRE, born
March 7, 1824 Sponsors, Robert MITCHELL, Dorothy MOXLY,
May 2. Matthew, son of Richard and Ann MOORE, born April 13, 1823.
Sponsors, Robert BARRY, Henry ROWSON, Jane ROWSON.
May 3. Ellen, daughter of William and Margaret MOOREHOUSE, born
July 15, 1823. Sponsors, Thomas WRITE, Ann WRITE, Elizabeth RICKABY.
June 12. Ann, daughter of Henry and Hannah MAUDE, born May 3, 1824.
Sponsors, William COCKERELL, Jane BURNS, Ann MAUDE.
June 16. John, son of Simon and Jane GILPIN, born March 31, 1824. (Privately).
July 4. John, son of Samuel and Frances REYNOLDS, born June 27, 1824.
John Reynolds died March 28, 1860 and is buried in St Peter's
cemetery, Brockville.
July 11. Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph and Susan DAVIS, born May 23, 1824.
Sponsors, Richard DAVIS, Jane KENLEY, Sarah TACKABERRY.
July 19. William, son of Abraham and Mary JOHNSTON, born August 25, 1823.
September 24. Thomas, son of David and Thomas FLUKE, born September 6, 1824.
September 30. Frances Margaret, daughter of John and Frances EARL,
born July 14, 1824. (Privately).
November 28. Eliza, daughter of Peter and Martha DAVIS, born October 6, 1824.
Sponsors, William WEBSTER, Dorothy FOXTON 1st, Dorothy FOXTON 2nd.
December 26. Eleanor, daughter of John and Margaret HORTON, born
November 30, 1823. Sponsors, Benjamin WARREN, Eleanor HORTON,
Margaret BURNS.
December 31. William, son of Thomas and Sarah KILROY, born September 5, 1828.
December 31. George, son of Daniel and Elizabeth KILROY, born July 24, 1823.
January 10. Elizabeth, daughter of Frederick and Jane MOORE, born
September 4, 1824. Sponsors, Henry MAUDE, Jane BURNS, Hannah MAUDE.
January 23. Catherine, daughter of Nathaniel and Sarah TACKABERRY, born
July 20, 1824. Sponsors, John CONNOR, Frances NESBITT, Ann ENNIS.
February 6. William, son of Thomas and Eliza PERCIVAL, born April 15, 1824.
Sponsors, Thomas PERCIVAL, Benjamin WARREN, Ann ENNIS.
February 13. James, son of Benjamin and Ruth DIXON, born February 2, 1825.
February 25. Ralph, son of ?? DAVIS, born February 21, 1825.
Sponsors, ?? DAVIS, Peter DAVIS, Hannah MAUDE.
February 28. James, son of Thomas and Jane DOWSLEY born August 19, 1825.
February 28 Amanda Melvina daughter of Robert and Mary FORD born
January 8, 1825 (Privately).
April 1. Matilda Rachel, daughter of William and Nancy HAYES,
wife of Rossington ELMS, born April 12, 1808.
Sponsors, William HAYES, Nancy HAYES, Rossington ELMS.
April 1. Clarissa Anne, daughter of William and Nancy HAYES,
born January 5, 1812. Sponsors, Rossington ELMS, Catherine HAYES,
Matilda R. ELMS.
Clarissa Anne Hayes (Lady Jones), was a daughter of William Hayes,
junior, Brockville, and became the second wife of Sir Daniel Jones.
She died in Brockville in 1837, aged 25. Her only daughter,
Margaret Hartley, died in 1848, aged 16, and her only son,
Daniel, in 1873, aged 38.
April 2. Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Jonas and Mary Elizabeth JONES,
born February 13, 1825. Sponsors, David B. O. FORD, Susan FORD,
Anastatia FORD.
Mary Elizabeth Jones, daughter of the Honourable Jonas Jones
and his wife, Mary Elizabeth Ford, was married in 1846 to
Lieutenant-General Charles Wright Younghusband, C.B., son of
Major-General Younghusband, R.A., and died May 14, 1887.
April 3. Mary Catherine, daughter of Thomas and Mary PROVIS, born July 8, 1824.
Sponsors, John LEWIS, Dorothy LEWIS.
July 8. Mary, daughter of Jphn and Mary HAWKINS, born April 30, 1825.
Sponsors, Ann ROWSON, Elizabeth LEVE [?], Edward ROWSON.
At the school-house, Lamb's Pond.
July 3. Jane, daughter of William and Thomasina GIFFIN, born Jan. 11, 1825.
Sponsors, John BURNS, Margaret ROWSON, Margaret CONNOR.
At the school-house, Lamb's Pond.
July 3. William, son of Edward and Ann ROWSON, born May 22, 1825.
Sponsors, Walsingham MOORE, Francis HORTON, Martha HORTON.
At Lamb's Pond.
July 3. Susannah, daughter of William and Margaret McCONKEY, born May 17, 1825.
Sponsors, Ann POWELL, Benjamin TACKABERRY.
At the shool-house, Lamb's Pond.
She was married to Joseph Love, of Bellamy, Leeds county,
and lived at North Augusta.
July 3. Ann, daughter of Edward and Ann ROWSON, born January 12, 1825.
Sponsors, Benjamin WARREN, Mary HAWKINS, Martha TACKABERRY.
At the school-house, Lamb's Pond.
July 3. John, son of Benjamin and Ruth BIGFORD, born February 8, 1825.
Sponsors, William LANGSTAFFE, William WEBSTER, Letitia SHARP.
At the schoolhouse, Lamb's Pond.
July 10. William, son of Samuel and Elizabeth FARCER, born September 26, 1825.
Sponsors, William BURNS, Elizabeth CANNON and the parents.
At the Court House, Brockville.
July 17. Rachel, daughter of Adam and Ann HORTON, born November 21, 1824.
Sponsors, Rachel HORTON and parents.
At the school-house, Lamb's Pond.
July 17. Elizabeth, daughter of William and Deborah MOORE, born
January 31, 1825. Sponsors, Dorothy FOZEN, John HORTON.
At the school-house, Lamb's Pond.
August 14. William, son of John and Ann KINCH, born May 31, 1824.
Sponsors, Thomas HORTON, Benjamin TACKABERRY, Letitia SHARP.
At the school-house, Lamb's Pond.
August 20. John, son of Robert and Jane STATHER, born June 14, 1825.
Sponsors, Gipson GILMORE, William HENRY, Maria BARKLEY,
Betty STRATHER. At the parsonage house, Brockville.
August 22. Ann, daughter of John and Mary MURPHY, born July 3, 1825.
(Privately, at Brockville).
August 23. Catherine, daughter of Samuel and Catherine RATHWELL, born
January 28, 1823. (Privately, at the parsonage house, Brockville).
September 4. Anne Catherine, daughter of Rossington and Matilda Rachel ELMS,
born July 26, 1825. Sponsors, Parents and Ann HAYES.
(At the Court House, Brockville, in time of Divine service).
September 4. Anna, the wife of Titus COLE, an adult. Sponsors
Johnathan and Nancy FULPORD. At the school-house near Fulford's.
Anna Cole died at Cole's Ferry, Elizabethtown, March 4, 1833, aged 31.
Her busband, Titus, died there, April 16, 1831, aged 44.
September 4. Johnathan, son of Titus and Anna COLE.
September 4. Nathaniel, son of Titus and Anna COLE.
September 4. Jane Loreta, son of Titus and Anna COLE.
September 11. Thomas, son of Ralph and Elizabeth STOREY, born May 4, 1821.
Sponsors, the mother, etc., etc. At the parsonage house, Brockville.
September 17. Robert, son of Robert and Elizabeth SHEPHERD, born
December 20, 1824. Sponsors, Thomas SHEPHERD and parents.
At the parsonage house, Brockville.
Sept. 18. Polly, daughter of Isaac and Hannah COON, born September 19, 1809.
Sponsors, Jonathan and Nancy FULFORD.
At the school-house near Fulford's.
September 18. Orinda, daughter of Lauren and Susannah FULFORD, born
January 20, 1825. Sponsors, Parents, Jonathan and Nancy FULPORD.
At the school-house near Fulford's.
September 12. George, son of James and Bridget ROGERS, born November 2, 1823.
Sponsors, the parents. At the parsonage house, Brockville.
September 18. Maria, daughter of Lauren and Susannah FULFORD, born
October 20, 1822. Sponsors, parents, Jonathan and Nancy FULFORD.
At the school-house near Fulford's.
September 18. Lorenzo, son of Lauren and Susannah FULFORD,
born September 9, 1820. Sponsors, parents, Jonathan and Nancy FULFORD.
At the school-house near Fulford's.
September 23. Jane, daughter of Christopher and Ann LEGGO, born
February 24, 1825. Sponsors, Christopher LEGGO, Maria LEGGO,
Sarah AYTON. At the court house, Brockville.
September 25. Sidney, son of Joseph and Sophia JONES, born May 26, 1802.
Sponsors, Elizabeth ELDRIDGE, T. D. CAMPBELL, Francis P. JONES.
At the parsonage-house, Brockville.
Sidney Jones became a merchant, forwarder and shipbuilder
at Brockville and a partner with bis brother, Henry Jones, M.P.P.,
in the firm of H. & S. Jones. He was married August 12, 1829, to
Susan Isabella, daughter of David Ford, Morristown, N.Y., and died
at Brockville, March 17, 1856. Among his children were
Sidney Ford Jones, of Brockville and Toronto; Herbert Chilion Jones,
barrister, Toronto; Beverley Jones, barrister, Toronto;
the Rev. Kearney Leonard Jones, professor at the Royal Military
College of Canada; and Reginald Heber Jones, of Boston, Mass.
September 25. Georgiana Florella, daughter of Charles and Florella JONES,
born March 19, 1825. Sponsors, the Venerable Archdeacon STEWART [sic],
C. JONES, Esq., proxy for Mrs. STEWART, Mrs E. JONES, proxy for
Mrs. Florella JONES. At the court house, Brockville.
Died in childhood.
October 2. Jane, daughter of Joshua and Elizabeth REYNOLDS, born July 24, 1825.
(Privately, at the parsonage house, Brockville).
October 4. David, son of Winthrop and Sarah TUFTS, born January 14, 1802.
Sponsor, Jonathan FULFORD.
October 4. Hannah, wife of William WHITING, born November 26, 1789.
Witness, Jonathan FULFORD.
October 4. Silas son of William and Hannah WHITING, born May 16, 1825.
October 4. Avey, son of William and Hannah WHITING, born January 21, 1821;
October 4. Betsy, daughter of William and Hannah WHITING, born March 21, 1820.
October 4. William Alfred, son of William and Hannah WHITING,
born July 21, 1825. (Privately).
October 12. Robert, son of John and Margaret HODGSON, born August 11, 1825.
(Privately, at the parsonage; Brockville).
October 27. Emily, daughter of John and Sally WHITE, born December 15, 1815.
Sponsors, the parents.
October 27. Joseph, son of John and Sally WHITE, born January 25, 1819.
Sponsors, the parents.
October 27. Charles, son of John and Sally WHITE, born February 8, 1821.
Sponsors, the parents.
October 27. Alexander, son of John and Sally WHITE, born December 25, 1822.
Sponsors, the parents.
October 27. Mary Elizabeth, daughter of John and Sally WHITE,
born February 16, 1825. Sponsors, the parents.
October 27. Charles Sherwood, son of Richard and Laura DYER, born
December 18, 1823. (Privately).
October 28. Elizabeth Jane, daughter of Rowland and Nancy RLACKMORE, born
March 6, 1820. (Privately).
October 28. Ferguson, son of Rowland and Nancy BLACKMORE, born
November 14, 1821. (Privately).
0ctober 28. Sophia, daughter of Rowland and Nancy BLACKMORE,
born March 6, 1823, (Privately).
November 13. Elizabeth, daughter of Charles and Catherine WENN,
born October 21, 1825. Sponsors, Margaret Eliza ROWSON and
Henry BURRITT. (By Rev. Robert BLAKEY, of Prescott, privately,
in the Court House, Brockville).
December 4. Thomas, son of Edward and Martha HARRISON, born May 3, 1825.
Sponsors, the parents and William WOODS.
January 5. Eliza Ann, daughter of William and Eliza Ann THOMPSON. (Privately).
January 13. Job, son of Stephen and Mary ELLIOT, born August 15, 1815.
January 13. Lois, daughter of Stephen and Mary ELLIOT, born January 7, 1818.
January 13. John, son of Stephen and Mary ELLIOT, born May 12, 1820.
January 13. Mary, daughter of Stephen and Mary ELLIOT, born March 19, 1822.
January 13. Phoebe, daughter of Stephen and Mary ELLIOT, born
December 25, 1824. (Privately).
January 22. Margaret, daughter of John and Ann CAVANAGH, born August 30, 1825.
Sponsors, Letitia YOUNG, and Robert DOBBS. (At Wiltsetown).
January 22. Eliza, daughter of William and Ann JACOBS, born July 2, 1825.
Sponsors, Jane DOBBS and John DOBBS. (At Wiltsetown).
January 30. David, son of Francis and Ellen INNES, born January 6, 1825.
Sponsors, Elson GILMORE and Abigail BURRITT.
February 4. George, son of James and Ann BAKER, born October 12, 1825.
Sponsors, Thomas COURTENAY and Ann BAKER.
February 4. Sarah, daughter of John and Sarah COWEN, born November 20, 1825.
Sponsors, James BAKER, Sarah COWEN.
February 5. George, son of James and Rachel BIGGARS, born June 19, 1825.
Sponsors, John CONNOR, William GORTIN and Betsy CONNOR.
February 9. Jabez Landers, son of James and Christiana WATSON, born
April 24, 1815. (Privately).
February 9. William, son of James and Christiana WATSON, born May 15, 1817.
February 9. Agnes, daughter of James and Christiana WATSON,
born October 12, 1819. (Privately).
February 9. Rebecca, daughter of James and Christiana WATSON,
born March 24, 1822. (Privately).
February 12. Thomas Dickson, son of James and Lois MACDONNELL,
born July 2, 1813. Sponsors Lois MACDONNELL and Jonathan FULFORD.
February 12. Henry Elliot, son of James and Lois MACDONNELL,
born May 27, 1815. Sponsors, Lois MACDONNELL and Jonathan FULFORD.
March 16. Samuel, son of Samuel and Fanny JOHNSTON, born February 10, 1825.
Sponsors, Mary MCGUIRE and James MCGUIRE.
March 16. Robert, son of Thomas and Frances HUNT, born November 30, 1825.
Sponsors, Thomas MCGUIRE and Frances HUNT.
March 16. Elizabeth, daughter of John and Mary HARPER, born December 23, 1825.
Sponsors, Thomas HARPER and Mary KILROY.
March 16. Edward, son of Thomas and Sarah KILROY, born January 14, 1826.
Sponsors, the parents.
March 16. Frances, daughter of Thomas and Sarah MACGUIRE, born
December 1, 1825. Sponsors, Felix MacGUIRE and Maria KILROY.
April 16. Anne, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth FARREL, born April 9, 1826.
Sponsors, Susannah MOLES and John MOLES.
May 8. Susannah, daughter of Ralph and Elizabeth STOREY, born March 12, 1826.
May 10. Lucretia, daughter of Benjamin Ruggles MUNSELL, and Eleanor, his wife,
born June 26, 1813. Sponsors, Edward CASSIDY and Phoebe CASSIDY.
(At the school house, Mallorytown).
Benjamin R. Munsell, a magistrate, died near Mallorytown,
March 8, 1836, aged 63.
May 10. Esther, daughter of Benjamin Ruggles MUNSELL and Eleanor, his wife,
born January 7, 1815. Sponsors, Edward CASSIDY and Phoebe CASSIDY.
May 10. Lois, daughter of Benjamin Ruggles MUNSELL and Eleanor, his wife,
born June 21, 1821. Sponsors, Edward CASSIDY and Phoebe CASSIDY.
May 10. Thomas, son of Edward and Anna HAWS, born June 16, 1816.
Sponsors, the parents.
May 10. Eleanor, daughter of Edward and Anna HAWS, born November 10, 1818.
Sponsors, the parents.
May 10. Mary Ann, daughter of Edward and Anna HAWS, born May 3, 1820.
Sponsors, the parents.
May 10. John, son of Edward and Anna HAWS, born April 26, 1823.
Sponsors, the parents.
May 10. Elizabeth, daughter of Edward and Anna HAWS, born October 3, 1825.
Sponsors, the parents.
May 10. Everets, son of Julius and Margaret GUILES, born April 9, 1826.
Sponsors, the parents.
May 10. Libbeus Philip, son of Philip and Matilda WICKWARE, born
November 18, 1817. (Privately).
May 10. Alpheus, son of Philip and Matilda WICKWARE, born June 9, 1819.
May 10. Samuel Griffin, son of Philip and Matilda WICKWARE, born
April 16, 1821. (Privately).
May 10. Gilbert, son of Philip and Matilda WICKWARE, born May 25, 1823.
May 10. Melinda, daughter of Philip and Matilda WICKWARE, born
February 12, 1826. (Privately).
May 10. Charlotte, daughter of Benjamin and Polly STEWARD, born May 8, 1825.
May 14. Jane, daughter of Samuel and Frances REYNOLDS, born May 5, 1826.
Sponsors, the parents and Devias [?] BRANDON.
May 19. Elizabeth, daughter of David and Elizabeth TUFTS, born
January 25, 1826. (Privately).
May 22. Mary Ann, daughter of Edward and Elizabeth WATSON,
born February 2, 1825. (Privately).
May 22. Eleanor, daughter of William and Mary Ann RAY, born April 1, 1826.
May 28. Albert, son of John and Mary DIXON, born September 11, 1820.
May 28. Sarah, daughter of John and Mary DIXON, born August 5, 1822.
(Privately at Wiltsetown).
May 28. Martha, daughter of John and Mary DIXON, born August 2, 1825.
(Privately, at Wiltsetown).
May 28. Thomas Cooper, son of John and Jane HORN, born July 20, 1825.
May 28. John, son of Noah and Mary PALMER, born January 13, 1825.
Sponsors, the parents.
May 28. Lucinda, daughter of Noah and Mary PALMER, born March 13, 1826.
Sponsors, the parents.
May 28. Daniel, son of John and Nancy WRITE, born July 11, 1824.
Sponsors, the parents. (At Wiltsetown)
May 28. Anna, daughter of John and Nancy WRITE, born May 3, 1826.
Sponsors, the parents. (At Wiltsetown).
May 28. Lois, daughter of William and Sally WILTSE, born December 11, 1825.
Sponsors, the parents. (At Wiltsetown).
May 28. Priscilla, daughter of Samuel and Hannah KELSEY, born
February 14, 1826. (Privately at Wiltsetown).
May 28. Robert, son of Thomas and Catherine JORDAN, born April 14, 1824.
Sponsors, the parents, John DOBSON [DOBBS?], Elizabeth MORRIS.
(At Wiltsetown).
May 28. Stephen, son of Comfort Martin and Esther WILTSE, born April 22, 1826.
Sponsors, the parents. (At Wiltsetown).
May 28. Henry, son of Benjamin and Mary MOULTON, born May 10, 1825.
Sponsors, William MORRIS, Richard DEVENAND and Allice BARRINGTON.
Sponsors, the parents, James BARRINGTON, Mary MOULTON and
Ann JORDAN. (At Wiltsetown).
May 28. Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Mary DORMAND, born March 12, 1825.
[Note: this is the way it is printed in the book. The previous set
of sponsors are likely for this baptism. bmartin]
June 8. Esther, daughter of James and Elizabeth Willis MORGAN, born
March 8, 1826. Sponsors, M??? SWEETMAN, Ann GILMORE and mother.
July 5. John WILTSE, of Wiltsetown, aged 48. ?? WILTSE, senr., sponsor
John Wiltse was apparently a half-brother of Captain Benoni Wiltse,
U.E.L., and arrived at Wiltsetown some years after him.
July 5. Martin, son of John and Mary WILTSE, born September 23, 1814.
Sponsor, the [?????]
July 5. Electa, daughter of John and Mary WILTSE, born December 31, 1812.
Sponsor, the father.
July 5. Edward, son of John and Mary WILTSE, born February 17, 1817.
Sponsor, the father.
July 5. Phoebe, daughter of John and Mary WILTSE, born May 23, 1819.
Sponsor, the father.
July 5. Sally, daughter of John and Mary WILTSE, born September 28, 1820.
Sponsor, the father.
July 5. Maria, daughter of John and Mary WILTSE, born December 18, 1823.
Sponsor, the father.
July 5. Huldah, daughter of John and Mary WILTSE, born April 22, 1826.
Sponsor, the father.
July 5. Louis, son of William and Elizabeth WHITE, born December 9, 1817.
July 5. Dinah or Diana, daughter of William and Elizabeth WHITE,
born April 18, 1820. (Privately).
July 5. Euretta, daughter of William and Elizabeth WHITE, born
July 30, 1824. (Privately).
July 5. Rhoda, daughter of David and Thankful WILTSE, born July 26, 1819.
July 5. Sidney, son of David and Thankful WILTSE, born October 20, 1820.
July 5. Eleanor, daughter of David and Thankful WILTSE, born February 18, 1823.
July 5. Elizabeth, daughter of David and Thankful WILTSE, born Nov. 8, 1824.
July 5. William, son of William and Ann MACCORMICK, born August 14, 1825.
Sponsors, Archibald ELLIOTT and the mother.
July 19. Thomas, son of Henry and Susan BRADLEY, born July 11, 1824.
Sponsors, the parents.
July 19. John, son of Henry and Susan BRADLEY, born October 2, 1823.
Sponsors, the parents and Elizabeth HENDERSON.
July 19. Henry, son of Henry and Susan BRADLEY, born June 27, 1820.
Sponsors, parents and Maria ARMSTRONG.
July 19. Elizabeth, daughter of William and Jane WEBSTER, born May 13, 1826.
Sponsors, Sally JOHNSON, Ellen TAYLOR and Samuel TACKABERRY.
July 19. David, son of Henry and Martha JOHNSTON, born December 9, 1823.
Sponsors, parents and J. MACINTYRE.
July 19. Dorothy, daughter of Joshua and Mary GILBERT, born September 5, 1824.
Sponsors, Nicholas GILBERT, Mary Ann GILBERT and parents.
July 19. Canvilla, daughter of William and Martha GRAHAM, born March 5, 1826.
Sponsors, parents and Eleanor TAYLOR.
July 19. John, son of WiIliam and Margaret EARL, born July 29, 1824.
Sponsors, Joshua GILBERT, Thomas GILBERT and Rebecca NEAL.
July 19. James, son of James and Hannah TAYLOR, born March 15, 1826.
Sponsors, Ellen TAYLOR and Robert TAYLOR.
July 19. Mary; daughter of Joseph and Dorothy MOXLEY, born August 1, 1824.
Sponsors, parents and Mary TAYLOR.
July 19. George, son of John and Ann WILLOUGHBY, born June 14, 1825.
Sponsors, William ARMSTRONG and Maria ARMSTRONG.
July 19. Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Mary QUIN, born November 17, 1825.
Sponsors, Samuel TACKABERRY, James Ezra DERRICK, and Alice ARMSTRONG.
July 19. Sarah, daughter of Richard and Mary QUIN, born February 16, 1826.
Sponsors, Sarah TACKABERRY, Alice ARMSTRONG and James Ezra DERRICK.
July 19; Samuel John, son of George and Martha JOHNSTON, born October 22, 1822.
Sponsors, Maria ARMSTRONG, Rebecca NEAL, Samuel TACKABERRY
and the father.
July 19. Robert Webster, son of George and Martha JOHNSTON, born
January 26, 1826. Sponsors, Samuel TACKABERRY, Maria ARMSTRONG,
Rebecca NEAL and the father.
July 23. James, son of Joseph and Elizabeth LOVE, born December 3, 1826.
Sponsors, Martha HORTON, and Samuel HORTON.
July 23. James, son of James and Susan MCLAURIN, born July 14, 1825.
Sponsors, Susan HORTON and Samuel HORTON.
July 23. John, son of John and Mary SEELEY, born October 27, 1822.
Sponsors, Thomasin GIFFIN and John STACEY.
July 23, Joseph, son of John and Mary SEELEY, born February 2, 1825.
Sponsors, Andrew TACKABERRY, John GREEN and Ann JARVIS [?].
July 23. William, son of William and Mary WEBSTER, born December 27, 1825.
Sponsors, Mary Ann BOTTON, William COCHRAN and John HORTON.
July 23, Thomas, son of William and Eliza LANGSTAFF, born March 7, 1826.
Sponsors, Benjamin BIGFORD, Henry HORTON and Eliza BOTTON.
August 13, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth DAVIS, born May 1, 1826.
Sponsors, Ann MAUD, Jane EDWARDS and John FOXTON.
August 20. Susan, daughter of Isaac and Eliza JONES, born July 6; 1826.
Sponsors, C. DICKINSON, Jane BATES and Eliza JONES.
August 20. William Natural, son of Mary Ann ELLIOT, the father unknown,
born in the month of September, 1824.
Sponsors, Ann ELLIOT, Alexander ELLIOT.
September 3. Louisa, daughter of Mathew and Mary TRENOR; William, son of
Robert and Ann KEYS; Anna, daughter of Abraham and Anna MARKLE;
Daniel, son of the above MARKLE; Hannah Agnes, daughter of
Samuel and Sally OGDEN, at the school house near Bastard [?],
in Toronto. Particulars sent to Dr. PHILLIPS for Registry at York.
September 20. Charles, son of William and Elizabeth ROGERSON,
born February 17, 1826. (Privately).
October 1. William, son of Thomas and Sarah CALDWELL, born September 10, 1826.
Sponsors, the parents, William WALKER and Thomas BLACK.
October 15. Elizabeth, daughter of Benjamin and Ruth BIGFORD,
born September 22, 1826. Sponsors, Thomas HORTON, Ann [?].
October 15. Elizabeth, daughter of Henry and Hannah MAUD, born
September 2, 1826. Sponsors, William CHAPMAN and Jane CHAPMAN.
October 15. Ralph, son of Peter and Martha DAVIS, born July 25, 1826.
Sponsors, William DAVIS and Peter DAVIS.
Ralph Davis was afterwards a dry goods merchant in Brockville
and the grandfather of the late the Honourable H. H. Davis,
of the Supreme Court of Canada. Accordlng to family records,
he was born on July 25, 1825.
October 26. Andrew, son of James and Bridget ROGERS, born May 6, 1826.
Sponsors, parents and Patrick KILHULY.
October 25. John, son of Richard and Ann ENNIS, born October 14, 1826.
November 18 Sarah, daughter of William and Alexander BREADEN,
born November 1, 1826. Sponsors, parents and MACLEAN.
Dec. 14. Richard, son of James and Elizabeth GIFFIN, born November 21, 1826.
Sponsors, parents and Henry BENNETTE.
December 14. Jane, daughter of Henry and Alycid BENNETT, born Nov. 25, 1826.
Sponsors, parents and Elizabeth GIFFIN.
January 14. John, son of Benjamin and Rebecca WARREN, born November 4, 1826.
Sponsors, Benjamin BIGFOBD, John BOLTON and Elizabeth BOLTON.
January 14. Richard, son of Benjamin and Martha TACKABERRY, born
February 29, 1826. Sponsors, Martha HORTON, Samuel HORTON
and Thomas HORTON.
February 22. Jane, daughter of Richard and Ann GIFFIN, born December 24, 1826.
March 4. Jane, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth EDWARDS, born
January 27, 1827. Sponsors, Jane EDWARDS, Joseph EDWARDS
and John EDWARDS. (At Lamb's Pond).
March 4. Jane, daughter of Charles and Sarah BARBER, born December 13, 1825.
Sponsors, parents and Eleanor HORTON. (At Lamb's Pond).
March 24. Charles, son of William and Elizabeth ROGERSON,
born 17th Feby. 1826, and privately baptized by me, 2Oth Sept., 1826,
was admitted one of the flock of true Christian people according to
the rites of the Church of England, 24th March, 1827, by me,
John WENHAM, minister. Sponsors, Robert. BATESON, Henry BATESON,
March 24. Eliza Frances Ann, daughter of William and Elizabeth BATESON,
born 7th April, 1824, and baptized by Revd. Robt. BLAKEY in
August following, was received as one of the flock of true
Christian people according to the rites of the Church of England
by me, John WENHAM, minister. Sponsors, William FAUCETT,
Joseph FAWCETT, Elizabeth STRADERS and Maria DUNDON.
March 29. Margaret, daughter of Dominick and ?? BURNs, born February 28, 1827.
Sponsors, Margaret LANG, Ann EMPEY, Richard EMPEY and Arthur McLEAN.
May 13. Eliza Herbert, daughter of David and Catherine Eliza JONES, of
Brockville, born May 13, 1821 (Privately).
This child of David Jones M P P and his wife, Catherine
Eliza Hayes evidently died in infancy.
May 27. Beverley, son of Jonas and Mary Elizabeth JONES, of Brockville,
born October 29, 1826. Sponsors, David FORD, proxy for
John Beverly ROBINSON, Esqr., Atty. Genl. Henry JONES, of
Brockville, Esqr., and Mary E. JONES.
May 27. Ralph, son of Richard and Dorothy DAVIS, born April 25, 1827.
Sponsors, Peter DAVIS and parents. (At Lamb's Pond).
June 2. Sarah, daughter of Simon and Jane GILPIN, born February 28, 1827.
Sponsors, the parents.
June 16. John, son of Henry and Anna JENKINSON, born January 23, 1825.
Sponsors, parents and Edward LEACH. (At Brockville).
July 1. Catherine, daughter of John and Mary STOREY, born July 22, 1827.
Sponsors, Robert CROOK, Isaac CROOK and Elizabeth JOHNSON.
July 9. Margaret, daughter of George and Elizabeth JOHNSTON,
born March 2, 1825. Sponsors, William WARD, Thomas JORNOTON,
Ann GIVIN and the mother.
July 9. Mary Ann, daughter of George and Elizabeth JOHNSTON,
born April 1, 1827. Sponsors, William WARD, Thomas JOHNSTON,
Ann GIVEN and the mother. (At Brockville).
July 15. William Fordier, son of Isaac and Orinda BEECHER, born
February 5, 1827. (Privately at Fulford's).
July 21. Moses, son of Alexander and Ann ELLIOTT, "living near
the Rideau", born April 10, 1827. (Privately, at Brockville).
July 22. Samuel, son of Samuel and Elizabeth FERGUSON, born February 11, 1826,
in Yonge. (Privately at Brockville).
July 29. Jane, daughter of Ann and Joseph WEBSTER, born July 2, 1827.
August 20. John, son of John and Sally WRITE, born May 30, 1827.
(Privately at the house of the parents, border of Elizabethtown).
August 26. Harriet Matilda, daughter of William and Elizabeth O'BRYAN,
born January 24, 1815. (Privately at the school-house, Pucker street).
August 26. Sophia Frances, daughter of William and Elizabeth O'BRYAN,
born June 23, 1821. (Privately at the school-house, Pucker street).
August 26. Eliza, daughter of Edward and Elizabeth GILROY, born April 25, 1826.
(Privately at the school-house, Pucker street).
September 3. Richard, son of William and Jane FINLAY, born March 12, 1827.
September 6. James, son of James and Ann BAKER, born August 23, 1827.
Sponsors, William FERGUSON, Thomas FERGUSON, Elizabeth FERGUSON.
September 16. John, son of James and Amelia FORSYTH, born July 11, 1827.
Sponsors, the parents.
October 15. James, son of Arthur and Eliza McCLEAN, born October 15, 1827.
November 3. Catherine, daughter of Patrick and Catherine GILHULY,
born November 2, 1827. (Privately).
November 25. Charles Edward, son of Charles and Florella JONES,
of Brockville, born April 15, 1827. Sponsors, the parents and
Alpheus JONES, Prescott.
Charles Edward Jones, son of Honourable Charles Jones, M.L.C.,
and his second wife, Florella Smith, died at Brockville,
October 6, 1862.
December 20. Robert, son of Alexander and Margaret MAXWELL,
born December 15, 1827. (Privately).
December 30. Susannah, daughter of Samuel and ?? WEBSTER, born June 17, 1827.
(Privately at the dwelling of her parents beyond Lamb's Pond).
January 6. Sarah, daughter of Edward and Ann ROWSON, born November 1, 1827.
Sponsors, Benjamin WARREN, Ann HORTON, Sarah FRANCIS.
January 6. John, son of John and Ann KINCH, born November 1, 1827.
Sponsors Henry HORTON, John HORTON and Eliza BOLTON. (At Lamb's Pond).
January 6. Elizabeth, daughter of James and Lucy TOW, born May 12, 1826.
Sponsors, parents and Mary Tow. (At Lamb's Pond).
February 3. John, son of Joseph and Susannah DAVIS, born February 26, 1827.
Sponsors, Houghton KENDRICK and parents.
February 3, Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth GREEN, born
November 4, 1820. Sponsors, John HORTON, Susan HORTON,
Martha HORTON. (At the schoolhouse Lamb's Pond).
February 3, Rebecca, daughter of John and Elizabeth HORTON, born
September 4, 1824. Sponsors, John GREEN and parents.
(At the school-house, Lamb's Pond).
February 3, William, son of John and Elizabeth HORTON, born November 17, 1827.
Sponsors, John GREEN and parents. (At the school-house, Lamb's Pond).
February 10. Edward, son of Samuel and Frances REYNOLDS, born February 5, 1828.
(Privately at Brockville).
This child died June 7, 1828.
February 23. Thomas, son of Samuel and Eliza FARRAR, born September 22, 1827.
(Privately by Rev. Rossington ELMS).
March 5. John, son of Robert and Jane COOKE; born January 4, 1828. (Privately).
March 8. Uri, son of Thomas and Mary WILKINSON, born March 1, 1821.
(Privately at the house of his parents, Pucker Street).
March 8. Jane, daughter of Thomas and Mary WILKINSON, born May 20, 1824.
(Privately at the house of her parents, Pucker Street).
March 8. Adeline, daughter of Thomas and Mary WILKINSON, born January 12, 1826.
(Privately at the house of her parents, Pucker Street).
March 9. Caroline Eliza, daughter of William and Elizabeth BRIANT or 0'BRYAN,
born July 19, 1812. (Privately at Pucker Street).
March 9. James Johnson, son of William and Elizabeth BRIANT or 0'BRYAN,
born June 20, 1825. (Privately at Pucker Street).
March 9. Guy Edward, son of William and Elizabeth BRIANT or 0'BRYAN,
born June 20, 1825. (Privately at Pucker Street).
March 9. Henry William Finlay, son of William and Elizabeth BRIANT or 0'BRYAN,
twin with the undermentioned, born February 14, 1827.
(Privately at Pucker Street).
March 9. Fanny Elizabeth Jane, daughter of William and Elizabeth BRIANT
or 0'BRYAN, twin with the above, born February 14, 1827.
(Privately at Pucker Street).
April 9. Eliza, daughter of Edward and Martha HARRISON, born May 26, 1827.
April 13. Mary Jane, daughter of William and Elizabeth ROGERSON, born
March 20, 1828. Sponsors, parents, Mary HUMPHREY and John MUSSON.
May 9. Henry, son of John and Nicholas [sic] BURNS, born January 27, 1828.
Sponsors, Robert MAUD, Henry MAUD and parents.
(At the school-house, Lamb's Pond).
May 9. Mary, daughter of William and Mary WETMORE, born September 20, 1827.
Sponsors, Benjamin WARREN, Elizabeth EDWARDS and parents.
(At the schoolhouse, Lamb's Pond).
May 9. Alice, daughter of Richard and Martha WEBSTER, born January 20, 1828.
Sponsors, Alice TACKABERRY and parents.
(At the school-house, Lamb's Pond).
May 11. Francis, son of Jonas and Mary Elizabeth JONES, of Brockville,
born March 13, 1828. Sponsors, T. D. CAMPBELL, Esqr., and parents.
Francis Jones, son of the honourable Jonas Jones and his wife,
Mary Elizabeth Ford, became a merchaat at Gananoque and died
March 11, 1887. He was married to Sophia Warren and his children
included Mary Elizabeth, married to McGill Mowat, and Clara,
married to William Ince, merchant, Toronto.
May 19. John, son of Dominick and Jane BURNS, born April 14, 1828.
(Privately by Rev. Rossington ELMS).
June 4. Mary, daughter of Francis and Mary HODGE, born December 9, 1827
June 8. Ruth Ann, daughter of Uzziah and Ruth DYER, born May 13, 1809.
Sponsors B. CARLEY, Mrs. REYNOLDS. Witnesses, Mrs. WENHAM,
Betty STADDERS and Joseph FAUCET. (At the parsonage house, Brockville).
June 8. Elizabeth, daughter of Uzziah and Ruth DYER, born August 16, 1811
Sponsors B. CARLEY, Mrs. REYNOLDS. Witnesses, Mrs. WENHAM,
Betty STADDERS and Joseph FAUCET. (At the parsonage house, Brockville).
June 8. Joseph, son of Joseph and Elizabeth LOVE, born August 1, 1827.
Sponsors Anne BURNS, Peter DAVIS and parents. (At Lamb's Pond).
June 8, William, son of William and Ellen DAVIS, born February 7, 1825.
Sponsors, Peter DAVIS, Jane BURNS and parents. (At Lamb's Pond).
June 8. Jane, daughter of William and Ellen DAVIS, born October 23, 1826.
Sponsors, Peter DAVIS; Jane BURNS and parents.
(At the school-house, Lamb's Pond).
June 8. Richard, son of John and Dorothy AUSTIN, born November 26, 1826.
Sponsors John JONES [?], and parents.
(At the School House, Lamb's Pond).
June 8. Elizabeth, daughter of John and Dorothy AUSTIN, born Feb. 26, 1828.
Sponsors, James JONES [?] and parents.
(At the School House, Lamb's Pond).
June 8. William, son of Peter and Martha DAVIS, born April 1O, 1828.
Sponsors George DAVIS and parents. (At the School House, Lamb's Pond).
June 8. Alice, daughter of Thomas and Bess LUMSDEN, born June 6, 1823.
Sponsors George DAVIS and parents. (At the School House, Lamb's Pond).
June 8. Thomas, son of Thomas and Bess LUMSDEN, born June 21, 1826.
Sponsors parents.
June 8. Margaret, daughter of Thomas and Bess LUMSDEN, born January 8, 1825
(At the School House, Lamb's Pond).
June 22. Susannah, dau,ghter of Benjamin and Ruth BIGFORD, born June 1, 1828
Sponsors, Margaret URTON [?], John URTON [?] and parents.
(At Lamb's Pond)
June 22. Jane, daughter of William and Elizabeth LANGSTAFF, born
September 22, 1827. Sponsors, Susan MACLAREN, Joseph LOVE
and parents. (At the School House, Lambs Pond).
June 22. Elizabeth, daughter of William and Susan COCKERILL, born
February 26 1828. Sponsors, parents.
(At the School House, Lamb's Pond).
June 29. Aan, daughter of Charles and Maria DICKASON, born June 25, 1828
July 13. James, son of Thomas and Sarah CALDWELL, born June 9, 1828.
Sponsors, Saml. SPENCE, Charles COTTER, Ann WALKER and
Mary SURETON [?]. (At the Court House, Brockville).
August 5. William, son of William and Christiana COLLINSON, born
June 26, 1827. (Privately by Rev. Rossington ELMS).
August 15. William, son of William and Hannah SILVESTER, born July 6, 1828.
August 15. John, son of John and Mary WOODS, born August 7, 1828.
September 16. Eliza, daughter of Michael and Eliza WOLFE, born
September 16, 1828. (Privately).
October 18. Matthew, son of Henry and Ann JENKINSON, born October 29, 1827.
November 25. William Hayes, son of Henry and Martha JACKSON, born
March 30, 1828. (Privately by Rev. Rossington ELMS).
William Hayes Jackson rose to the rank of lieutenant-colonel in
the militia and, after service during the Fenian raids, was
Deputy Adjutant-General at Brockville and London, Ont. He was
also on the staff during the Northwest Rebellion of 1885
and retired in 1888, dying at Brockville. He was the father
of Dr. W. Fred Jackson, for many years choirmaster of
St. Peter's church.
December 16. Richard, son of Henry and Abigail BENNETT, born November 20, 1828.
Sponsors, John TAYLOR, Betty HUNTER and parents.
December 17. Arthur, son of Arthur and Elizabeth MCCLEAN, born Dec. 2, 1828.
Sponsors, William FORBES and parents.
Arthur S. McClean died at Brockville, August 24, 1881, and
Mary Alicia Bell, his wife, on February 22, 1894, aged 48. His
father, Arthur McClean, originally of county Cavan, Ireland, was
the architect of St Peter's church.
January 2. Sarah Jane, daughter of Nicholas and Belinda HORTON, born
on or about July 8, 1828. Sponsors, parents and Lucinda MUSSEN.
January 2. Belinda, daughter of Philip Shelton and Lucinda MUSSEN,
born October 11, 1828. Sponsors, parents and Belinda HORTON.
January 11. Charlotte Augusta, daughter of William and Margaret HYNES,
born in Waddington, New York, December 2, 1826.
(Privately at Brockville).
William Hynes was an early secretary of the Brockville Board
of Education.
January 25. Benjamin Elliott, son of Benjamin and Rebecca WARREN, born
October 22, 1828. Sponsors, William WEBSTER and parents.
(At the Schocl House, Lamb's Pond).
January 25. Thomas Benjamin, son of William and Mary WEBSTER, born
September 3, 1828. Sponsors, Benjamin WARREN and parents.
(At the School House, Lamb's Pond).
January 25. Richard, son of John and Elizabeth CLISDELL, born March 16, 1828.
Sponsors, John MCKENNA and parents. (At the School House, Lamb's Pond).
January 25. Margaret, daughter of John and Margaret ROWSON, born
January 18, 1829. Sponsors, Mary MORRIS and parents.
(At the School House, Lamb's Pond).
January 25. Robert, son of Henry and Hannah MAUD, born September 4, 1828.
Sponsors, Robert MAUD and parents. (At the School House, Lamb's Pond).
January 25. Henry, son of Joseph and Elizabeth MAUD, born Octeber 11, 1828.
(At the School House, Lamb's Pond).
January 25 Eliza, daughter of John and Mary MCKENNA, born December 1, 1828.
Sponsors, Elizabelle AUDELL and parents.
(At the School House, Lamb's Pond).
January 25. William, son of Samuel and Ann SIMONS, born May 27, 1828.
Sponsors, Ann ROWSON and parents. (At the School House, Lamb's Pond).
February 1. Thomas, son of Richard and Dorothy DAVIS, born November 7, 1828.
Sponsors, John EDWARDS and parents. (At the School House, Lamb's Pond).
February 1. Robert, son of Thomas and Elizabeth DAVIS, born September 28, 1828.
Sponsors, Henry MAUD, Richard DAVIS and Jane EDWARDS.
(At the School House, Lamb's Pond).
February 1. Martha, daughter of Frederick and Jane MOORE, born
September 4, 1827 Sponsors, Elizabeth SMITH, R. ROWSON and parents.
(At the School House, Lamb's Pond).
February 1. Edward, son of Frederick and Jane MOORE, born September 20, 1828
Sponsors, J. GRAVES and parents. (At the School House, Lamb's Pond).
February 1. Ann, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth HORTON, born
November 1, 1828 Sponsors, Ann HORTON and parents.
(At the School House, Lamb's Pond).
February 8. Ann, daughter of William and Thomasina GIFFIN, born
January 28, 1828 Sponsors, Alice BURNS and parents.
(At the School House, Lamb's Pond).
February 8. Isaac, son of Samuel and Elizabeth SMITH, born December 4, 1826
Sponsors, Frederick MOORE and parents.
(At the School House, Lamb's Pond).
February 8. Thomas, son of Samuel and Elizabeth SMITH, born November 4, 1827
Sponsors, Jacob SMITH and parents. (At the School House, Lamb's Pond).
February 15. Margaret, daughter of John and Elizabeth CONNOR, born
February 3 1828. Spensors, William CONNOR, Martha HORTON,
and parents. (At the School House, Lamb's Pond).
February 19. Charles, son of Thomas and Mary PROVOST, born August 22, 1826
Sponsors, parents and New Year WATSON.
(At the School House, Pucker Street).
February 19. Sarah, daughter of Thomas and Mary PROVOST, born October 6, 1828.
Sponsors, parents and Mary ?? (At the School House, Pucker Street).
February 19. Ann, daughter of Thomas and Mary WILKINSON, born June 30, 1828.
February 24. Jane, daughter of Alexander and Ann ELLIOTT, born January 1, 1829
Sponsors, John STRATTON, Ann STRATTON and Fanny JOHNSON.
March 2. Richard Barthelemew, son of Richard Carley and Nicy BEACH, born
June 20 1825.
March 9. Mary Ann, daughter of John and Mary HARPER, born December 21, 1827
March 9. Crawford, son of Thomas and Sarah KILROY, born May 4, 1828.
March 9. Eleazar, son of Edward and Elizabeth KILROY, born September 17, 1828
March 23. John, son of Samuel and Mary STEWART, born July 11, 1825.
Sponsors, parents and John and Susanna LEAR. (At La Rue's).
March 23. Nathan, son of Samuel and Mary STEWART, born May 8, 1827.
Sponsors, parents and John LEAR. (At La Rue's).
March 23. Jane, daughter of Samuel and Mary STEWART, born July 12, 1823.
Sponsors parents, John and Susanna LEAR. (At La Rue's).
March 23. Margaret, daughter of Samuel and Mary STEWART, born January 18, 1829
Sponsors, parents, John and Susanna LEAR. (At La Rue's).
March 23. Lucilla, daughter of John and Susanna LEAR, born March 3, 1827.
Sponsors, parents, Samuel and Mary STEWART. (At La Rue's).
March 24. Jonathan, son of Nathaniel and Ann FULFORD, born February 3, 1829.
Sponsors, Mrs. FULFORD, Senr. (At the School House near Fulford's).
March 24. Louisa Ann, daughter of Titus and Anna COLE, born April 22, 1828
Sponsors, parents and Mr. FULFORD (At the School House near Fulford's).
March 24. Isaac Cole, son of George and Nancy WILLOCKS, born Sept. 24, 1827.
May 6. Jane, daughter of Edward and Ann ROWSON, born April 5, 1829.
May 17. Horace Gilbert, son of Isaac and Orinda BEECHER, born August 31, 1828.
May 21. Charlotte Eliza, daughter of Edward and Elizabeth WATSON, born
July 4, 1828. (Privately at the parsonage).
June 7. Alice, daughter of John and Mary HAWKINS, born January 12, 1829.
Sponsors, Ann ROWSON, R. ROWSON and parents.
(At the School House, Lamb's Pond).
June 7. Jane, daughter of Edward and Ann ROWDON, privately baptized May 6, 1829
was publicly admitted. Sponsors, Mrs. FOLEY, Eliza NEWMAN and parents.
June 22. Thomas Urigh, son of John and Matilda GILMORE, born June 13, 1829.
July 11. Ida Clarissa, daughter of David and Catherine Eliza JONES, born
February 27, 1829. Sponsors, parents and Clarissa HAYES.
July 13. Joseph, son of Joseph and Susan BARRINGTON, born May 2, 1826
(the mother now a widow). (Privately).
July 16. Edward, son of Edward and Martha HARRISON, born June 1, 1829.
(Privately, at Brockville.
July 19. Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth FARRER, born May 7, 1829.
Sponsors, Benjamin WARREN and parents.
(At the School House, Lamb's Pond).
July 28. Louisa, daughter ef Christopher and Ann LEGGO, born 3Oth June, 1827,
and John, son of the same parents, born 27th Octr. 1826, were
baptized by Revd. Rossington ELMS in my absence with the Bishop,
3rd August, 1828, as certified to me, 28th July, 1829.
John WENHAM, Minister. Sponsors, Wm. & Is. LEECH and parents.
September 16. Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Sarah WRIGHT, born
October 4, 1827. (Privately).
September 16. James, son of Thomas and Sarah WRIGHT, born October 4, 1827.
January 7. Benjamin Boyte [Boyd?], son of Walter and Elizabeth EALES, born
Sept. 17, 1829. (Privately).
January 14. John, son of William and Christiana COLLINSON, born
November 25, 1829. (Privately).
February 11. Thomas, son of Francis and Mary HODGE, born October 21, 1829.
Sponsors, Robert MULFIELD [?] and parents.
February 12. John Henry, son of William and Jane FINLAY, born January 29, 1830.
February 14. Ralph, son of George and Margaret DAVIS, born August 10, 1829.
Sponsors, William AYRES, Richard DAVIS, Alice ROWSON.
(At the School House, Lamb's Pond).
February 21. Henry, son of William and Catherine FREE, born January 24, 1830.
Sponsors, Thomas GRAHAM, Benjamin MURPHY and Mary Ann CANE.
Febraary 24. Ann Jane, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth GOSS, born
January 14, 1830. (Privately).
February 24. Hannah Maria, daughter of Charles and Maria DICKASON, born
October 8, 1829. (Privately).
March 3. William Holmes, son of Simon and Mary FAWCETT, born January 25, 1830.
March 7. Eliza, daughter of Richard and Eliza WOLFE, born March 9, 1830.
May 6 Fanny, daughter of George and Elizabeth JOHNSON, born July 22, 1829
Sponsors, Mother, Mary Ann HAY and James TAYLOR
May 8. Mary, daughter of Samuel and Frances, REYNOLDs, born April 25, 1830
This child died July 19, 1831.
May 15. George Henry, son of George Henry and Ann WALLACE, born April 20, 1830
May 26. William, son of William and Margaret EARL, born March 29, 1829.
Sponsors, Richard LILLEY, Thomas WEBSTER, Eliza SHAW.
(Near Armstrong's, in Lansdowne).
May 26. Richard, son of Henry and Susannah BRADLEY, born August 4, 1829.
Sponsors, O. R. GOWAN, Esqr., Susan GILBERT and parents.
(At the School House near Armstrong's in Lansdewne).
May 26. William Armstrong, son of Nathaniel and Maria WEBSTER, born
August 3, 1830. Sponsors, William and Charles and Alice ARMSTRONG.
(At Lansdowne)
May 26. John, son of Nathaniel and Maria WEBSTER, born December 9, 1829.
Sponsors, Nathl. WEBSTER, John BRADLEY and Maria WEBSTER.
(At Lansdowne).
Bill Martin, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
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