This information was originally published by:
Papers and Records
Volume 19, Published in Toronto in 1922
Pages 90-102.
Return to my main index.
The first church in this parish was erected about the year 1809, near the
centre of the front part of the township of Augusta and was called the
Blue Church from the color it was painted. Services were occasionally held
in this Church until the year 1813. It was afterwards burned down and the
present one built for the use of funeral services.
In 1813 the Rev. John Bethune, afterwards Dean of Montreal, was placed in
charge of the mission of Augusta. He continued at his post until 1819 when
he exchanged with the Rev. John Leeds, at that time rector of Montreal.
Mr. Leeds continued in Augusta until 1821 when he took charge of the mission
of Elizabethtown and Brockville, and was succeeded in Augusta by the
Rev. Robt. Blakey (who was sent out to Canada by the Society for the
Propagation of the Gospel) and was afterwards appointed rector of the parish
of Augusta.
In 1820, St. John's Church, Prescott, was opened for divine service, and in
1826, St. James Church, Maitland, was erected, and opened for divine service
in 1827. The first Church wardens of St. James' Church were George Longley
and Dunham Jones.
Mr. Blakey was assisted in the latter part of his life, 1st, by Rev. T. Leach,
2nd, by Rev. T. A. Parnell, and 3rd, by Rev. E. W. Beaven. Mr. Blakey died in
1858 and was succeeded by the Rev. Richard Lewis, M.A., now rural dean.
In 1862 Mr. Lewis was assisted by the Rev. James Bogert, and in the same year
Mr. Lewis retired from the charge of Prescott and took up his residence in
Maitland, where he still lives, (1888) and is assisted by the
Rev. G. S. Anderson.
In 1886 Christ's Church was erected by subscription at Lord's Mills in this
parish, under the perseverance and supervision of Rev. R. Lewis, and now on
the 22nd day of Angust, 1888, the corner stone of St. George's Church is laid
by His Honor Judge James Reynolds of Brockville, P.D.D.G.M. of A.F. & A.M.,
Grand Lodge of Canada.
This church is to be built by subscription under the praiseworthy exertions of
the curate, Rev. Geo. S. Anderson, and the land on which it stands was kindly
given by Mrs. Shepherd, widow of the late Thomas Shepherd.
Previous to the erection of the church at Lord's Mills, divine service was held
at the school house there, and at the Temperance Hall, near the site of this
(Mr. J. Dumbrille, the writer of the foregoing sketch, was Church Warden of
St. James, Church, Maitland.)
Maitland, Aug. 22, '88.
BY F. J. French, K.C.
This historic spot is part of Lot No. 15, in the First Concession of the
Township of Augusta, County of Grenville, being now composed (as enlarged
by the addition of the new Church of England portion), of all that part of
the east quarter lying along the Nine Mile Road from the Grand Trunk Railway
lands to the King's Highway, on which the well-known church edifice stands.
Originally the site on which the Blue Church is situated was part of the
village plot laid out by the Government, and called the Village of "Augusta,"
prior to the year 1800. And before that date many years there are evidences
on the spot of burials having taken place in the old part of the burying
ground. One old tombstone I unearthed was dated 1780.
In 1806 a patent of part of the above mentioned village plot, being a part
of Lot No. 14, was granted to Livius P. Sherwood, a name well-known locally.
The Rev. Robert Blakey obtained in 1832 parts of Lots 14 and 15, and also
certain of the village lots in 1844.
In 1853 there was a patent granted of ten acres of Lot 15, to the Rev. Robert
Blakey, Justus S. Merwin and Alpheus Jones, in trust for the Church of England.
The southerly part of this ten acres was recently enclosed with, and added to,
the old Blue Church Burial Ground, and the title to the whole plot has also
recently been vested in the Synod of Ontario.
The present church is the third edifice on the ground; the first, having
stood a little back of the present site, was larger in size and was burned
many years ago.
The following is a list of burials - copied from the tombstones in 1899, with
numerous additions since made to the list, but it is unavoidable that there
may be many unintentional omissions:-
Christopher plot. (Southeast corner at junction of Nine Mile Road and King's
highway.) (The head of this large family was sexton of the church and burial
ground, and held the position at the time of his death.)
Capt. Oliver D. Shaver, d. March 10th, 1870, age 69.
Macneil Clarke, M.P.P., d. 29 February, 1872. (Removed to new part - where a
monument has since been erected by his brother, J. B. Clarke, K.C.)
Rev. Andrew H. Melville, a native of Glasgow, Scotland, d. March 2nd, 1875,
age 74 years.
Annabella Hutton, his wife, d. May 22, 1867, age 62 years.
John H. Melville, teacher, b. April 18, 1828, d. Apr. 19, 1888.
George Harding, b. at Bristol, Eng., Sept. 17, 1818, d. Mar. 20, 1870.
Louisa, his wife, b. at Padstow, Cornwall, Eng., Sept. 26, 1814, d. at
Prescott, June 7, 1884.
Ellen Johnston, daughter of Rev. W. J., and Eliza Sargent, d. Dec. 1865.
Freeman Daniels, d. February 13, 1889.
Margaret, his wife, d. April 26, 1869.
William Brown, d. February 18, 1882, age 49 years.
Lucy Ann, wife of Dr. Easton, age 40 years.
Frank, son of Dr. Easton and his second wife (a Miss Henderson)
d. July 20, 1872. (A monument to John Easton, M.D., has since been erected
by his son, W.T. Easton.)
Arthur Edward, son of H. and E. Daniels, d. June 7, 1877.
Thomas Weir, d. Feb. 18, 1874, age 50 years.
James Weir, a native of Greenland, near Strabane, Co. Tyrone, Ireland,
d. Aug. 7, 1875, age 49 years.
Gerrard Irvine, d. April 30, 1880 age 88 years.
Ann, his wife, native of Ireland, d. Sept. 21, 1897, age 91 years.
John Smades, d. Sept. 25th 1888, age 60 years.
William Ryder, April 12, 1871, age 67 years. (A veteran under Wellington).
Wm. Gerald, March 5, 1886, age 63 years.
William Mitchell, d. April 5, 1864, age 49 years.
Elizabeth Smith, d. March 18, 1888, age 74 years.
James Irwin, d. Dec. 26, 1893, age 67 years.
(Mayor of Prescott at various times).
Mary Hall, wife of Nesfield Ward, d. Dec. 21, 1887, age 64 years
John Ward, d. May 22, 1850, age 53 years 10 months.
His wife, d. 1861, age 58 years.
Alfred, d. Dec. 13, 1881, age 46 years.
W. G. Brunning, d. Feb. 4, 1894, age 54 years.
Eliza Cox, wife of Wm. Brunning, d. Dec. 25, 1872, age 59 years.
A native of Devonshire, England.
Isaac Stone, d. April 28, 1876, age 38 years.
And three children.
Amos Heath, d. Sept. 17, 1859, age 48 years.
True Love Butler, Esq., d. Aug. 9, 1834, aged 51 years.
(Prominent in public affairs in his day).
William Twomley, d. Sept. 4, 1867, age 25 years.
George Walsh, d. March 17, 1861, age 61 years.
John Millar, Esq., Agent Com. Bank, Native of Forfarshire, d. at Prescott,
May 16, 1860, age 60 years.
Alfred Hooker, d. Aug. 30, 1880, age 81 years.
Elvira Warner, his wife, d. Aug. 27, 1882, age 78 years.
John Francis, d. Dec. 5, 1895, age 66 years.
Elizabeth Presser, his wife, d. Aug. 18, 1895, age 69 years.
Henry Langley, b. Aug. 20, 1808, d. Nov. 14, 1875.
Harriett Rhodes, wife of Patrick Miller, d. 1862.
S. B. Merrill's plot. His 1st wife, d. Dec. 2, 1862.
Harriett, a daughter.
Mrs. Ward.
A daughter.
(Mr. Merrill was late Collector of Excise, Prescott, and for many years
proprietor of the Prescott Telegraph. He is also buried here).
Frederick A. Smades, b. Oct. 23, 1808, d. Oct. 25, 1872.
Elizabeth Hill, his wife, b. April 21, 1819, d. March 25, 1886.
Three infant children.
Thomas Christopher, d. Oct, 16, 1872, age 43 years, 9 months.
Sarah Bishop, wife of Samuel Easter, d. July 18, 1886, age 42 years.
William Guernsey, d. Sept, 6, 1874, age 56 years, 10 months, 3 days.
Heltchey Knapp, his wife, d. March 5, 1885, age 63 years.
Ellis, wife of Luke Chappelow, d. Feb. 24, 1847, age 60 years.
A native of Flamborough, England.
Elizabeth Heck, wife of James Heck, d. Dec. 3, 1873, age 73 years 7 months.
Lois, wife of Rev. Samuel Heck, d. Dec. 21, 1842, age 63 yrs, 2 mos, 18 days.
Rev. Samuel Heck, who laboured in his missionary vineyard for upwards of 38
years. Departed this life in the triumph of faith, on the 18th August, 1844,
aged 70 years and 21 days.
In memory of Paul Heck, b. 1730, d. 1792.
Barbara, wife of Paul Heck, b. 1734, d. August 17, 1804.
(The founder of Methodism in America. A new monument has since been erected
as follows),
Born 1734. Died August 17, 1804.
Barbara Heck put her brave soul against the rugged possibilities of the future,
and, under God, brought into existance American and Canadian Methodism, and
between these her memory will ever form a most hallowed link.
In memory of one who laid foundations others have built upon.
(This monument was erected by public subscription from all bodies disposed
to give throughout the United States and Canada, and cost about $3000. The
base stone, of granite, is, (in feet,) 12 x 9; the second stone, 10 x 7, and
the third stone, which is nicely ornamented by sculptures, is 9 x 6. The
height is about twenty feet. The whole of the Heck plot has been consigned by
the Trustees of the Church of England to the Methodist body, which takes care
of that portion of the ground, and their enterprise is an incentive to the
better care of the other portions of this historic burying ground. This
monument fronts immediately on the Ontario public highway, faciug the
St. Lawrence River, and is visited by hundreds of pilgrims every year.
Rev. W. H. Withrow's, life of Barbara Heck contains most of the particulars
of her life that have been preserved.)
Frances, wife of Jacob Heck, d. Apr. 10, 1844, age 73 years.
Jacob Heck, d. Sept. 24, 1847, age 78 years.
Catherine Heck, d. Nov. 8, 1880, age 78 years, 9 months.
Sophia Heck, d. June 15, 1851, age 53 years.
Frances E. Heck, d. Sept. 13, 1878, in the 75th year of her age.
Ann Heck, d. Dec. 14, 1855, age, 59 years.
Margaret Stevenson, d. April 29, 1856.
Jessie, daughter of Andrew and J. Wilson, d. March 21, 1880, in her 23rd year.
Andrew Wilson, d. Sept. 18, 1893, age 86 years, 3 months, 7 days.
Thomas Guy, d. April 14, 1881, age 76 years.
Sarah, his wife, d. Oct. 29, 1894, age 92 years.
Annie, daughter of George and Hester Miller, d. May, 1892, age 24 years.
Adeline, daughter of George and Hester Miller, d. June 12, 1874, age 18 yr,
Hester, wife of Capt. George Miller, b. Feb. 25, 1833, d. Sept. 17, 1873
William George, son of Captain George Miller, b. June 20, 1861, drowned
on the 7th July, 1870.
Margaret, wife of James Montgomery, d. March 7, 1879, age 83 years, 4 months
John Robinson, from Gliburn, Westmoreland, Eng., d. Sept. 25, 1828, age 21 yrs
Samuel P. Toms, d. July 15, 1854, age 82 years.
Samuel Humberstone, d. January 1823, upwards of 70 years.
Mary, his wife, d. August, 1828, at the advanced age of 90 years.
The wife of Edward Shewell, d. August 17, 1884, in the 46th year of her age.
(Mrs. Shewell's remains have since been transferred to the new part of the
Jacob Easter, d. November 18, 1875, age 59 years, 6 months.
Elizabeth, his wife.
Eva Sybill, daughter of A. N. Striker, b. at Picton, Dec. 12, 1852,
d. at Prescott April 25, 1872.
Anson N. Striker, b. March 21, 1829, d. in Prescott, March 23, 1874.
(Collector of Excise at Prescott).
Frances N., wife of H. Murray, d. April 8, 1878, age 71 years.
A native of Wexford, Ireland.
H. Murray, d. Sept. 26, 1882, age 71 years, 5 months. A native of Balintemple
Falls, Co. Carlow, Ireland.
Thomas Keys, d. Aug. 24, 1881, age 71 years. A native of Co. Fermanagh, Ireland
J. Hurlburt, d. April 29, 1844, age 22 years.
Rev. Sylvester Hurlburt, d. March 8, 1877, age 77 years.
(Rev. Sylvester Hurlburt was a well-known Methodist preacher in various parts
of Upper Canada. Four other brothers in the Hurlburt family were also in
the Methodist ministry ... Asahel, Erastus, Jesse, Thomas - a missionary
to the Ojibway Indians).
Margaret, his wife, d. June 13, 1873, age 70 years.
H. B. Hurlburt, d. April 29, 1865, age 41 years.
T. D. Hurlburt, d. Sept. 8, 1877, age 32 years.
Sylvester, son of George W. and Charlotte Hurlburt, d. May 15, 1871, age 1 yr.
G. A. Hurlburt, d. Apri4 22, 1862 age 41 years.
Georgiana B., daughter of J. and A. Hurlburt, d. May 1, 1862, age 12 years.
Rebecca Hurlburt, d., Feb., 5, 1890, age 87 years.
Heman Hurlburt, d. Nov. 24, 1853, age 81 years.
Hannah, his wife, d. March 23, 1857, age 77 years.
John Bass, son of Joseph C Bass, d. Feb. 6, 1813, age 4 yrs, 4 mos, 6 days.
Hannah Bass, wife of James Martin, d. May 3, 1806, age 30 years, 1 mo., 11 days.
Sophia Mary, daughter of Justus S. and Anna J. Jones, d. Sept. 2, 1840, age
10 months, 1 day.
Jonathan Jones, Esquire, who died April 20, 1816, age 28 years.
Here also lies interred the remains of his wife, Sophia Sherwood, who
departed this life Oct. 4, 1813, age 22 years.
John Stewart, Esquire, d. May 23, 1829, age 52 years.
Sophia Elizabeth, infant daughter of Alpheus and Frances Jones, b. Jan. 1,
d. Sept. 5, 1829, age 8 months, 5 days.
Henry Alpheus, son of above parents, d. Sept. 11, 1827, age 5 yrs, 4 mos, 8 dys.
Emma, daughter of above parents, d. Feb. 25, 1828, age 1 month, 25 days.
Peter G. Snider, d. July 27, 1878, age 73 years.
Samuel D. Labar, d. August 8, 1871 age 45 years.
Martha E., his wife, daughter of P. G. and A. Snider, d May 4, 1865,
in the 23rd year of her age.
John S. Hartley, d. March 2, 1852, age 75 years.
Edward O. Snider, d. May 18, 1879, age 25 years.
John Sanders, d. April 25, 1827; age 87 years.
Elizabeth, his wife, d. Feb. 19, 1827, age 85 years.
William Quartus, d. Jan. 16, 1877, age 88 years.
Jane, his wife, d. March 19, 1868, age 76 years.
Thomas Cooper, d. Oct. 4, 1853, age 25 years.
Samuel Cooper, d. Nov. 20, 1854, age 18 years.
William Cooper, d. Jan. 5, 1871, age 70, years. A native of Kent, Ireland.
Sophia M. Henderson, widow of Robert Weir, jr. d. Oct. 18, 1874; age 66 years.
Mary Tunicliffe Henderson, widow of Aaron Philip Hart, d. Sept. 13, 1874,
age 63 years.
William H. Sharp, d. Nov. 18, 1873, age 53 years.
Mary Sophia, infant daughter of Anne Hawley and W. H. Sharp, d. 1857,
age 1 year, 2 months.
William H. Sharp, 6. June 11, 1875, age 23 years.
Solomon Henderson, d. Dec. 4, 1883, age 77 years.
John Henderson d. Sept 27, 1852 age 29 years, 11 months 29 days.
Ann Hawley, wife of Dr Rufus C. Henderson d. July 24 1865, in her 79th year.
Dr R. C. Henderson, d. April 5, 1847 in the 69th year of his age.
Dr. Solomon Jones, who died Sept. 22, 1832; in the 66th year of his age.
His wife, Mary Tunicliffe, who departed this life April 23, 1820,
in the 65th year of her age.
(Dr. Solomon Jones was the member for Leeds and Frontenac in the second
Legislature of Upper Canada, 1796-1800. For some particulars of his life,
see "The Second Legislature of Upper Canada"; by C. C. James, Trans. Roy.
Soc. Can., second series, 1903-4, Vol. IX, p. 150)
Charlotte Coursolles, wife of Eph. Jones, Esquire, d. Sept. 28, 1805,
age 60 years. Requiescat in pace.
Alpheus Jones, nephew of Eph. Jones. Obit. April 17, 1793, age 28 years.
Requiescat in pace.
In memory of Eph. Jones of Augusta. Born April 27, 1750. Departed this
life, Jan. 24, 1812.
(Ephraim Jones was the member for Grenville in the first Legislature of
Upper Canada, 1792-96. For some particulars of his life and family of four
sons and four daughters, see "The First Legislators of Upper Canada," by
C. C. James, Trans. Roy. Soc. Can., second series, 1902-3. Vol. VIII, p. 102).
Dunham Jones, son of Dr. Solomon and Mary Jones, d. Sept. 16, 1876, age 83 yrs.
Lucy, wife of Dunham Jones, daughter of Andrew and Peggy Hurd, d. March 17,
1868, age 71 years, 10 months, 3 days.
Jonathan Cornelius Jones, M.D., son of Dunham and Lucy Jones, d. in Mankato,
Minnesota, Dec. 4, 1872, age 31 years, 2 months, 18 days.
Frances Ann, wife of Andrew, d. Dec 28, 1880, age 39 years, 15 days.
Mary Ann, wife of William Jones, M.D., d. Jan. 15, 1889, age 51 years, 30 days.
(Dr. Wm. J. Jones has since died and is buried here).
Alanson Hurd, son of Andrew and Peggy Hurd, d. Aug. 25, 1876, age 68 years,
11 months.
Harriett Theresa, wife of Alanson Hurd, d. Jan. 11, 1863, age 61 years.
Davis Hurd, d. August 10, 1864, age 34 years, 9 months.
Harvey H. Hurd, d. June 14, 1864, age 29 years, 11 months.
Inez, daughter of Harvey and Catherine Hurd, d. Sept. 26, 1863,
age 10 months, 15 days.
Andrew Hurd, d. March 21, 1842, age 71 years, 5 months, 14 days.
Also, Peggy, his wife, d. Nov. 10, 1858, age 82 years.
Alonzo Hurd, son of Andrew and Peggy Hurd, d. Aug. 23, 1838, age 30 years,
24 days.
Sereus, son of Andrew and Peggy Hurd, d. Feb. 18, 1825, age 19 years,
6 months, 18 days.
Maria, daughter of Andrew and Peggy Hurd, d. Dec. 2, 1822, in the 21st year
of her age.
Widow Annah Hurd, wife of Phineas Hurd, d. Dec. 21, 1822, in the 87th year
of her age.
Israel Foote Jones, Esq. d. April 4, 1844, age 38 years.
On the left lies Philenia, his daughter who d. July 28, 1843.
Israel Jones, Jnr., d. April 3, 1811 age 34 years.
Jonas, infant son of Alpheus and Frances Jones, d. Sept. 12, 1822,
age 11 months, 1 day.
Sophia Eliza, infant daughter of above parents, d. July 28, 1825,
age 10 months, 4 days.
Frances, wife of Alpheus Jones, Esq., d. May 1st, age 40 years.
(In the Jones and Hurd plot lie buried also the remains of Lieutenant David
Jones, the hero of the Jane McCrea massacre by the Indians during the
Revolutionary War, an event that played an important part in the war but
there is no stone to mark his resting place. See "The First Legislators of
Upper Canada", by C. C. James, in Trans. Roy. Soc. Can. second series, 1902-3,
Vol. VIII, p. 103. Also, "The U. E. Loyalists of the old Johnstown District"
by Judge H. S. McDonald in Papers and Records of the Ont. Historical Society,
Vol. XII, p. 29, and in "Memoir of Col. Joel Stone" by the same author, in
Papers and Records of the Ontario Historical Society, Vol. XVIII, p. 75).
Amos Wright, d. July 18, 1796, in the 36th year of his age.
Nicholas W. Wheeler, d. January 9, 1834, age 32 years, 2 months, 22 days.
Eliza, wife of Samuel Thomas of Maitland, and daughter of the late David
Breakenridge, Esquire, of Augusta, d. June 21, 1836, age 30 years.
Bertha, daughter of James and Mary Coates, d. June 15, 1890, age 22 years.
Mary E. Wells, wife of J. E. Coates, d. Jan 7, 1879, age 41 years.
John Wells, d. February 25, 1889, age 76 years.
Hannah, wife of John Wells, d. January 1, 1879, age 61 years.
Louisa Wells, wife of James B. Millar, d. April 20, 1875, age 35 years.
Richard Kirkby, J. Dec. 26, 1867, age 67 years.
Mary Briggs, wife of Richard Kirkby, d. May 16, 1868, age 77 years.
... Briggs, d. Nov. 27, 1877, age 71 years.
Elizabeth Briggs, wife of Wright Place, J. March 17, 1867, age
67 years, 4 months, 6 days.
Elizabeth, wife of John Briggs, d. Feb. 23, 1862, age 90 years.
John Briggs, whe emigrated from Belleau, South Lincolnshire, Eng.,
1827, d. January 14, 1843, age 72 years.
Lucy, wife of Henry Sharpe d. Aug. 27, 1873, age 47 years, 3 mos.
Mary Ann, wife of Frederick Brunning and Daughter of Henry and Lucy Sharpe.
d. Nov. 20, 1867, age 19 years.
Capt. J. S. Millar. d. June 29, 1897, age 65 years.
Mary Lucy, wife of John S. Millar. d. Dec. 23, 1881, age 40 years.
Their babe. d. Aug. 17, 1864, age 1 year.
?? Smith, wife of the late Edward Millar. b. Sept. 17, 1801, at Lydd, Co. Kent,
Eng., d. June 22, 1883.
Edward Miller. d. Feb. 16, 1859, age 48 years. A native of Co. Kent, Eng.
Capt William Miller. d. Sept. 5, 1893, age 86 years.
Kate Law, wife of William Miller. d. Dec. 16, 1859, in her 53rd year.
A native of Shaddockhurst, near Ashford, Co. Kent, Eng.
John, son of Kate Miller. d. April 27, 1897 age 45 years.
Elizabeth d 0ct. 31, 1847.
William, d. Sept. 6, 1847.
Ann, Sept. 3O, 1847.
Three children, of William and Kate Miller.
Ellen, daughter of Hugh and Maria Young. d. Oct. 19, 1864, age 4 yrs., 5 mo.
Malcolm, son of Hugh and Maria Young, d. June 24, 1879, age 28 years.
Christie A., wife of James Ruide. d. April 19, 1888, age 36 years.
John, son of H. and M. Young, d. March 15, 1882, age 29 years.
Mary, daughter of Hugh and Maria Young, d. June 24 1873, age 24 years.
Hugh Young, d. July 19, 1878, age 68 years, 2 months, 8 days.
Thomas Mullin d. August 29, 1887, age 22 years.
William J. Mullin d. Dec. 15, 1891, age 34 years.
(The Gainfort plot is also in this vicinity, where are buried the late
Dr. Thomas Gainfort, a native of Wexford, Ireland, a brother and three sisters,
and their old body-servant, James F. Taylor. All their property was bequeathed
to the Church of England.)
Mary Findlay, wife of E. Mundle. d. June 1, 1899, in her 65th year.
Emma Luella Mundle, wife of George M. Scott, d. Dec. 18, 1897, in her 31st yr.
James Findlay, d. Nov. 20, 1890, age 63 years.
Elizabeth, daughter of Robert and Jane Findlay, d. July 26, 1861, age 30 yrs.
Jane Dow, wife of Robert Findlay, d. Oct. 18, 1857, age 67 years.
Robert Findlay. d. Nov. 18, 1846, in the 53rd year of his age.
Elijah R. Smades. d. Feb. 17, 1876, age 78 years.
Helen, his wife, d. Dec. 29, 1859, age 50 years, 5 months, 10 days.
Margaret Shiels, wife of George Bowyer. d. Oct. 24, 1883, age 60 years,
2 months.
William Shiels, d Nov. 10, 1840, age 55 years.
Elizabeth Montgomery, his wife, d. May 16, 1838, age 40 years.
Hugh William Shiels, d. July 9, 1876, age 47 years, 6 months.
Sarah Mary, wife of Abraham Easter. d Dec. 24, 1876, age 27 years.
Jane M., wife of John Moore. d June 24, 1863, age 22 years.
Sarah M., wife of Archibald Moore. d. June 6, 1861, age 47 years.
Archibald Moore. d. August 18, 1887, age 67 years.
Maria, wife of James Peterson, d. April 16, 1883, age 39 years, 10 mos.
Benjamin French, d. January 4, 1899, age 80 years.
(A grandson of Jeremiah French who was the member for Stormont in the
first Legislature of Upper Canada, 1792-6. Mrs. French has since died, and
is buried beside her husband. She was a daughter of Col. Henry Burritt, who
was in Lundy's Lane and other battles in the war of 1812-14.)
Justus Sherwood Mervin. d. at Prescott, April 27, 1863, age 78 years.
(He was one of the first trustees of this burial ground).
Dolly Merwin. d. Dec. 31, 1884, age 91 years.
Harriet, daughter of Rev. J. W. Burke. b. June 23 1861. d. May 29, 1872.
(Rev. Mr. Burke was rector here, and afterward rector at Belleville, where
he died).
John Wilson, School Master. A native of Yorkshire, England. d. Dec. 8, 1846,
age 56 years.
(Mr. Wilson was the first teacher in the first school opened in School Section
No 7, Township of Scarboro, Ont., built in 1832, and located on the Fishery
Road. See the "History of Scarboro," p. 188.)
Augus Grant, a native of Elginshire, Scotland. b. March 10, 1838,
d. August, 1896.
(Mrs. Grant, who was Miss Gertrude Feilde, now also lies here).
William Baitson. d. July 9 1882, age 28 years.
Hannah, daughter of Thomas and Mary Baitson. d. Jan. 10, 1884, age 34 years.
Elizabeth, wife of William Roginson. d. Sept. 7, 1830 in the 27th
year of her age.
Mary, wife of Robert Baitson, d. April 16, 1828, age 27 years.
Hannah, wife of Henry Baitson. d. Aug 24, 1824, in the 28th year of her age.
Catharine, wife of Henry Baitson. d. Nov. 5, 1828, age 33 years.
Elizabeth, widow of Henry Myers, late of Hull, England. d. 1830 in the
35th year of her age.
Joseph Merrington, d. Sept. 10, 1855, age 34 years.
Elizabeth Myers, wife of Joseph Merrington d. June 25, 1891, age 68 years.
Mary E., daughter of Joseph Merrington and wife, d. Nov. 2, 1877, age 32 years.
William Henry, only son of above parents, d. Dec. 29, 1879, age 36 years.
Josephine, daughter of above parents, d. May 3, 1881, age 24 years.
Fulford B. Feilde, Assistant Commissary General, H. M. S. 1799-1885.
(Col. Feilde was a veteran of Waterloo, was sent to Canada in Dec., 1830,
as Commissary General of the Forces, and while stationed at Penetanguishene
married as his first wife a daughter of Capt. James Wickens. A sketch of his
life with portrait, appears in "Old Penetanguishene; Sketches of its Pioneer,
Naval and Military Days," by A. C. Osborne, in Pioneer Papers of the Simcoe
County Pioneer and Historical Society, No. 6, p. 123. While stationed at
Prescott he married as his second wife, Catharine, daughter of the Rev. Robert
Blakey, rector and on retiring after forty years service he settled in
Prescott. His widow died June 15, 1915).
James Frederick Feilde, 1838-1886. Interred at Winnipeg, Man.
Fulford. 1848-1881. Interred at Fort McLeod, North-West Territory.
Bertha, wife of Alfred N. Suckling. 1851-1882. Interred at Brigus, Newfoundland.
Sophia, daughter of James Feilde and Jane de Cazalet. 1803-1873.
Robert, 1855-1887.
Harry, son of Alfred and Bertha Suckling. 1880-1882.
Lottie, daughter of Charlotte and Edmond Feilde. 1883-1884.
Charles Edward, son of William and Caroline Skinner. d. at Gananoque,
Nov. 28, 1870, age 2 years, 10 months.
Mary E. Blakey, wife of Rufus C. Henderson. d. Feb. 7, 1884, age 56 years.
Mary Ann, wife of the late John Blakey. d. at Prescott, Jan. 5, 1867,
in her 59th year.
John Blakey, eldest son of the Rev. Robert Blakey. d. March 12, 1861,
in the 48th year of his age.
Ann, wife of James Coates of Wensleydale, Yorkshire, England. d. July 11,
1849, age 85 years.
Ann, wife of Rev. Robert Blakey. d. Oct. 5, 1877, age 85 years.
Rev. Robert Blakey, Rector of Prescott, some time Curate of Erlesfield,
Yorkshire, England, for thirty-six years Missionary in this Township.
Departed to his rest in Christ on the 24th day of March, 1858, in the 68th
year of his age and 41st of his ministry.
Eleanor, daughter of Robert and Ann Blakey. d. Mar. 20, 1833 age 16 years.
Two children of the Rev. Robert and Ann Blakey-
Clara d. April 19, 1837, age 6 months.
William Henry. d. Jan. 17, 1841, age 8 years, 9 months.
Justina Feilde, daughter of Assistant Commissary Feilde. d. Sept. 26, 1847,
age 10 months, 12 days.
Mrs. John Cazalet Feilde, relict of James Feilde, Esq., of the County Herts.
d. June 12, 1848, in the 88th year of her age.
Robert son of the Rev. Robert Blakey. d Jan. 19, 1871 age 42 years.
James, the second son of the Rev. Robert Blakey. d. Feb. 24, 1878, age 63 yrs.
Thomas W. Luard, Esq., late Barrack Master of Prescott. d. April 4, 1853,
age 56 years, after many years of military and civil service under the
British Crown.
Georgina Eliza Maria, child of Allan and Frances Ann Daniell d. Feb. 7, 1845.
Clarence, son of Calvin and Hannah Dame. b. Dec. 20, 1832, d. Jan. 4 1859.
Thomas Stevenson, son of Calvin and Hannah A. Dame. b. August 25, 1860,
d. Oct. 31, 1869.
William H. Humpries. d. March 23, 1864 age 23 years.
John Humpries. d. June 19, 1888, age 77 years.
N. Humpries. d. March 21, 1891, age 79 years.
John. d April 23, 1889, age 83 years.
George. d. Feb. 5, 1899, age 86 years.
Wilson Briggs. b. May 2, 1803, d. Oct. 15, 1880.
H ... Briggs. b. June 23, 1811, d. Aug. 13, 1896.
Amable Mackenzie, wife of Neil Dunbar, d. April 7, 1854, age 37 years.
Wente. Mackenzie, wife of James Gunn. d. Aug. 8, 1854, In the 33rd year
of her age.
James Gunn. d. January 16, 1845, age 33 years.
Daniel Mackenzie, d. May 4, 1832, age 63 years.
Mary, daughter of J. S. and Elizabeth Lynch. d. Nov. 7, 1859, age 14 mos.
Sarah Louisa, daughter of Willard and Z. B. Myles. d. May 13, 1856,
age 2 years, 26 days.
Sarah Bottom, wife of Willard J. Miles. d. Nov. 10, 1845, in the 38th year
of her age.
William H. Myles. d. Jan. 15, 1864, age 26 years, 7 months.
Ruth, wife of Andy Pearson. d. Oct. 4, 1840, age 25 years.
Elijah Bottom. d. Aug. 6, 1825, age 68 years.
Molly, his wife. d. Nov. 18, 1852, age 81 years.
George McClenaghan, a native of Belfast, Ireland. d. Apr 16, 1832, age 42 yrs.
Also four children who died in their infancy.
William Wells, d. Oct 10 1842, age 75 years.
Sarah, relict of William Wells d. May 15, 1860, age 85 years.
Mary, third daughter of William and Sarah Wells. d. June 20th 1877,
age 72 years.
Samuel T. Sayer. d. April 2, 1882, in his 56th year.
Hugh Murray. d. June 12, 1880, age 42 years.
L. H. Daniels. 1832-1921.
His wife, Jerusha Young. 1847-1909.
Alexander Dempsey. 1837-1913.
Nancy Patterson. 1831-1917.
Mary Patterson, wife of John Grant. d. Aug. 12, 1893, age 33 yrs., 9 mos.
Delmer, son of J and M. Grant. d. Aug. 13, 1889, age 1 year, 3 months.
Russell, son of J and M. Grant. d. Aug. 22, 1893, age 10 days.
Mary, wife of James, Patterson. d. April 16, 1883, age 39 years.
James Patterson. d. Dec. 5, 1917, age 76 years.
Nancy, daughtcr of J. and M. Patterson. d. Mar. 20, 1859, age 9 years.
Nancy Moore, wife of Abraham Easter. d. Jan. 9, 1906, age 65 years.
Samuel Moore. d. May 16, 1920, age 64 years.
James Moore. 1845-1919.
His wife, Mary. 1852-1920.
Sanda S. Smades. 1852-1915.
Robert Rickey. 1819-1892.
Eliza, his wife. 1827-1907.
Christopher Dalgliesh. d. May 12, 1896, age 61 years.
James Cooper. 1828-1909.
His wife, Jane E. Read. 1840-1915.
William Quartus. d. Jan. 16, 1877, age 88 years.
Genevieve Ada Horwood. Nov., 1870-Sept., 1896.
Baby son of E. L. and M. F. Horwood. August, 1898.
Ellen Mary Horwood April 1844-Jan., 1912.
Clarence G. H. Horwood. May. 1867-October,1912.
Harry Horwood. February, 1838-May, 1917.
Calvin Dame. 1828-1885.
His wife, Hannah A. Johnson. 1829-1895.
Thomas R. Wells. 1861-1915.
William Brock, his son, and for his king and country, somewhere
in France, Jan. 11, 1916, age 22 years.
Reade Chandler Wells. 1898-1920.
Sarah Ann Ives. 1805-1870.
Robert G. Ives. 1836-1871.
Caroline E. D. Weeden, his wife. 1839-1877.
Hon. William Henry Brouse, A.M., M.D., Senator. b. 15 June, 1824.
d. 23 August, 1881.
His wife, Fanny Amelia Brouse. d. Oct. 24, 1919, age 81 years.
(The Hon. Mr. Brouse was a descendant of one of the first U. E. Loyalists
that settled on the banks of the St. Lawrence River. He was reeve and mayor
of Prescott, and was first returned to Parliament for South Grenville at the
general election, 1872; he was re-elected at the general election, 1874, and
was called to the Senate, 1878. His wife was Frances A., eldest daughter of
Alpheus Jones of Prescott.)
Alpheus Jones. b. 1794. d. 1863.
Also his wife, Mary L. Dickinson. b. 1817, d. 1882.
Bill Martin, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
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