An excerpt from the book:
Edward W. Laine
National Archives of Canada
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0N3
This bibliography is intended for researchers involved in the
study of the Finnish heritage in Canada. Special emphasis is
given here to publications that are of particular interest to
those researchers who wish to make use of the manuscript
collections in the National Archives.
Because the Finnish presence in Canada resulted from
international migration, even the location of the archival and
bibliographical documentation pertaining to this presence has
been reflective of that migration process. Consequently, the
documentary sources relating to the Finnish-Canadian community
have been deposited in a wide number of archival institutions
and libraries both in this country and abroad. The following
reference works and research tools, it is hoped, provide a
comprehensive listing of the whereabouts of most of the
available sources.
Books and Pamphlets
BLOUIN, Francis X., Jr., and Robert M. WARNER (eds.). Sources
for the Study of Migration and Ethnicity: A Guide to Manuscripts
in Finland, Ireland, Poland, The Netherlands, and the State of
Michigan. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1979.
BUREAU OF CANADIAN ARCHIVISTS. Directory of Canadian Archives.
Edited by Judith Beatty et al. N.p., n.d.
CANADA. Department of the Secretary of State, Multiculturalism
Directorate. The Canadian Family Tree: Canada's Peoples. Ottawa, 1979.
CANADA. National Library. Checklist of Canadian Ethnic Serials.
Comp. by Ruth Bogusis. Ottawa, 1981.
________ Union List of Canadian Newspapers held by Canadian
Libraries. Ottawa, 1977.
CANADA. Public Archives. Archival Citations: Suggestions for the
Citation of Archival Documents at the Public Archives of Canada.
Edited by Terry Cook in collaboration with Victorin Chabot. Ottawa, 1984.
________ General Guide Series 1983. 8 vols. Ottawa, 1983-1985.
________ Guide to CBC Sources at the Public Archives. Comp. by
Ernest J. Dick. Ottawa, 1987.
________ Guide to Canadian Photographic Archives. Edited by
Christopher Seifried. Ottawa, 1984.
_______ Historical Records of the Government of Canada. Comp. by
Terry Cook and Glenn T. Wright. Ottawa, 1981.
_______ Inventory of the Collections of the National Film, Television
and Sound Archives. Comp. by Jean T. Guénette and Jacques Gagné. Ottawa, 1983.
________ Selections from the Finnish Organization of Canada
Collection. By Edward W. Laine. Rev. ed.; Ottawa, 1979.
Tracing Your Ancestors in Canada. Revised by Janine Roy in 1987.
Ninth ed.; Ottawa, 1988.
________ Union List of Foreign Topographic Map Series in
Canadian Map Collections, edited by Louis Cardinal. Ottawa, 1986.
________ Union List of Manuscripts in Canadian Repositories.
2 vols. Edited by E. Grace Maurice. Ottawa, 1975.
________ Union List of Manuscripts in Canadian Repositories:
Supplement 1976. Edited by E. Grace Maurice. Ottawa, 1976.
________ Union List of Manuscripts in Canadian Repositories:
Supplement 1977-1978. Edited by Grace Maurice Hyam. Ottawa, 1979.
________ Union List of Manuscripts in Canadian Repositories:
Supplement 1979-1980. Edited by Peter Yurkiw. Ottawa, 1982.
________ Union List of Manuscripts in Canadian Repositories:
Supplement 1981-1982. Edited by Peter Yurkiw. Ottawa, 1985.
GRANT, Steven A., and John H. BROWN. The Russian Empire and Soviet Union:
A Guide to Manuscripts and Archival Materials in the United States.
Boston, Massachusetts, 1981.
HELSINGIN YLIOPISTON KIRJASTO. Suomen sanomalehtien mikrofilmit.
2 vols. Helsinki, 1971, 1976.
HOERDER, Dirk, ed. The Newspaper and Serial Holdings of the
Immigration History Research Center, University of Minnesota. Part 3:
Finnish-American Periodicals. Bremen, 1987.
HOGLUND, A. William, comp. Union List of Finnish Newspapers
Published by Finns in the United States and Canada 1876-1985.
St. Paul, Minnesota, 1986.
KARNI, Michael C. The Finnish-American Collection. Minneapolis,
Minnesota, 1976.
KOIVUKANGAS, Olavi, and Simo TOIVONEN (comps.). Suomen
siirtolaisuuden ja maassamuuton bibliografia/A Bibliography on
Finnish Emigration and Internal Migration. Turku, 1978.
KOLEHMAINEN, John I. The Finns in America. A Bibliographical
Guide to Their History. Hancock, Michigan, 1947.
KOTIRANTA, Kaarina. Amerikansuomalaisen kirjallisuuden
yhteisluettelo/Union List of American Finnish Literature.
Helsingin yliopiston kirjaston monistesaarja 3. Helsinki, 1970.
LAINE, Edward W. On the Archival Heritage of the Finnish
Working-Class Movement: A Researcher's Guide and Inventory to
the Finnish Organization of Canada Collection at the National
Archives of Canada. Turku, 1987.
PALM, Charles C., and Dale REED. Guide to the Hoover Institution
Archives. Stanford, California, 1979.
SACK, Sallyann Amdur, and Suzan Fishl WYNNE. The Russian
Consular Records Index and Catalog. New York and London, 1987.
SOUTH, Charles. List of National Archives Microfilm Publications
in the Regional Archives Branches. Washington, District of Columbia, 1975.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Library of Congress. The National
Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections. Washington, District of
Columbia, 1959-
VIRTANEN, Keijo. Letters to Finland. The Finns in the United
States: The Project on Finnish Immigration of the Michigan
Historical Collections. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1976.
WEINRICH, Peter. Social Protest from the Left in Canada, 1870-1970:
A Bibliography. Toronto, 1982.
WYNAR, Lubomyr R. Encyclopedic Directory of Ethnic Newspapers
and Periodicals in the United States. 2nd cd. Littleton, Colorado, 1976.
________ and Lois BUTTLAR Guide to Ethnic Museums, Libraries,
and Archives in the United States. Kent, Ohio, 1978.
BOHM, W.D. "Finnish Canadian Periodical Publications: A
Preliminary Checklist." Canadian Ethnic Studies, 1969, no. 1: 5-6.
HOGLUND, A. William. "Archival Material on Ethnic Groups in the
United States." In Karni, Koivukangas and Laine (eds.),
Finns in North America, pp.4-15.
JÖNSSON-KORHOLA, Hannele. "American-Finnish Material in the
Finnish Language Tape Archives." In Karni, Koivukangas and Laine (eds.),
Finns in North America, pp. 328-334.
LAINE, Edward W. "Archival Sources Relating to Finnish
Canadians." Archivaria, no. 7 (Winter, 1978): 110-116.
"Expanding Opportunities for the Study of the Finnish Canadian
Heritage at the Public Archives of Canada."
Siirtolaisuus/Migration, 1977, no. 2:1-5,9.
_______ "On Documenting the Russian Presence in Canada." In T.F.
Jeletzky et al. (eds.), Russian Canadians: Their Past and
Present (Ottawa, 1983), pp. xvii-xxiii.
________ "Kallista Perintöä- Precious Legacy!" Finnish-Canadian
Archives,1882-1985." Archivaria, no. 22 (Summer 1986): 75-94.
MÄKELÄ-HENDRIKSSON, Eeva. "Helsingin yliopiston kirjaston
amerikan-suomalainen kokoelma." Bibliophilos, 1976, no. 3: 75-77.
NIITEMAA, Vilho. "Emigration Research in Finland." In Karni,
Kaups and Ollila, Jr., (eds.), The Finnish Experience: 12-20.
PENTI-VIDUTUS, Marsha. "The American Letters: Immigrant Accounts
of Life Overseas." Finnish Americana 1 (1978): 22-40.
VIRTANEN, Keijo. "Sources for the Study of Migration in the
Archives of Finland.' In Blouin and Warner (eds.), Sources for
the Study of Migration, pp. 189-214.
Although focussing primarily on recent literature specifically
concerned with the Finnish-Canadian community itself, this
bibliography also includes some of those works that shed light
on the community's development within the broader context of the
Canadian society at large or trace the course of that
development in relation to Finland and the Finnish-American
community in the United States. For additional bibliographic
information on the older literature not listed here, see the
reference works by Hoglund, Koivukangas and Toivonen, Kolehmainen,
Kotiranta, and Laine noted in the "Books and Pamphlets" section
above. Researchers should also be aware that many of the
older publications are in one or another of the Finnish-Canadian
collections at the National Archives.
Newspapers and Other Serials
Aika, 1901-1904. Published by the Aika Printing Company Limited,
Nanaimo, British Columbia.
Ajan Sana, 1949-1958(?). Published by Pastor Emmanuel Snellman
until 1951 and then by the Finnish Publishing Company, both
being situated in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Canadan Uutiset, 1915- . First published by the Canada News
Publishing Company, Port Arthur, Ontario, and, after many
changes of ownership since then, now published by Finnews
Limited, Thunder Bay (formerly Port Arthur), Ontario.
Canadan Viesti, 1931-1978. Published by the United Church of
Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba, and Vancouver, British Columbia.
Isien Usko, 1936- . First published by the Canadan Suomalaisten
Evankelis-Luterilaisten Konferenssi (Finnish Evangelical
Lutheran Conference in Canada), Winnipeg, Manitoba; currently
"sponsored" by the Suomi Konferenssi, Amerikan Luterilainen
Kirkko/Kanadan alue (Suomi Conference of the Lutheran Church of
America/Canada district), with the place of publication being
given as Toronto, Ontario.
Liekki, 1935-1974 (subsumed by Viikkosanomat). Published by
Vapaus Publishing Company Limited, Sudbury, Ontario.
Länsirannikon Uutiset, 1975- (subsumed Uusi Länsi?). Published
by the Vancouver Finlandia Club, Surrey, British Columbia.
Maa- ja Metsätyöläinen, 1930-1932. Published by the Lumber and
Agricultural Industrial Workers' Union of Canada, Sudbury, Ontario.
Metsätyöläinen, 1925-1930. Published initially by the Lumber
Workers' Industrial Union of Canada as a mimeographed publication
emanating from its Port Arthur headquarters; from 1927 onwards,
it was printed by Vapaus Publishing Company Limited, Sudbury, Ontario.
Metsätyöläinen, 1932-1935(?). Published by the Lumber Workers'
Industrial Union of Canada and printed by Vapaus Publishing
Company Limited, Sudbury Ontario.
Toronton Viikko-Uutiset, 1932-1936 (subsumed by Viikko-Uutiset).
Published by Paul Saarimäki, Toronto, Ontario.
Työkansa, 1907-1915. Published by the Finnish Publishing Company
Limited, Port Arthur, Ontario.
Uusi Länsi, 1966-(?). Published by the New West Press Company
(later, New West Press Company Limited), Vancouver, British Columbia.
Vapaa Sana, 1931- . First published under the authority of the
Co-operative Publishing Association of Canada, Sudbury, Ontario,
and then, following a series of name changes in the publisher of
record that culminated at the end of 1936, by the Vapaa Sana Press Limited.
Vapaus, 1917-1974 (subsumed by Viikkosanomat). Initially
published in Sudbury by the Vapaus publishing arm of the Finnish
Socialist Organization of Canada and its successors until 1935, when
the responsibility for this newspaper's publication was assumed by
the newly incorporated Vapaus Publishing Company Limited, Sudbury, Ontario.
Vapaus, 1987- (subsumed Viikkosanomat). Published by Vapaus
Publishing Company Limited, Toronto, Ontario.
Viikkosanomat, 1974-1987 (subsumed Liekki and Vapaus; subsumed
by Vapaus). Published by Vapaus Publishing Company Limited.
Viikko-Uutiset, 1936-1937(?) (subsumed Toronton Viikko-Uutiset).
Published by Paul Saarimäki, Toronto, Ontario.
Books and Pamphlets
AHOLA, David John. Finnish-Americans and International
Communism: A Study of Finnish-American Communism from
Bolshevizationto the Demise of the Third International.
Washington, District of Columbia, 1981.
ANGUS, Ian. Canadian Bolsheviks: The Early Years of the
Communist Party of Canada. Montreal, 1981.
AVAKUMOVIC, Ivan. The Communist Party of Canada: A History. Toronto, 1975.
________ Socialism in Canada. A Study of the CCF-NDP in Federal
and Provincial Politics. Toronto. 1978.
AVERY, Donald. "Dangerous Foreigners": The European Immigrant
Workers and Labour Radicalism in Canada, 1896-1932. Toronto, 1979.
BETCHERMAN, Lita-Rose. The Little Band: The Clashes between the
Communists and the Political and Legal Establishment in Canada,
1928-1932. Ottawa, 1982.
BRADWIN, Edmund. The Bunkhouse Man: A Study of Work and Pay in
the Camps of Canada 1903-1914. Toronto, 1972.
BUCK, Tim. Yours in the Struggle: Reminiscences of Tim Buck.
Edited by William Beeching and Phyllis Clarke. Toronto, 1977.
BURNT LAKE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Along the Burnt Lake Trail. Calgary, 1977.
Canada's Party of Socialism: History of the Communist Party of
Canada, 1921-1976. Published by the Communist Party of Canada. Toronto, 1982.
Chronicle of Ladysmith and District. Comp. by Viola Johnson-Cull
with E. Norcross. Victoria, 1981.
DAHLIE, Jorgen, and Tissa FERNANDO (eds.). Ethnicity, Power and
Politics in Canada. Toronto, 1981.
EKLUND, William. Builders of Canada: History of the Finnish
Organization of Canada, 1911-1971. Trans. by Vappu Tyyskä. Toronto, 1987.
________ Canadan rakentajia: Canadan Suomalaisen Järjestön historia,
1911-1971. Toronto, 1983.
ENGLE, Eloise. Finns in North America. Annapolis, Maryland, 1975.
FINNISH ORGANIZATION OF CANADA. Canadan Suomalainen Järjestö 25
vuotta. Kuvauksia ja muistelmia 25-vuotiselta tomintataipaleelta,
1911-1936. Sudbury, 1936.
GRÖNLUND, Aili. The Finnish Baker's Daughter. Toronto, 1986.
HANNULA, J.O. Finland's War of Independence. London, 1939.
HOAR, Victor. The Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion. Toronto, 1969.
HODGSON, John H. Communism in Finland: A History and an
Interpretation. Princeton, New Jersey, 1967.
HUMMASTI, Paul George. Finnish Radicals in Astoria, Oregon,
1904-1940: A Study in Immigrant Socialism. New York, 1979.
HÄMÄLÄINEN, PEKKA. In Time of Storm: Civil War and the
Ethnolinguistic Issue in Finland. Albany, New York, 1979.
JACOBSON, Max. The Diplomacy of the Winter War. Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 1961.
JALAVA, Mauri A. Toronton Suomalainen Osuuspankki, 1958-1978.
Toronto, 1978.
JUTIKKALA, Eino, and Kauko PIRINEN. A History of Finland. Rev.
ed.; New York, 1974.
KALEMAA, Kalevi. Matti Kurikka. Legenda jo eläessään. Porvoo, 1978.
KARNI, Michael C. (cd.). Finnish Diaspora, vol. 1: Canada, South
America, Africa, Australia and Sweden; and vol. 2: United
States. Toronto, 1981.
________ Matti E. KAUPS, and Douglas J. OLLILA, Jr., (eds.).
The Finnish Experience in the Great Lakes Region: New Perspectives.
Vammala, 1975.
_______ Olavi KOIVUKANGAS, and Edward W. LAINE (eds.). Finns in
North America. Turku, 1988.
________ and Douglas OLLILA, Jr., (eds.). For the Common Good:
Finnish Immigrants and the Radical Response to Industrial
America. Superior, Wisconsin, 1977.
KERO, Reino. The Finns in North America: Destinations and
Composition of Immigrant Societies in North America before World
War I. Turku, 1980.
Migration from Finland to North America in the Years between the
United States Civil War and the First World War. Turku, 1974.
Neuvosto-Karjalaa rakentamassa: Pohjois-Amerikan suomalaiset
tekniikan tuojina 1930-luvun Neuvosto-Karjalassa. Helsinki, 1983.
________ Suomen siirtolaisuuden historia, vol. 1: Pohjois-amerikkaan
suuntautuneen siirtolaisuuden tausta, määrä, rakenne,
kuljetusorganisaatio ja sijoituminen päämäärä-alueelle. Turku, 1982.
________ Suuren lännen suomalaiset. Helsinki, 1976.
KIRBY, D.G. Finland in the Twentieth Century. Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1979.
KIVISTO, Peter. Immigrant Socialists in the United States: The
Case of the Finns and the Left. Cranbury, New Jersey, 1984.
KOSTIAINEN, Auvo. The Forging of Finnish-American Communism,
1917-1924. Turku, 1978.
________ Santeri Nuorteva-Kansanvälinen Suomalainen. Helsinki, 1983.
_________ and Arja PILLI. Suomen siirtolaisuuden historia, vol. 2:
Aatteellinen toiminta. Turku, 1983.
KUUSINEN, Aino. Before and After Stalin: A Personal Account of
Soviet Russia from the 1920s to the 1960s. Trans. from the
German by Paul Stevenson. London, 1974.
________ Jumala syöksee enkelinsä. Muistelmat vuosilta 1919-1965.
Keuruu, 1972.
________ The Rings of Destiny: Inside Soviet Russia From Lenin
to Brezhnev. Trans. from the German by Paul Stevenson. New York, 1974.
LAINE, Edward W. (cd.). Scandinavian-Canadian Studies. Ottawa, 1983.
LINDSTRÖM-BEST, Varpu. The Finnish Immigrant Community of Toronto, 1887-
1913. The Multicultural History Society of Ontario, Occasional Paper no. 1.
Toronto, 1979.
________ The Finns in Canada. Ottawa, 1985.
________ and Charles M. SUTYLA (eds.). Terveisiä Ruusa-tädiltä:
Kanadan suomalaisten ensimmäinen sukupolvi. Tampere, 1984.
LUNDEN, C. Leonard. Finland in the Second World War. New York, 1973.
NEVAKIVI, Jukka. The Appeal That Was Never Made: The Allies,
Scandinavia, and the Finnish Winter War, 1939-1940. Montreal, 1976.
________ Muurmannin legioona: Suomalaiset ja Liittouduneiden
interventio Pohjois-Venäjälle 1918-1919. Helsinki, 1970.
NIITEMAA, Vilho, Jussi SAUKKONEN, Tauri AALTIO, and Olavi KOIVUKANCAS (eds.).
Old Friends-Strong Ties. Vaasa, 1976.
PAASIVIRTA, Juhani. Finland and Europe: International Crises in
the Period of Autonomy 1808-1914. Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1981.
PENNER, Norman. Canadian Communism: The Stalin Years and Beyond. Toronto, 1988.
PILLI, Arja. TheFinnish-Language Press in Canada, 1901-1939. A
Study in the History of Ethnic Journalism. Turku, 1982.
POLVINEN, Tuomo. Between East and West: Finland in International
Politics, 1944-1947. Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1986.
PUOTINEN, Arthur Edwin. Finnish Radicals and Religion in
Midwestern Mining Towns, 1865-1914. New York, 1979.
Polyphony 3 (Fall, 1981): Finns in Ontario, a special issue,
edited by Varpu Lindström-Best.
PUNTILA, L.A. The Political History of Finland, 1809-1966. London, 1975.
RAIVIO, Yrjö. Kanadan suomalaisten historia. 2 vols. Copper Cliff,
Vancouver, 1975, 1978.
RINTALA, Three Generations: The Extreme Right in Finnish Politics.
Bloomington, Indiana, 1962.
RODNEY, William. Soldiers of thelnternational: A History of the
Communist Party of Canada. Toronto, 1968.
ROSS, Carl. The Finn Factor in American Labor, Culture and Society.
New York Mills, Minnesota, 1977.
ROSSEL, Sven H. A History of Scandinavian Literature, 1870-1980.
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1980.
SCHELSTRAETE, Nancy Mattson (ed.). Life in the New Finland Woods.
A History of New Finland, Saskatchewan. Rocanville, Saskatchewan, 1982.
SOLSKI, Mike, and John SMALLER. The Mine Mill Book: The International
Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers (Canada). Ottawa, 1985.
SUNDSTÉN, Taru. Amerikansuomalainen työväenteatteri ja
näytelmäkirjallisuus vuosina 1900-1939. Turku, 1977.
SUTYLA, Charles M. The Finnish Sauna in Manitoba. Ottawa, 1978.
Finnish Settlements in Rural Thunder Bay. Thunder Bay, 1976.
TOKOI, Oskari. "Even through a Stone Wall": The Autobiography of
Oskari Tokoi. New York, 1957.
UPTON, Anthony F. Finland in Crisis, 1940-1941. Ithaca, New York, 1964.
________ The Finnish Revolution 1917-1918. Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1980.
VAPAUS. Vapaus 1917-1 934. Sudbury 1934.
VIRTANEN, Keijo, Arja PILLI, and Auvo KOSTIAINEN. Suomen
siirtolaisuuden historia, vol. 3: Sopeutuminen,
kulttuuritoiminta ja paluumuutto. Turku, 1986.
ANDERSON, Alan B., and Brenda NISKALA. "Finnish Settlements in
Saskatchewan: Their Development and Perpetuation." In Karni (ed.),
Finnish Diaspora 1, pp. 155-182.
AVERY, Donald. "Continental European Immigrant Workers in
Canada, 1896-1919: From `Stalwart Peasants' to Radical Proletariat."
The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 12 (1975): 53-64.
________ "Ethnic Loyalties and the Proletarian Revolution: A
Case Study of Communist Political Activity in Winnipeg, 1923-1936."
In Dahlie and Fernando (eds.), Ethnicity, Power and Politics, pp. 68-93.
DRYSEK, Henry F. "'The Simplest and Cheapest Mode of Dealing with
Them': Deportation from Canada before World War II." Histoire sociale 15
(Nov. 1982): 407-441.
EKLUND, William. `The Formative Years of the Finnish Organization of Canada."
In Karni (ed.), Finnish Diaspora 1, pp. 49-59.
________ "Labour and Cultural Organizations of Finnish Canadians."
In Karni, Koivukangas and Laine (eds.), Finns in North America, pp. 236-249.
HOGLUND, A. William. "Breaking with Religious Tradition: Finnish
Immigrant Workers and the Church." In Karni and Ollila, Jr.,
(eds.), For the Common Good, pp. 23-64.
JALAVA, Mauri A. "The Finnish-Canadian Cooperative Movement in
Ontario." In Karni (ed.), Finnish Diaspora 1, pp. 94-100.
________ "Finnish Cultural Associations in Ontario, 1945-1980."
Polyphony 3 (Fall, 1981): 104-109.
________ "Radicalism or a "New Deal"?': The Unfolding World View
of the Finnish Immigrants in Sudbury, 1883-1932." In Karni,
Koivukangas and Laine (eds.), Finns in North America, pp. 227-235.
________ "The Scandinavians as a Source of Settlers for the
Dominion of Canada: The First Generation, 1867-1897." In Laine
(ed.), ScandinavianCanadian Studies, pp. 3-14.
KERO, Reino. "The Canadian Finns in Soviet Karelia in the
1930's." In Karni (ed.), Finnish Diaspora 1, pp. 303-312.
"Emigration from Finland to Canada before the First World War."
The Lakehead University Review 9 (Spring, 1976): 7-16.
"Emigration of Finns from North America to Soviet Karelia in the
Early 1930s." In Karni, Kaups and Ollila, Jr., (eds.),
The Finnish Experience, pp. 212-221.
________ "The Roots of Finnish-American Left-Wing Radicalism."
In Publications of the Institute of General History, University
of Turku 7 (1975).
________ "The Social Origins of the Left-Wing Radicals and
`Church Finns' among Finnish Immigrants in North America." In
Publications of the Institute of General History, University of
Turku 5 (1973).
KIVISTO, Peter. "The Decline of the Finnish-American Left,
1925-1 945." International Migration Review 17 (Spring, 1983): 65-94.
________ "Finnish Americans and the Homeland, 1918-1958."
Journal of American Ethnic History 7 (Fall 1987): 7-28.
KOSTIAINEN, Auvo. "Aino Kuusinen Kominternin asiamiehenä
Amerikassa." Turun Historiallinen Arkisto 30 (1975), pp. 234-256.
________ "Contacts between the Finnish Labour Movement in the
United States and Canada." In Karni (ed.), Finnish Diaspora 1, pp. 33-48.
________ "The Finns and the Crisis over `Bolshevization' in the
Workers' Party 1924-1925." In Karni, Kaups and Ollila, Jr.,
(eds.), The Finnish Experience, pp. 171-185.
_______ "The Growth and Decline of the Finnish Labour Press in
North America." In Karni, Koivukangas and Laine (eds.), Finns in
North America, pp. 257-269.
________ "The Tragic Crisis: Finnish-American Workers and the Civil War
in Finland." In Karni and Ollila, Jr., (eds.), For the
Common Good, pp. 2 17-235.
________ "Turbulent Times: The Last Years of Santeri Nuorteva in
America, 1918-1920." Finnish Americana 3 (1980): 41-52.
KOUHI, Christine. "Labour and Finnish Immigration to Thunder Bay,
1876-1914." The Lakehead University Review 9 (Spring 1976): 17-40.
KRATS, Peter V. "Limited Loyalties: The Sudbury, Canada Finns
and Their Institutions 1887-1935." In Karni, Koivukangas and
Laine (eds.), Finns in North America, pp. 188-200.
KÄHÄRÄ, Tellervo. "Toivo Pajala-A Man of the People." In Karni,
Koivukangas and Laine (eds.), Finns in North America, pp. 424-438.
________ "Suomalaiset Nikkelialuella': Finns in the Sudbury Area, 1883-1939."
Polyphony 5 (Spring/Summer 1983): 37-48.
LAINE, Edward W. "Community in Crisis: The Finnish Canadian
Quest for Cultural Identity, 1900-1979." In Karni (ed.), Finnish
Diaspora 1, pp. 1-9.
________ "Finnish Canadian Radicalism and Canadian Politics: The
First Forty Years, 1900-1940." In Dahlie and Fernando (eds.),
Ethnicity, Power and Politics, pp. 94-112.
________ "The Finnish Organization of Canada, 1923-1940, and the
Development of a Finnish Canadian Culture." Polyphony 3 (Fall, 1981): 81-90.
________."'Kallista Perintöä-Precious Precious Legacy!'
Finnish-Canadian Archives, 1882-1984." In Karni, Koivukangas and
Laine (eds.), Finns in North America, pp. 16-44.
________ "The Strait-Jacketing of Multiculturalism in Canada."
Archivaria 10 (Summer, 1980): 225-237.
LAULAJAINEN, Pertti. "Some Aspects of the Division of the Finnish Working
Class Movement After the Civil War." Scandinavian Political Studies 2 (1979):
LINDSTRÖM-BEST, Varpu. "The Finnish Immigrant Community of
Toronto, 1887-1913." Polyphony 6 (Spring/Summer 1984): 68-72.
________ "Finns in Canada." Polyphony 3 (Fall, 1981): 1-15.
________ "'Fist Press': A Study of the Finnish Canadian
Handwritten Newspapers." Polyphony 3 (FaIl, 1981): 65-73.
________ "I Won't Be a Slave!'-Finnish Domestics in Canada,
1911-1930." In Jean Burnet (ed.), Looking in My Sister's Eyes:
An Exploration in Women's History (Toronto, 1986), pp. 33-53.
_______ "The Impact of Canadian Immigration Policy on Finnish
Immigration, 1890-1978." SiirtolaisuuslMigration, 1981, no. 2: 5-15.
________ "The Socialist Party of Canada and the Finnish
Connection, 1905-1911." In Dahlie and Fernando (eds.),
Ethnicity, Power and Politics, pp. 113-122.
_______ "Tailor-Maid: The Finnish Immigrant Community of Toronto
before the First World War." In Robert F. Harney (ed.),
Gathering Place: People and Neighbourhoods of Toronto, 1834-1945
(Toronto, 1985), pp.203-238.
_______ "The Unbreachable Gulf: The Division in the Finnish Community
of Toronto, 1902-1913." In Karni (ed.), Finnish Diaspora 1, pp. 11-18.
_______,and Allen SEAGER. "Toveritar and Finnish-Canadian Women, 1900-1930."
In Karni, Koivukangas and Laine (eds.), Finns in North America, pp. 133-153.
MARTIN, J. David. "Folk Technology Retention: Finnish Folk Tools
and Procedures in Mid-Canada and Central Finland." In Laine (ed.),
Scandinavian-Canadian Studies, pp. 35-45.
MARTIN, Maisa. "The Role of Code-Switching among Canadian
Finnish-English Bilinguals." In Karni, Koivukangas and Laine (eds.),
Finns in North America, pp. 366-376.
MORRISON, Jean. "Ethnicity and Class Consciousness: British,
Finnish and Southern European Workers at the Canadian Lakehead before World
War I." The Lakehead University Review 9, (Spring, 1976): 41-54.
NEVAKIVI, Jukka. "Finland and the Cold War." Scandinavian
Journal of History 10 (1985): 211-224.
NORDSTRÖM, Ivar, as told to Satu REPO. "Lakehead in the
Thirties: A Labour Militant Remembers." This Magazine 13
(July-August 1979): 40-45.
OLLILA, Douglas J., Jr. "The Emergence of Radical Industrial
Unionism in the Finnish Socialist Movement." In Publications of
the Institute of General History, University of Turku, no. 7 (1975).
PELTONIEMI, Teuvo. "Finnish Utopian Communities in North America."
In Karni, Koivukangas and Laine (eds.), Finns in North America, pp. 279-291.
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SILLANPÄÄ, Lennard Paul Charles. "The Political Behaviour of
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Bill Martin, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
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